1/7/19 | Patrick Janssen
The Big Red Cobcast is almost five years old. And for the first time in almost four years, we took a bit of a break. I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not. We were off enjoying our families and freezing our asses off in Nebraska. But now that we're back, there's so much to talk about. The December signing…
8/13/18 | Patrick Janssen
Nineteen days. Let me spell that out for you. N-I-N-E-T-E-E-N (space) D-A-Y-S (space) U-N-T-I-L (space) H-U-S-K-E-R (space) F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L (space) I-S (space) B-A-C-K-EXCLAMATION POINT. That excitement comes through in both our latest podcast episode, which is available on iTunes right now and on HuskerMax tomorrow morning, as well as in our weekly Facebook Live, which is available just below this paragraph…