Nebraska 24
Kansas State 6
Oct. 11, 1913
Nebraska fell behind when Kansas State scored on the first play of the second quarter, but the Cornhuskers took control for a 25-6 win in Lincoln. More coverage: Omaha World-Herald.
Read about Kansas States objections to Clinton Ross here
Omaha Bee
Sunday, Oct. 12, 1913

Nebraska Defeats Farmers of Manhattan by Score of Twenty
Four to Six.
Aggies Score Early in the Second
Stiehm's Warriors Recover and
Come Right Back.
Howard, Cornhuaker Kicker, line
Wonderful Work nnd la Given
Strong Support by Ilia
LINCOLN, Oct 11. (Special Telegram.)
Nebraska's flint test with a Missouri
Valley conference team today proved a
Tartar for Stiehm's proteges, though the
Cornhuskers defeated the Aggies, 24 to 6.
It was, a real fighting machine that Coach
Lowman brought from Manhattan and th
Huskers were compelled to defend them
selves valiantly. Nebraska's line, which
performed bo brilliantly last Saturda ,
seemed to be off edge, and in the early
stages of the game proyed easy for the
Taken by surprise in the-first quarter,
the Cornhuskers were on even terms with
the Aggies. Each team, carried the ball
about tho same distance, Nebraska carry
ing Jt within Btriklng distance for the'
Cornhuskers only to be held. Then the
Agsfles commenced a stright march to. the
Cornfusker goal, which ended with the
ball, on the Nebraska, one-yard line and
with time called for tho first quarter.
Kansas Scores.
TOIth the resumption of ptay Agnew was
pushed through for the only score of.' the
southerners . .. ,, .' ( .
Nebraska carno back savagely, recover
Ingtii ball on a fumble- Howard .putted
for -fifty yards and the Aggies : had to
kick.- After three fruitless attempts on
the line the Aggies punted, the ball golns
stright In th air and carried out by the
It was Nebraska's ball on the Aggies'
twenty-yard line. Purdy, Howard, Ruther
ford and Halligon smashed the line for
the .remaining distance, Purdy lugging the
ball oyer for the first touchdown.
Towle took the kickof'f for a fifty-yard
return, the brilliant little quarterback
twisting his way through the entire Aggie
team with the exctptlon of Haymaker,
who made a beautiful tackle. Uutherford
trot around the end for ten oSls and
with the ball on the Aggies' stx-yard line
. Nebraska was held. Kansas punted out
and Towle heeled It, booting It over a
minute later from placement.
The half ended 10 to C.
Pnntlns; Dnel Rnanea.
The third quarter developed Into a
punting duel with Howard, the Corn
liusker kicker, doing wonderful kicking.
Howard's punts averaged fifty yards and
were high in th air. Afier Nebraska '
had worked the ball into the Kansas ter
ritory by virtue of Howard's superior
toe, Rutherford circled the end for a fifteen-yard
gain only to fumble the ball on
the Kansas two-yard line. Loomls fell on
It behind the line, scoring a touchdown,
nnd the ball was brought out and put
Into play on the twenty-yard line .
The1 Aggies Immediately punted and it
was Nebraska's ball on the forty-yard
line, Halltgan, Purdy and Rutherford
then resumed the line smashing methods
and purdy was finally shoved over for a
touchdown. Towle kicked goal "
Substitutes (in In.
The fourth quarter found many substi
tutes in the Cornhusker lineup. The Ag
gies carried the ball to Nebraska's thirty-three-yard
lino, when Howard recov
ered It on a fumble and punted out of
danger. Nebraska got the ball when the
Aggies could not gain. Elwell made
eleven yards, Ho.ward made fifteen more
and Delematre squirmed twenty yards for
a touchdown. Tho game closed without
further scoring.
Rutherford, Towle and Purdy played
brilliantly for Nebraska, while Howard's
kicking was the best since Jimrr
Marble played a sensational game for
tne Aggies.
The lineup:
neck L.E.
Halllgan L.T.
Ross UG.
Thompson C.
Abbott n.a.
Bayles R.T.
Mastln R.E.
Rutherford ....UH.
Purdy (C.) R.H.
L.Q.L Vhrt.
C..... Coxen
n uurkho der
Loomla (Cl
.... Rhafor
.. Sldrefskl
.... Agnew
Hoard K.B.I F.B..,.
Hawle O.B.I O.R....
TOUChdnwnS! Apn.w TilrI.. T.
t " - - o . ... . j , . ... lilt I '
rora, Delomatra. Goals: from touch
downs: Towle, 3. Field goal: Towle.
fcubatltutes: Nebraska, Howard for Beck,
Gross, Orlswold for Bayles. Delematre for
Rutherford. Eiwsll for Purdy. Coffe for
Hoard, Beck for Hawle: Kansas Aggies,
Root for Moss, Scanlon for Mai-ble. Hart
wig for Knn. Referee: Masker. Um
pire: McBrlde. Htad llreiman. Riley,
inne 01 quarters: 16 minutes.