I'd be lying if I said that when it was 4th and 25 at the CU 40 yard
line with just under two minutes left in the game that I thought Nebraska
was going to win. The Huskers were history, or so I thought.
And when Nebraska lined up for a field goal attempt, I knew that in
over 100 years of Husker football no Husker kicker had ever made a field
goal from that distance. I was almost certain that unless a miracle
happened, the game was over-go to the Sun Bowl at 7-5 and just be happy
that the Huskers were actually going to a bowl game. And forget about
playing on New Year's Day.
And when Alex Henery's kick sailed through the uprights, I couldn't
believe it. Instead of being history, the Huskers made history.
In the movie "Hoosiers", head coach Norman Dale, with his
underdog Hickory Huskers trailing by one point with only seconds remaining
in the Indiana state high school basketball championship game, sets
up a play that has his team's best player, Jimmy Chitwood, used as a
decoy. The team doesn't like the idea, so Coach Dale asks Jimmy for
his input.
"Coach, I'll make it," he assures his coach. And in a typical
Hollywood fashion, Jimmy hits nothing but net and the Huskers win the
And so it went Friday afternoon at Memorial Stadium in Lincoln. Only
it was Alex Henery playing Jimmy Chitwood and Bo Pelini playing Coach
Dale. Hollywood had come to Memorial Stadium and the place went nuts.
But Just moments after Henery's amazing kick, Buffalo quarterback Cody
Hawkins' pass was batted in the air by Husker DE Zach Potter and returned
for a touchdown by Husker nose tackle Ndamukong Suh. And just before
Suh got into the end zone, Hawkins, in his desperate attempt to make
the tackle, was absolutely flattened by the 6' 4" 300 pound Suh.
With the extra point kick, the Huskers, who just moments earlier were
facing almost certain defeat, now had an amazing two score lead. Those
who turned off their TV sets or left the game early, missed one of the
most incredible finishes in Husker football history.
Adrian Fiala, co-host of NET's "Big Red Wrap Up" (not to be
confused with my lame "Big Wed Wap Up") was quick to point
out on this week's show that the three main players involved in the
record field goal (deep snapper T.J. O'Leary, holder Jake Wesch and
kicker Alex Henery) all came to Lincoln as walk-ons.
Alex Henery and all of Husker Pride Worldwide had something else to
be thankful for Friday. It was almost balmy for late November in Lincoln-moderate
temps, dry conditions and no north wind.
However, the next day in Lincoln there was rain, sleet, snow flurries
and a strong north wind. Had these conditions arrived Friday, Alex's
kick likely would not have even been attempted. The wind would have
ruled out the distance and the rain/snow would have made the football
too heavy for it to sail through the uprights.
Does this make up for the Texas Tech game in which the Huskers lost
in OT on a Joe Ganz interception?
I'm afraid years from now, when Husker fans look back on Bo Pelini's
first season as a head coach, they'll note that his team went 8-4 in
the regular season and won the last home game in a somewhat comfortable
fashion. They will be sadly mistaken. Credit Buffs coach, Dan Hawkins
for getting his banged up players to play a good game. Of course, it
didn't help that the Huskers' caused much of their own misery.
At 8-4 and going to a New Year's Day bowl game, Husker fans, coaches
and players should be dancing in the streets, especially considering
where this team was a year ago. The Huskers refused to quit, even after
getting shelled by Missouri and Oklahoma and after dropping a heart-breaker
at Texas Tech.
But there remains so much work for this program to get back to respectability.
Although the Huskers got eight wins, none was over a ranked team. And
the record of the eight teams Nebraska beat this fall is a paltry (41-55)
for a winning percentage of .42708. Of those eight teams, only two had
winning records (9-3 Western Michigan and 7-5 Kansas).
But what was encouraging about Bo's first year as the Husker head coach
was that Nebraska won the games they were expected to win. The only
blemish was the loss at home to Virginia Tech. That was a game the Huskers
could have and should have won. And many fans thought the Huskers would
probably win a game this year they had no business winning. Of course,
that was the OT heartbreaker at Texas Tech.
I like Texas head coach Mack Brown-he's a class guy and a good coach.
And I feel his pain (I always try to think how Husker fans would feel
if they got shafted the way his Longhorn team did this week.)
It should be noted that the Big 12 rules made it possible for Oklahoma
to jump over the Longhorns this week to play for the Big 12 championship.
It may not be fair, but the Sooners owe no one an apology for being
in this game. By virtue of their remarkable play down the stretch, they
have earned the right to play Missouri. And Texas still might get into
the national championship game if Missouri were to upset the Sooners.
It's possible. Raise your hand if you thought Kansas would beat Missouri
last week.
As many of you know, the first money we every received for Husker Dan's
Army came from a huge Husker fan, Big Red Betty Walker from California.
It was because of her generosity that we were able to send our first
Husker Care Package overseas to a needy soldier. The Care packages are
sent via the Red Zone in Omaha to any trooper who registers with Husker
Dan's Army. Since its inception about three years ago, we have helped
100s of American service personnel who are deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We've also solicited the help of Shot Kleen with HuskerVision at UNL,
to send game day DVDs of Husker football games. All a trooper has to
do is register with us, and we'll get him on our list.
Getting back to Betty Walker, for those of you who might not know, over
a year ago Betty was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was told she
had only a couple of months to live. When I got the news, I posted it
in my column. Husker fans responded by sending her over 100 emails wishing
her well and offering her their prayers.
Well, the power of prayer can be a very powerful force. I talked with
Betty over the weekend and we talked about the game and The Kick. We
had a great time talking Husker football. She's not out of the woods,
by any means. She's weak and still on pain medication, but she sounded
great. I told her we'd all keep praying for her.
The following email message arrived last week from Myles Frohling, Sr.,
who was the soldier who helped start Husker Dan's Army. It was Myles
who asked if I could somehow help him get Husker T-shirts, baseball
caps etc. that, as a gesture of good will, he could give to the Iraqi
children he saw on his daily rounds.
Dear Husker Dan,
I know that it has been a very long time since the last time I have
corresponded with you. In fact it has been nearly two deployments to
Iraq since the last time I have talked to you. I will likely be home
for the Bowl season this year and I have taken the first step toward
making it a great Bowl season. I have purchased my tickets to the Gator
Bowl. I know this is a little premature but I have faith. If the Huskers
make it to Jacksonville I will finally get to expose two of my sons
to "Husker Heaven". I truly hope that the rest of this journey
ends with me watching Nebraska vs. whoever, instead of watching two
other teams at the Gator Bowl. I am sure that it will be a great experience
either way but we all know Huskers do it better when the team is in
town. I would like the chance to catch up with you sometime and I will
likely be in Nebraska in January. I would really like to meet you as
well. Well I better close for now but with less than 30 days left in
Iraq and the possibility of seeing Nebraska play again, who could be
happier ;)
Go Big Red. Beat the Buffs. Please!!!
Myles A. Frohling Sr.
After I posted Myles' request three years ago, Husker fans responded
overwhelming. He received so many boxes of Husker apparel, he didn't
know what to do. So we decided to start Husker Dan's Army as a means
of getting Husker Care packages to members of our armed forces who are
serving in the Middle East. All a trooper has to do, is send me an email
with his or her name and APO address. Troopers can chose between receiving
Husker Care Packages or game day DVDs. Some opt to do both. Just email
me at [email protected] If you
request a DVD, we ask that the your CO send us an email authorizing
us to do so.
Husker Dan's Army T-shirts are now available for you to order. By buying
a HDA T-shirt, you will help us to continue sending Husker Care Packages
overseas. All purchases are tax-deductible. The shirts come in Large
and X-Large only. The cost per shirt including shipping and handling
is $20.00. Please allow two weeks for delivery. We will make every effort
to get these to you in time for Christmas, but you must order quickly.
Make your check payable to:
Northeast Kansans For Nebraska Alumni Chapter
Att: Husker Dan's Army
Send your check to:
% Bob Elliott
Northeast Kansans For Nebraska Alumni Chapter
3405 Atwood Ave.
Topeka, KS 66614
Be sure to list your mailing address and size (L or X-L).
The Husker Elvises were Omaha and Lincoln over the weekend performing
during the pre-game activities in Lincoln. They hit the Sidetrack, Embassy
Suites and the Coloradans For Nebraska Tailgate Party in the Haymarket.
Note the picture of them wearing the very stylish Husker Dan's Army
BTW, Larry Brew with T.H.E. is trying to get a sponsor(s) to help with
the costs of going to the Gator Bowl New Year's Day in Jacksonville,
Florida. Anyone who is interested in helping, can contact them at their
web site
I'm still way behind in pieces I want to write. I will be posting an
interview I had with Jason Peter about his new book and will do the
final in my series about the Cornhusker Marching Band. I really apologize
for the delays. My plate has been really full lately.
Send your comments to .[email protected]. For past Husker Dan columns, click here.