7, 2009
Topeka, Kansas
Nearly 250 people gathered in the ballroom of the Holiday Inn in Topeka, Kansas
Saturday night to attend the 2009 Founders Day Banquet. Sure, there was a
silent auction going on and some really good food to be consumed later, but
the real reason why so many people showed up that night was to see Dr. Tom
Osborne, the event's featured speaker. And when he entered the room and made
his way through the throngs of Husker fans, it was like Moses parting the
Red Sea. Immediately, the crowd gave him a resounding ovation.
Then, out came the cameras and Husker fans lined up for a chance to meet Tom
and get their picture taken with him. It was Tom Osborne who had succeeded
the legendary Bob Devaney in 1973. And by the time Osborne finished his remarkable
25 year career at Nebraska in 1997, he had taken the Husker football program
to the pinnacle of the college football world, finishing with an amazing 60-3
record and three national championships. And oh, by the way, a few years later
in 2007, Osborne returned to Nebraska as the Athletic Director and almost
single-handily saved the Husker football program.
Not a bad record, Coach.
Osborne's 40 minute speech later that night wasn't so much about football
as it was about the type of players the Husker football program requires if
it hopes to return to the top of the college football world.
Character, honesty, integrity, dedication, commitment, sacrifice and a strong
desire to put team ahead of any individual goals-these characteristics, Osborne
said, are what it takes to build a championship team.
As long as Osborne and Pelini are in charge, don't look for Nebraska to spend
much time pursuing any player who doesn't fit into this mold.
After Coach Osborne's speech, I had the honor of presenting him with several
gifts and awards including a Husker Dan's Army T-shirt with Tom's name on
the back, the prestigious Husker Dan "Danno" award as the 2007 "Cornhusker
Of The Year". The inscription on the certificate said, "To Dr. Tom
Osborne for his outstanding service to the great State of Nebraska, to the
Nebraska football program, the Husker Athletic Department and to Husker Pride
I also got the opportunity to present him with an American flag that had been
flown on a mission over Mosul, Iraq, January 1, 2009. The accompanying certificate
of authenticity was signed and dated by the pilot, Michael Eckhardt who grew
up in Holstein, Nebraska.
Due to the great turnout, the Northeast Kansans For Nebraska was able to raise
about $1,200 for their scholarship fund. We were also able to raise several
hundred dollars for Husker Dan's Army by selling Husker Dan's Army T-shirts
and auctioning some other Husker items. We are now able to send about 8 more
Husker Care Packages to the men and women who are bravely serving our country
in the Middle East. Once these "Care" packages have been sent, our
funds will be temporarily depleted. We have no administrative expenses-just
the cost of the Husker memorabilia we put in the Care Packages. We also sell
Husker Dan's Army T-shirts ($15.00 + $5.00 for shipping and handling). The
shirts come in Large and Extra Large.
If you'd like to buy some T-shirts and/or contribute to this very worthy cause,
here's the information.
Make your checks payable to:
The Northeast Kansans For Nebraska
Att: Husker Dan's Army
Send your checks to:
Gary McGirr
President, Northeast Kansans For Nebraska
3610 SW Wood Valley Terrace
Topeka, KS 66614
If you're ordering T-shirts, be sure to include your mailing address and size
(L, XL)
Gerry Grey, a long time Husker fan who has produced a number of sports radio
shows in the Omaha area, let me know about a pheasant hunting event coming
up Saturday, March 28th in Brainard, Nebraska. About 18 former Husker former
Husker players are scheduled to participate in the event including Nate Swift,
Matt Davison, Adrian Fiala, Brenden Stai, Terry Connealy, Shane Swanson, Joel
Makovicka, Rob Zatechka, Mike Anderson, Chad Kelsay, Bill Lefleur and Chris
Dishman. For details, click
Dear Husker Dan:
I work for Thomson Reuters training lawyers in a product called Westlaw. Our
Hong Kong branch was in need of some help in this area and my wife and I were
up for an adventure. She’s a 1992 UNL grad from Kearney , and I’m
the Schuyler boy she married.
Take care, if you find yourself craving some take out Chinese, come to Hong
Kong ! First round of Dim Sum is on me!
Bill White
Hong Kongers 4 NU
Send your comments to [email protected]. For past Husker Dan columns, click here.