Okay, Husker fans, now that college football awards have been handed
out, the winner of the Super Bowl has been determined, the SAG Awards
have been presented, the Emmy Awards are done until next year and the
college football recruiting season has recently ended, it's now time
to announce the winners of the prestigious 2007 Husker Dan "Danno
Awards" For Excellence.
This is the first year these awards have been presented, but they will
become an annual event from now on. It must be noted that not every
award will be given each year. For example, because of the Huskers'
"Bend AND Break" defense last year, there won't be any awards
honoring the defense. To do so, would be disingenuous and void of an
ounce common sense.
Without further adieu, let's get on to this year's winners.
The first award should actually be given last because it is the Mother
Superior of the "Danno Awards". Each year, it will be given
to (I'm quoting Rex Kramer from "Airplane!") "the Boss,
the Head Man, Top Dog, the Big Cheese, the Head Honcho."
To be more specific, this award is to be given each year to the person
who has had the greatest positive impact on the Nebraska Cornhusker
football program. The winner might be a coach, an administrator, a major
donor or a even a Husker football player.
Tom Osborne
This award was one of the easiest to decide. This fall, Tom Osborne
was the right man at the right time at the right place to rescue the
Nebraska football program. The program had been reeling from two losing
seasons out of the past four. There is no one else in the universe for
whom Husker fans have more respect and trust more to get the Husker
football program back on track.
Tom came in as Interim A.D. in October and quickly earned the job full
time. After the 2007 season ended, Tom Osborne fired Bill Callahan;
conducted a search for a replacement and landed former Husker Defensive
Coordinator Bo Pelini, who last year served as the Defensive Coordinator
for the national champion LSU Tigers. Tom conducted the search decisively
and in doing so, allowed Pelini time to assemble a staff and gave them
time to finish strong in the 2008 Husker recruiting class.
Tom came back to save the program and did so by putting his own legacy
in jeopardy. I join all Husker football fans in saluting Tom Osborne.
Betty Walker of Lincoln, CA
From this year on, the award will be known as "The Betty Walker
Award" and will be given to the Husker football fan who demonstrates
passion, commitment and enduring loyalty to the Husker football program.
Betty rates at the top in every category. Betty has been a rabid Husker
fan since the early 1950s. She can tell you about Tom Novak, Bobby Reynolds
(she was there for his outstanding TD run against Missouri). She knows
players, coaches, formations, schemes, broadcasters, recruits, great
wins and gut wrenching losses. Sadly, Betty is in the fight for her
life. During a recent phone conversation I had with her, she wished
she could see just one more Husker football game.
To Betty: On behalf of all Husker football fans, we congratulate you
and send our love and will include you in our prayers.
"Unsportsmanlike Conduct" (1620 The Zone, Omaha, NE, hosted
by Kevin Kugler and Mike'l Severe)
Kevin and Mike'l have teamed together to make "UC" a big hit
in the sports radio scene. The show can be heard via the Internet and
is broadcast from 2-6 p.m. (CST) week days. The chemistry between the
two works very well. They are not homers and don't shy away from criticizing
the Husker football program when they think it is deserving. They have
segments on their program like "Bill From Lincoln" and "Did
They Really Say That?" that are creative and often hilarious.
"Big Red Wrap Up" (Kevin Kugler and Adrian Fiala-Nebraska
Public Television)
Here's another trophy for Kevin Kugler. "BRWU" has been on
Nebraska Public TV for decades, but ever since Kevin Kugler and Adrian
Fiala took over, the program has greatly improved. "BRWU"
features ex-Husker football players, broadcasters, coaches and local
and regional sports writers who voice their opinions on Husker football.
The show also emphasizes Husker recruiting. Jeremy Crabtree (Rivals.com)
and Sean Callahan (Huskers Illustrated), who appear often on the show,
help to keep viewers informed on all the latest Husker recruiting information.
Steve Sipple (Lincoln Journal Star)
This award is given to the sports journalist who through the breadth
of his (or her) work, displays the best in his coverage of Husker football.
This is not to say that the writer has to paint rosy pictures of the
Huskers. What is essential, however, is that the writer be objective
in his work. This year's recipient, Steve Sipple has been with the Journal
for many years. His writing style is polished and professional. His
appearances on "Big Red Wrap Up" and 1620 The Zone's "Unsportsmanlike
Conduct" are informative and insightful.
Steve "The Red Clad Loon" Smith
To give this award to anyone else, especially in this first year, would
be silly. Steve Smith set the bar so high for Internet Husker sports
writers, that I'm sure no one will ever come close to his talent. His
passion for Husker football, his incredible sense of humor ("Elmer
From Unadilla" is a classic) and his brilliant writing style, make
him this year's winner-even though it's been several years since his
pieces appeared on Huskerpedia.
Matt Schick (KETV Channel 7, Omaha, NE)
Matt is a television journalist who combines his passion for sports
reporting with his sharp wit to produce sports segments that are creative
and very funny. Matt has won this year's award despite being "just"
the weekend sports anchor at KETV. Matt's blog "Schick's Shtick"
(http://www.ketv.com/ssb/index.html) is something Husker football fans
should read, especially during the football season. Matt also occasionally
fills in on "Unsportsmanlike Conduct". Matt is a pleasant
change to the sometimes banal world of local TV sports broadcasts.
Huskers Illustrated
Brian Hill, Editor and General Manager
Although Huskers Illustrated (www.huskersillustrated.com) has been published
for many years, it remains an excellent resource for Husker football.
Each week during the football season, H.I. does an in depth review of
the previous week's game. There are many segments about coaches, present
and past players and memorable games in Husker history. H.I. does a
great job of keeping its readers informed on the status of Husker recruiting
classes. Every serious Husker football fan should subscribe to this
David Kolowski
Of A Husker"
"Diary" was first released in '06 in a paperback version,
but was published again last year in a hardback format. (Traditionally,
books come out with the hardback copy first.) Be that as it may, this
is an excellent book written by a former walk-on player from Millard
West in Omaha. David was recruited to walk-on by Tom Osborne and played
during the first 5 years of Frank Solich's six year stint at Nebraska.
David was an obscure player, who played the most obscure position in
football-that of deep snapper. I won't go into details of the book (I
did a review of
David's book on Huskerpedia about a year ago.) This book is a must
for any true blue Husker fan.
Lyell Bremser KFAB
Although he passed away 18 years ago and hasn't called a Husker football
game for over two decades, Lyell Bremser is most deserving of this award
in its initial year. For Husker fans who are fortunate to have listened
to Lyell Bremser do the Husker play-by-play broadcasts (1939-1983),
you know what a great announcer he was. Lyell raised the bar so high,
that he became the benchmark by which all other Husker announcers have
been and will continue to be compared. His down-home style was simple-something
every Husker fan could relate to. His classic broadcast of Johnny "The
Jet" Rodgers' TD punt return in the 1971 "Game Of The Century"
will forever be imbedded in the memory of Husker football fans.
Matt "Nice Catch" Davison
This year's winner could qualify under a couple of categories-color
for both radio and television. Matt has done color commentary for several
of the Huskers' nationally televised football games. He also appears
each week on KFAB's Husker pre-game coverage and does sideline reporting
during the games. Matt brings a great perspective to his work. Whatever
else he may do in his life, he will be forever remembered for his "Miracle
In Missouri" catch in the 1997 Husker game at Missouri. Had Matt
not made the catch, the Huskers would not have been able to win a national
championship in Tom Osborne's final year as the Husker head football
Are Marshall"
Starring Matthew McConaughey, Matthew Fox, Anthony Mackie and David
Although the movie was originally released in theaters in 2006, it came
out on HBO and in a DVD format last year. "WAM" is an excellent
movie with Matthew McConaughey delivering a fine performance as the
Marshall head football coach, Jack Lengyel. The movie is predictable,
but manages to avoid being sappy. For all those Husker fans who think
their world ended with the Huskers having two losing seasons out of
the past four, you need to get a dose of reality. Be thankful, Husker
fans, for what you DO have.
These awards will be given to those people or organizations who exemplify
all the best in Husker football. They work behind the scenes doing great
things to better our world.
The American Soldier
To all you brave men and women serving in the military overseas, we
salute you and your mission. We pray for your safe return to your families.
We can not possibly thank you enough for your bravery and dedication
to your country.
Northeast Kansans For Nebraska
Gary McGirr, President
This Husker alumni organization goes quietly about its business doing
great things for charities in the Topeka, Kansas area. They also help
raise money for scholarships to the University of Nebraska. And for
the past several years, NKFN have enabled Husker Dan's Army to exist.
They gather money so that Husker Care Packages can be sent to members
of our military who are serving their country in the Middle East. Without
Gary's help, HDA would simply not exist. I salute you and the rest of
the great people with the Northeast Kansans For Nebraska.
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Shot Kleen, with HuskerVision at UNL, has teamed up with the Northeast
Kansans For Nebraska and Husker Dan's Army to send DVDs of Husker football
games to soldiers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. The DVDs give the
soldiers a touch of home. I thank you, Shot, for your help. You are
a great Husker and a great American!
Omaha, NE
With the help of an arrangement with the Northeast Kansans For Nebraska
and Husker Dan's Army, the Red Zone in Omaha bundles up Husker Care
Packages (for every $100 we raise) and ships them overseas. These packages,
filled with Husker memorabilia, are a big hit with soldiers serving
in the Middle East. Thanks for all you do!
David Max and Joe Hudson
These two people started Huskerpedia and have continued to maintain
it for several years. During that time, they have given thousands of
Husker fans throughout the world a means of keeping current in the world
of Husker football. Also, without their help, Husker Dan's Army would
never have been possible. Thanks David and Joe!
And there you have it, please give it up (whatever that means) for this
year's winners!
If you'd like to give Husker Dan a piece
of your mind you may email Husker Dan at [email protected].
For past Husker Dan columns, click here.