Lyell Bremser transcript
Lyell's call of Tony Davis' 43-yard TD run vs. UCLA in 1973:"...the 43 of the Bruins. 1st down, Nebraska. Damkroger shifts ouside the tackle to the right. A double set for Nebraska.
"And, Runty pitches off over there to Tony Davis. (The crowd begins to roar! Lyell raises his voice) TONY DAVIS GOT A BLOCK! HE'S TO THE 30! HE'S TO THE 25! (at this point, the crowd is SO loud they almost drown Lyell out) TO THE 20! HE'S GONNA GO ALL THE WAY FOR A TOUCCHHDDOOWWNN!!!! ( CROWD ROARS FOR SEVERAL SECONDS! )
"Oh, what beautiful blocking he got! From the set back on the left side and the split end! And, they just sprang enough hole for him! He just cut at about 45 degress going for the corner! He was being chased, but they couldn't get him! And, Tony Davis, the TORNADO from TECUMSEH went 43 yards!
"Kent Pierce was chasing him, trying to get to him, but Tony Davis said, 'No. No. I'm going home! Headin' for Tecumseh!' I think we named him right, Jack. THE TECUMSEH TORNADO! He's something else!"