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The straight scoop from
Colonel Mustard

Oct. 11, 1999

Same old Iowa State, no matter how much they hype them. I have been watching them since '62, and every year (except "73, '76, '77 and '92) we run over them. Their defense is bad and we ran right through them. We played a very good game against a team that isn't very good.

Crouch plays better each week and gives me a lot of confidence. He made a perfect throw to Bobby for the TD. We are very hard to stop because we are so diverse. We have run the ball better because we are throwing and spreading the field on first down. The option works soooo much better with the field spread. We need to use the shotgun more on the long-yardage situations. Crouch can move, and that formation gives us more flexibility. No one ever stops the Maryland I, and I think it is our ace in the hole. Frank has done a good job of coming up with more plays out of that set. It works because they don't see it anywhere else.

McCarney was dumb enough to keep Davis in the game at the end and risk an injury that would ruin their season. I have seen him do that before. It is in our best interest for him to stay there a long time.

The Texas game will tell about the defense, but from what I have seen so far they are as good as we have ever had. We need to hit Applewhite when he gets off the bus and every play like we did with Costa. If we can get him rattled he will make mistakes. Their defense can't stop our new multiple offense. I don' t want us to get Oklahoma syndrome because they beat us a couple of times when they shouldn't have.

On the open week I agree with Shatel that we should try Stella at I-back. He is too good an athlete to only play special teams. Get ready -- the guts of the season will get under way in 12 days.
-- The Colonel



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