Last fall, I received an email from a young soldier (SSgt. Myles Frohling,
Jr.) who, at that time, was serving his country in Iraq. In his letter,
this devoted Husker fan wrote about how much he missed being able
to see Nebraska on TV.
So he asked if readers could send him DVDs and/or tapes of Husker
football games so that he could watch them in Iraq. He also asked
if he could get Husker T-shirts, caps and other memorabilia to hand
out to the Iraqi citizens.
Husker fans responded from L.A. to New York. Northeast Kansans for
Nebraska (Topeka, KS), sent a huge box of caps, T-shirts, sweatshirts
etc. Someone else from California sent Husker Frisbees. Chris Anderson,
Associate A.D. for Communications from the UNL Athletic Department,
sent a DVD of a Husker game. Head Coach Bill Callahan even sent an
autographed picture. Myles was overwhelmed with the response and generosity
of Husker fans.
This year, we need to do the same thing, but for more soldiers. Most
of the UNL Alumni organizations are already involved in many causes
including, raising money for scholarships, volunteering in food pantries,
soup kitchens etc. It would be awesome if every time there were a
Husker soldier in need, Husker fans everywhere would answer the call.
Therefore, I am asking all Husker fans to become a member of "Husker
Dan's Army". When I hear from a Husker soldier, I will post the
letter, email address and "snail mail" address and will
ask Husker fans and UNL Alumni groups to respond in any way they can.
Sometimes all that is needed is to write letters to these brave men
and women and let them know how much we care about them and how proud
we are of them.
Send your letters to Husker Dan at [email protected].
Your letters will be posted. No waiting. You go to the head of the
line. Be sure to include your name, home town, email address and mailing
address. Husker Dan's Army stands ready to help.
Husker fans are you listening? Let me hear from you and I'll list
your name, your group's web site in my column and will include any
information about what your organization is doing to help in this
great cause.
I want to hear from the Oregonians For Nebraska, Californians For
Nebraska, Georgians For Nebraska, Alaskans For Nebraska and every
other Husker group and fan out there who wants to serve. Join today!!!
Here's the first letter of the season.
August 23, 2005
How you doing Husker Dan? My name is Nick Hornig, I'm in Iraq and
emailed you back in April with a picture of Tom Osborne and I. Anyways,
I was wondering if you might know some way that we could get copies
of the upcoming Husker games? My whole unit is from Nebraska and we
have some pretty diehard Huskers, including myself. We're getting
pretty excited for the season to start and would love it if there's
some way we could watch the games on a dvd or tape or something like
that. If you know anyway, can you let me know? I would really appreciate
it. Talk to you later,
Sgt. Nick Hornig
Go big red!! Only 2 more months left for us over here!!
[email protected]
Here is my address-
Sgt. Nick Hornig
313th Med Co.
Bravo Surgical
APO AE 09333
Husker fans, let's
get going!
To contact Husker Dan click
here. For past Husker Dan columns click