Big Red Cobcast Preview #229: Pur-d’oh
This is going to be quick. Why? Because I’m the guy who wasn’t a part of this week’s podcast. Because I’m in Nebraska trying to hang out with family before flying back to California. Because we lost to friggin’ Purdue again. In spite of all that, I had fun at this weekend’s game (first time sitting next to my dad in Memorial Stadium since he took me to my first game 27 years ago), and I know this week’s podcast is interesting as hell. How do I know? I’m listening to it in the Eppley waiting area right now.
You can catch the latest podcast on iTunes right now or on HuskerMax tomorrow. You can also catch Tweedy and Joe’s immediate post-game thoughts (with a few of my own via the internet) by checking out the replay of our Saturday Facebook Live right here:
(if you can’t see it, that means you need to take your ad-blocker off)
And of course, if you ever want to join in the fun of our podcast, feel free to give us a call at 747-998-2976 and leave us a voicemail.
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