There are
two more Husker Dan Danno Awards that need to be included in my 2007
awards list.
The Husker Elvises
This award will be presented each year to the individual, group or organization
that goes out of its way to promote and demonstrate the true meaning
of Husker Football Spirit. There is no entity more deserving of this
award than The Husker
Elvises. This group has entertained Nebraska fans at Husker home
games, bowl games and road games.
Each time they perform, they dress up in Elvis Presley costumes and
sing Husker lyrics to famous Elvis Presley songs. For years, the group
consisted of the four Brew brothers, all of whom grew up in Alliance,
NE. All but one brother left Alliance for greener pastures. Larry, aka
"Lesley Presley" lives in Loveland, Colorado; Jerry aka, "Pelvis"
lives in Wisconsin and Ron, aka "Bench Presley" lives in Omaha.
Sadly, Steve, aka, "Manic D. Presley" of Alliance passed away
unexpectedly last summer at the young age of 54.
In 2005, I had the privilege of being sworn into the Husker Elvis Society.
Other inductees include Johnny Rodgers, Bill Callahan, Tommie Frazier
and Jay Norvell. And last year, Larry The Cable Guy was installed into
the Society.
What is remarkable about this group is that they pay their own way when
they perform. They absorb the cost for transportation, meals, room and
game day tickets. They perform in all kinds of weather, from the Death
Valley heat of late summer to the bone-chilling Siberian temperatures
of late November.
The Husker Elvises are a blast. They will be performing before the Virginia
Tech game this fall and will try to attend a couple more Husker home
games as well. Do NOT miss a chance to see them perform. Better yet,
get your picture taken with them.
All of Husker Pride Worldwide salutes you and all you do!!!
The Cornhusker Marching Band
This award is another no-brainer. I shutter to think what it would be
like if there were no Husker marching band at Memorial Stadium to entertain
the 80,000 Husker fans on football Saturdays. The games would just not
be the same. The band is the glue that holds everything together. I
still get chills hearing the band crank up "Hail Varsity"
as they march to the Stadium down Stadium Way.
If you've never taken the time to do so, I strongly urge you to experience
the band as they march to the Stadium. Also, about an hour before kickoff,
the band performs outside east of the Band building, right near the
Johnny Carson Theater. Hundreds of Husker fans line the grassy area
each game day to listen to the Band play the music that they will be
performing during the half-time of that day's game.
I'm very partial to the drumline in this group (Husker Dan used to be
a professional drummer). They do an excellent job, especially with the
cadences they play as they march to the Stadium. To the Cornhusker Marching
Band, keep up the brilliant work. All Husker fans salute you!
If you'd like to give Husker Dan a piece
of your mind you may email Husker Dan at [email protected].
For past Husker Dan columns, click here.