What's so special about a season-ending loss to Oklahoma? That one's easy: This game was my first time at Memorial Stadium.
My dad and I were there thanks to our friends the Jensens, who let us use their tickets that Thanksgiving Day. At age 13, I was in my third or fourth season of faithfully following the Huskers via the radio, TV and newspapers. Wayne Meylan, Ben Gregory, Barry Alvarez, Joe Orduna, Dick Davis, Jim McCord, Ken Geddes, Frank Patrick, Randy Reeves I was finally going to make that trip from Omaha to Lincoln to see them play! It seemed too good to be true, and during the excruciating wait for the big day to arrive, I was convinced something would happen to keep us from attending — an illness, perhaps, or bad weather.
Forty years later, memories from that day are few and mostly fuzzy, but one stands out: the sight of Eddie Hinton running toward us in the north end zone for the winning score. Dang Sooners! It was something I would have to get used to. I would attend countless games from the early 1970s on, but the fates conspired so that I would not witness a victory over Oklahoma in person until 1995.
I still have the 49-cent game program from that November day in 1967 and decided to share a few items of interest. Scroll down, and enjoy.
— J. Hudson
February 2007
1967 players

Nebraska staff

Radio & TV ads
There was plenty of competition on the radio play-by-play airwaves (but KFAB didn't feel the need to run an ad in the game program). With very few games televised, the Bob Devaney Show was usually your best chance to see what transpired if you weren't there at the game.

When Oldfather was new

Oklahoma staff
