Big Red Cobcast Preview #223: Balloons, Marching Bands and LED Lights! Oh My!

Here are the reasons I know we need Husker football in our lives STAT:
1.) Husker fans talking about balloons.
2.) Husker fans are talking about lights.
Numbers 1 and 2 probably fold into number 3. And we’re not immune from these woes. But we did our damnedest to talk actual football this week (and make fun of Tweedy; I’m assuming that’s what most of you are tuning in for).
There’s a whole bunch on the plate this week, in both our actual podcast and the Facebook Life (the replay of which can be found below).
We got into all things fall camp, more on the BS at Maryland and Ohio State, and the always tense Joe/Tweedy chemistry. We also read some more feedback from YOU! Check out the latest podcast on iTunes right now, or on HuskerMax tomorrow!
Also, this weekend, we recorded our latest bonus episode. You can get first dibs on all those bonus episodes by donating to our Patreon HERE!
And of course, if you ever want to join in the fun of our podcast, feel free to give us a call at 747-998-2976 and leave us a voicemail.
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