Quantcast HuskerMax


generations (17K)
Born  1872 – 1936 – 1967

youngderns (20K)
Hollywood is where the Dern name lives on most prominently today. George's grandson Bruce Dern is still going strong after half a century in television and film. Bruce's daughter Laura Dern chose the same career, and both have Oscar nominations to their credit. Bruce's role in the recently concluded HBO series “Big Love” prompted him to learn more about his grandfather's Utah days.
1893 (3K) 1894 (5K)

Postscript: Is this George? We think so.  The 1893 and 1894 team photos have no identifying names. When HuskerMax asked Bruce Dern to try to identify his grandfather in the photos, the actor was kind enough to oblige, even though he was too young to have known George. Alas, he could not pick out his granddad.

However, careful study of brows, jaw lines, hair and other facial features leaves us reasonably certain that this is our guy. An additional clue is that the captain usually held the ball in the team photo. If you have evidence that clarifies the issue, please pass it along.