Notre Dame Scholastic’s 1922 Nebraska football game report
Notre Dame Scholastic 1922 football
Out weighed nearly 20 pounds to the man, travel-worn and seriously crippled by injuries, but confident nevertheless, the team invaded Lincoln, Neb., on the following Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, and met the only defeat of the season, 14-6. Nebraska had the better team that day. The Cornhuskers had been pointed for Notre Dame throughout the season and were plainly at the top of their game. They utilized their weight advantage in terrific line plunging early in the first quarter but were stopped on the two foot line by a determined stand of the light Notre Dame line which held for two downs without gain. Degree punted out of danger, seemingly, but the powerful Huskers ran the ball back to the goal and plunged for a touchdown as the second quarter began. The second score came as the period ended and followed a forward pass. Notre Dame made but one first down in the first half and was completely outplayed in that part of the game. In the second half, the boys came back with the most sensational passing attack of two seasons. Stuhldreher, Layden, Miller, Crowley, Vergara and McNulty performed heroically with Stuhldreher and Miller, earning the full value of that word. The rally ended with one touchdown and the ball but two yards shy of a second score. When the Notre Dame star had risen, Nebraska seemed powerless; but when a break in the game gave the Cornhuskers the ball on their own two yard mark, their early vigor returned and they resisted further scoring. So the game was lost. Outweighed by 20 pounds, travel-stained and crippled by the loss of the two great stars, Castner and Lieb, the Rockne lightweights came back in the second half with a fighting splash that needed only a break or two here and there to swing a victory our way for all of the enemy superiority. But neither the team nor the school was greatly downcast by the loss. In full, it was a great season and the new team far more than fulfilled expectations. In the coming two years, the Army tie and the Nebraska defeat will be forgotten in the achievements of a wonderful group of young athletes. At the season’s end, monograms were awarded to the following men: Capt. Carberry, McNulty, Collins, Mayl, Vergara, Lieb, Oberst, Ed Miller, Stange, Cotton, Brown, Degree, Kizer, Flinn, Weibel, Regan, Walsh, Stuhldreher, Thomas, Layden, Bergman, Crowley, Maher, Don Miller, Connel, Cerney, Livergood, Castner.