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honor_roll (139K)
Note: Billy Evans was sports editor of the Newspaper Enterprise Association and produced a syndicated sports column. He also was an American League umpire and later became an executive in pro baseball and football.
By BILLY EVANS Herewith is presented the first annual "Billy Evans National Honor Roll" It contains the cream of tho football talent of th United States, as culled from tho selections of nearly SO0 sports editors. In every section of the country certain players stood out. In order to get a lino on such players each sporix editor, after having madu his first and second team , wai asked to name the players lie I" III ' W rthy of national consideration MULLER NAMED For instance, every football erport on the Pacific Coaat named End Bi Ick 'Muller and Fullback Duk Morrison. as worthy of consideration for a national all-st- selection.Critics in the Missouri Valley were unanimous in naming Tackle Weller and Fullback Hartley of Nebraska aa the very best bets from their section.Because of tho fact that great many more colleges are represented jthe eastern and mid-H- west selections. It Is only natural that players from those two sections should prcdoinln-ato- . However, a close perusal of the ' National Honor Roll ' will reveal that the entire field has been quite thoi-OUghcovered. In making any selection of star players lt Is Impossible to do Justice t6 all concern-- Y-- t I toel there will be less cause for complaint in my "National Honor Roll" than In any other similar selection. EXPERTS SERVE The reason Is obvious the selections have been made by tne rootoa . experts of tb- - country, writers whr have actually seen tho players In action. In order to Include a majority of the players agreed upon as worthy of consideration I have selectee' eight plaers tor each position Tho eight players selected received t he highest first vote.