Larry Jacobson vs. Oklahoma, 1971
With Nebraska leading 35-31 in the waning moments of the “Game of the Century” at Oklahoma, the explosive Sooners still had a chance, but this fourth-down play by Larry Jacobson and Rich Glover put the game on ice for the 1971 Huskers. (Video below.)
On June 4, 2018, Jacobson appeared on the College Football Hall of Fame ballot for the first time. Glover was inducted in 1995. Also on the latest ballot are former Huskers Zach Wiegert and Eric Crouch. | Hall of Fame Huskers
Lyell Bremser’s call: “What great play by big Larry Jake. He just won the Outland Trophy seven times over, and look at that sideline! Look at that sideline go wild! What magnificent defense!”
More about Jacobson: Stats & more | 2004 interview | 2014 interview