Stats & scoring summary: 1972 Nebraska-Kansas State football
Nebraska Kansas State NL-KS 14 7-59 0 7—7 Time I/eft r-0 a wall of blockers score. Conversion : lO-O 17-0 24-0 31-0 38-0 45-0 52-0 59-0 59-7 10 28 0 0 How Scored FIRST QUARTER Rodgers 52 punt return After two po.ssessions by earh team failed to produce a scoring threat, Rodgers hauled in a K-State punt on the Nebraska 43 and behind .scooted down the sidelines to Sanger kick. Sanger 26 field goal After 46-yard drive, highlighted by 12 and 1.3-vard passes from Humm to Rodgers stalled at the K-State 10 yardline. SECOND Ql ARTEH Dixon 4 run Drive: 98 yard.s in six plays, started hv Moran’s 72-yard run from scrimmage. Conversion: Sanger kick. Rodgers 8 run Drive: 48 yards in 9 plays. Big plays. 11-yard run by Olds and 22-yard pass from Humm to Rodgers. Coiiversion: Sanger kick. Revelle 32 pass from Humm Drive: 32 yards in I play following Mason recovery of K-State fumble. Conversion: Sanger kick. Olds 12 pass from Runty Drive: 60 yards in 9 plays. Big play. 12-yard toss from Runty to Babe. Conversion: Sanger kick. THIRD (iUAHTER Goeller 5 run Drive: 26 yards in 5 plays following Goeller recovery of K-State fumble. Conversion: Sanger kick. Anderson 25 pass from Runty Drive: 20 yards in 4 plays, following Hyland recovery of K-State fumble. On fourth down, after three plays lose five yards. Runty hit Anderson in corner of end zone. Conversion: Sanger kick. FOURTH (QUARTER .Moran 4 run Drive; 73 yards in 10 plays following Pate recovery of K-State fumble. Damkroger. Runty and Garson runs, each for 13 yards, the big plays. Conversion: Sanger kick. Jackson 1 run Drive; 77 yards in 12 plays. Jackson carried on last six plays for the final 33 yards. Conversion: Brumley kick. 8;22 3:25 12:41 8:53 7:28 2:08 3:.53 1:48 11:04 6:20 Kansas Stale OHi •list* Neffiashd Offense Rushing No. Y’ds. Ave. Morrison 1 -7 -7.0 20 99 4.9 aCalhoun ……..12 54 4.5 Thomas …….. 4 4 1.0 Kumis …….. 2 21.0 Grogan 4 -2 0.5 Passing Com. Yds. PI Morrison..20 10 88 3 Grogan 9 4 520 Pass Receiving No. Goerger …………….8 Childs ………………2 Kumis ……………..2 Peterson …………..1 McCarthy ………….1 Punting .No. Yds. Brandt 7 268 Pass Interceptions No. Coppenbarger 1 Kickoff Returns No. Calhoun …………….7 Jackson …………….1 Davis ………………I Washington ……….1 Yds. 70 Rushing No. Yds. Ave. Dixon 8 20 2..5 Rodgers 5 26 5.2 Olds 6 43 7.2 Damkroger 6 24 4.0 Moran 13 129 9.9 Runty …. 12 352.9 Goeller ………4 13 3..3 Garson ………3 16 5.3 O’Holleran …… 5 37 7.4 Westbrook , 6 Passing 27 4.5 No. 19 14 13 24 Com. Yds. PI 96 0 48 1 Ave. 38.3 Yds. 0 Yds. 118 16 9 10 Yd.s. 165 Defense Linemen UTAT Totals Oettmeier4 2 6 Eaton ………. 21 3 Stucky ……..3 2 5 Ferguson 0 1 1 Brown ……..10 1 Eubanks404 Kilgore …… 4 2 6 Clarington 4 Linebackers 1 5 Jones ………. 4 1 5 Lareau …….. 2 3 h Coppenbarger 5611 Jacobs …….. 1 2 3 Melcher ……. 2 1 3 White ……….. 1 Backs 01 Smith ……..505 Chambliss … 224 Stealey ……. 4 1 5 Cunningham . . 2 02 Vohoska ….. .112 Humm …. 13 7 Runty ……. 7 3 Pass Receiving No. Rodgers …… Dixon ……………. Revelle …………. Bahe ……………. Olds ……………. Anderson …….. Punting No. Sanger ……. 4 Pass Interceptions No. Borg …………………1 Manstedt …………. 1 Thornton ………….1 Punt Returns No. Rodgers ………….3 Bahe ……………… 1 Borg …………….. 1 Kickoff Returns No. Rodgers …………. 1 Hegeiier ………….. 1 Yds. 64 Ave. 41.3 Yds. 16 6 13 Yds. 71 0 4 Yds. 17 0 Sunday Gliannel in ( ) Defense Linemen UT AT Totals Manstedt …… 3 Janssen …….. 2 Glover ………. 2 Dutton …………1 Harper …………1 Hyland ……….0 .lohnson I Bell ……….. 3 Norrie ………. 1 Pate …………. 1 Linebackers Branch …….. 0 . Pitts Mason Sloey __ Nelson Starkebaum 1 0 …. 2 2 0 Backs Blahak 7 Borg ……….. 0 Thornton 2 Johnson Yaralian Kyros Rogers