Nov. 18, 2002
There are many things you could say about this game. We were poorly coached, erratically quarterbacked, error prone and some cases just flat dumb. But the reason we lost the game is that we couldn't control the line of scrimmage on either side of the ball. We had penetration from their D and we got run over on defense. That is the reason we lost, and Horne's drop cost any chance of winning the game. And then the team quit in the fourth quarter. Even if Horne makes the catch, I don't think we can win. K-State tried to give us the game with 14 penalties and three turnovers, and we couldn't take it. When was the last time we were plus-3 in turnovers and got blown out? My God, this is the lowest point of the season. Garrison questioned the heart of the team. If the team is heartless, that is a poor reflection on him. He is the captain. He should say that less in public and more in private.
I could recite the litany of mistakes and poor execution from this game, but that is a broken record from this season and this staff is powerless to correct them. However for the first time in my life I saw a lineman shift into the neutral zone and a fifth-year senior at that. And beyond the poor tackling angles and the lack of adjustment to force K-State to pass, we get another punt blocked up the middle and have three guys in position to down a punt and miss for the second time this year. It is hard to talk about and difficult to watch. I don't know who these guys are, but that is not Nebraska football in my experience. And don't kid yourselves -- this is the worst Nebraska team in well over 40 years. We were bad in the '50s, but back then we didn't have this level of commitment.
Enough on the latest of what has become a season of disasters and me erasing game tapes. What happens now? If I did my job as poorly as Frank has done this year, I would expect to be fired. Having said that, I think he should have a chance to fix his staff problem. However, after Saturday I would be surprised but I can't tell you disappointed if he was let go. Byrne has to force massive staff changes on Frank if he is unwilling to make them. I would replace everyone but Gill and Brown -- although the way our QB has played this year you can't help but wonder about Gill. But as I said, I would retain those two guys and give one of them the chance to be offensive coordinator. Hopefully Steele is in town by this Sunday noon after Baylor's last game. I hope we will move quickly to get the new staff in place and they would have a chance to coach the team in the bowl game. That would allow us to get a jump-start on next season.We are an attractive job for any assistant and should be able to get top-notch people. The staff upgrade and an overhaul of facilities are critical to getting us back on top. But we must move quickly.
We will worry about the vermin next week. We have issues of our own to deal with first. Keep the faith. GBR.
-- The Colonel