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Nebraska Theme License Plates - HU5KER5

Hello David,

Another plate with a '5' reference...

I've been an avid Husker fan since my first game at Memorial stadium in 2001. In that time I have made the trip from Minnesota to Lincoln several times...usually 4 or 5 times a season. When the time came for a new car, I bought something which gets very good gas mileage and was red. I figured a Nebraska themed plate would be fitting so I mimicked the ESPN commercial of a few years ago, went to the DMV with a list of possible combinations and came away with HU5KER5. When the time comes to renew the plates, I'll likely donate one of them to the Sidetrack in Lincoln to be displayed alongside Bucky's NU HSKRS.

Two side notes on this plate...

Some folks will come up and ask, "What is Husker 5?". My first response is that it stands for the 5 national championships and when they get the next one, I'll change the plates. My second response is that someone in MN already had HUSKERS with the 's', so I had to improvise.

Also, on my trips to Lincoln, I always drive right by Ames and through Des Moines. More often than not, an ISU or Iowa vehicle will notice the plates and give their thoughts in one way or another. Kind of an amusement in the middle of a long drive.

Todd D.


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