Privacy policy
HuskerMax™ works with third parties collecting anonymous data to help users receive more relevant advertising. HuskerMax™ also works with analytics companies that may access anonymous data to help us understand how our services are used. Tracking in either case is done in the form of cookies in the user’s browser, but no personally identifiable information (PII) information is collected.
Click to see company privacy policies and options:
- Google Display Network
- AudiencePi: Privacy policy | Opt out
- Google Analytics
This site is affiliated with Adapex INC for the purposes of placing advertising on the site, and Adapex INC will collect and use certain data for advertising purposes. Learn more about Adapex’s data usage here.
Personally identifiable information is collected by HuskerMax™ from members of the HuskerMax™ BBS. That information is kept confidential and is not shared with any third party.