Oct. 28, 1997
Again, magnificent defense, but I don't like the trend on offense: we're flat, we're bumbling, we're downright boring. Of course, it's no accident that we're in a stretch where we can get by with being all those things. The play-calling no doubt is vanilla by design. But I'm worried that we're on cruise control. What's going to happen somewhere down the road when the offense must deliver, perhaps with something creative? Will they remember how?
At least one thing is fun to watch, and that's Makovicka when he's carrying the ball and dragging people or knocking 'em over. He just seems to keep getting better. Now if the rest of the offense could just do the same. Then the starters could sit down earlier and we could see a little more of guys like London, Miller and Alexander. Tom needs to get them more playing time together, especially now that Alexander finally is starting to look healthy.
-- The Colonel