Dear Readers:
In just a few days, Husker football players and coaches will begin preparation
for the 2008 football season. And on Saturday, August 30th, a sea of
red will be yelling and screaming in Memorial Stadium when the Huskers
open against the Western Michigan Broncos.
Before the season begins, I want to remind everyone of a very special
"Husker Fans' Salute To The Troops" weekend celebration coming
up November 1st and 2nd. The event is being sponsored by Husker Dan
and the Northeast Kansans For Nebraska, a Husker alumni group located
in Topeka, Kansas.
The weekend activities will begin Saturday with a tour of the new Husker
athletic facilities and a special "Tunnel Walk" experience
at Memorial Stadium. There will also be a Husker Football Watch Party
(NU vs OU) at the Cornhusker Hotel. The Watch Party will have snacks
and beverages. On Sunday, there will be a brunch for the troopers and
will include a color guard and awards ceremony. We have set aside 100
rooms at the Cornhusker Hotel for any veteran (from any war) or current
trooper who registers for the event. We are also inviting ex-Husker
football players and coaches to attend the celebration.
Many people have come forward with donations, but in order to make this
event successful, we need your help more than ever. These brave men
and women have risked their lives for the cause of freedom and don't
ask for much in return. Most of these troopers have had to put their
families, careers and lives on hold while they serve their country.
To donate or to register for the event, go to
You donations are tax deductible and will help enable us to give a proper
salute to these brave men and women. If you've already contributed,
bless you! And if you haven't, please take a few minutes to do so! Thanks!
If you'd like to give Husker Dan a piece
of your mind you may email Husker Dan at [email protected].
For past Husker Dan columns, click here.