A couple of years ago, my brother John, who is a rancher in Knox County,
Nebraska attended a grazing conference in Grand Island. The featured
speaker was then U.S. Congressman Tom Osborne. After the conference
ended, people filed out of the room leaving Tom Osborne, standing by
himself, all alone.
The idea of the legendary Husker coach standing all alone at an event
in Nebraska seems astonishing-particularly in view of the fact that
Osborne was expected to enter "06 the race for governor of the
state of Nebraska.
Imagine that. No one came up to him to talk about football-you know,
Tommie, Brook, "Going For Two", the three national championships,
the "Phantom Clip" in the '94 Orange Bowl or the extended
playing field at Penn State in '82. No one sought his autograph or asked
him about the new Husker staff or even asked him about grazing options.
How could that possible be?
And as we all learned last year, Tom's bid for the governor ended in
the primary when he lost to the eventual winner, Dave Heineman. Tom
Osborne losing? On his home turf? The great and powerful Oz, losing?
What in the name of Bob Devaney was going on here?
In the God Works In Strange And Mysterious Ways Department, Husker fans
have to wonder what would have happened had Tom won. Think about that
for a minute.
Had he won, Tom would have been governor this October when Harvey Perlman
axed Steve Pederson. Harvey and the University were in dire need of
an athletic director. Had Tom Osborne been Gov. Tom Osborne, he would
not have been able to have jumped in to save the day for the Husker
football program.
Ask yourself, who would you rather have righting the ship at this time
than Tom Osborne? Who would Husker fans have trusted? A Harvard MBA
as an interim A.D.? Who else on the planet-check that-who in the universe
was more qualified than Tom to lead us through these rough times?
This may be the only time I will ever say this, but thanks for losing,
Coach. Never will I think of Gov. Dave Heineman the same way. Had Tom
Osborne won, Husker Pride Worldwide would be in a huge mess today.
With the firing of Steve Pederson, the hiring of Tom Osborne as A.D.,
the hiring of Bo Pelini as the new Husker head coach, Bo's decision
to be his own defensive coordinator and Bo's keeping Shawn Watson and
Ted Gilmore as assistant coaches, Husker fans couldn't have asked for
more this Christmas.
When it looked as though it was certain that Bill Callahan was going
to be fired, some friends asked me who I thought would be a good fit
to be the next Husker head coach. I was strongly for Shawn Watson remaining
as Offensive Coordinator and to appoint Bo Pelini as the Defensive Coordinator.
But, I rationed, there would be no way Bo would leave LSU for another
assistant's job. I also feared that an entire new coaching staff would
set the program back another 4 or 5 years. I also was afraid that we
might be throwing the baby out with the bath water if the entire offensive
staff were to be dismissed.
So Tom Osborne, in his infinite wisdom, knew what he was doing. Tom
didn't want to hire a new coach who would want to bring all his assistants
with him.
Tom decided that Bo was the best candidate for the job. Although he
spent less than a year at Nebraska, Pelini knows, loves and understands
the Husker football program as well as anyone. (I'll write later about
Turner Gill.) He also understands how special it is to have Tom Osborne
mentoring him in his first season as a head coach.
Although at the time of this writing, it's not official, it appears
Bo is bringing back some former Husker assistants. Barney Cotton will
be the O-line coach.; Ron Brown-tight ends coach, Marv Sanders will
likely be the secondary coach. It's not sure who will coach the D-line,
running backs, special teams, but there seems to be a nucleus of a good
coaching staff.
Tom Osborne can not be thanked enough. Coming out of retirement after
10 years is nothing short of amazing. In '97, Tom went out on top of
his profession. His legacy had already been engraved. It is at considerable
risk to his legacy that Osborne has come back to help his University
one more time.
If Bo doesn't pan out, Tom's legacy may be tainted forever. "He
was a great coach, but he really messed up as an athletic director."
It's like going for two at Miami in the '84 Orange Bowl. He gambled.
The Huskers lost the game, the national championship but in doing so,
managed to gain the respect of the college football world. Will Tom
Osborne be able protect his legacy one more time?
We should all give Tom Osborne all the thanks and admiration we can
muster. Johnny Rodgers once said, "The secret of walking on water
is knowing where the rocks are." I think Tom knows exactly where
all the rocks are.
Betty Walker, a long time Husker fan who grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska
and who has lived for many years in Lincoln, California received some
very bad news this past week. She may have only months to live. If you
would like to send her words of love and encouragement, you may participate
in an "Email Shower". She would love hearing from Husker fans.
Betty is a class act. Maybe the Good Lord has another miracle he can
Betty's email address is: [email protected]
Greetings Husker Dan:
My name is SFC Dean Johns. I am currently serving in Operation Iraqi
Freedom. I am the Platoon Sergeant for 3rd Plt / 116th Military Police
Company. I have read what you have done for soldiers previously here
in Iraq. I am in a tough situation and I was wondering if you might
be able to help. I was wondering if you provide recordings of any of
the past season's games that was successful. I am surrounded by SEC
bandwagon fans who cannot appreciate a real football team or can appreciate
the fact that I believe in only one team and not whoever is at the top
of the Polls (wishing for playoff system). That would lift our moral
and provide some good holiday spirits for my soldiers, in a time when
things are quit frankly a tough situation on both ends.
As in a tough year of being away from home and having to catch bits
and pieces of one of the toughest seasons our husker nation have endured.
I myself is from just down the road to Lincoln (Syracuse); and my unit
is across the southern border of NE (Fort Riley, KS) deep in enemy territory
of Manhattan, so you can just imagine the jabs some of us get from the
KU/KSU bandwagon fans I think they was cheering for KSU this year KU.
Myself along with a few others are some of the best husker fans you
will find. And it doesn't matter what time of year it is Big Red is
who we support. I had one of the officers in my unit asked me which
NFL team I support and my reply was the Huskers. Talk about a dumbfounded
look I received. It would be great for any support you might be able
to provide my soldiers. Will be looking forward towards your commentaries.
You can reach me at [email protected]
or my mailing address is listed below. I thank you for time sir, and
SFC Dean L. Johns
3rd Plt 116th MP CO
COB Q-WEST, 09351
My last column, I invited all those who want Kent Pavelka to be the
next PBP man for Husker football to send me your comments. I received
many letters (see the following sampling). The overwhelming number of
messages were pro-Pavelka.
If you would like to direct your wishes to those who actually make the
decision, you may write Dave Witty, General Manager at Husker Sports
Network at:
[email protected]
And to contact Tom Osborne at UNL, you may send your messages to Tom's
assistant at: [email protected]
Dear Husker Dan
Kent Pavelka for sure! He was my favorite and would get my vote.
Paul S.
Scottsbluff, NE
Dear Husker Dan:
I've listened to Big Red Football for 65 years and we've had some great
announcers. Kent was one of those that made you feel like you were there
and his excitement when the Huskers scored just spilled out over the
airwaves. The announcers the last few years have been pretty blah. They
report the game but the old passion just doesn't seem to be there. Yes,
please, lets have Kent back! Let's make listening to the radio broadcasts
the treat they once were.
A loyal Husker fan though I've lived in Colorado, California and Arizona.
There IS no place like Nebraska. Thanks for anything you can do. And
thanks for your comments. I enjoy them.
Dr. Jeanne H.
Yuma, AZ
Husker Dan:
Bring back Kent Pavelka! We loved Kent as the PBO announcer. It seems
that the downward spiral of Husker football began when he was no longer
calling the games. Coincidence? We don't think so. Please put us on
the list of Yes votes!
Keith and Pam K.
Newman Grove, NE
Dear Husker Dan:
Please work your magic and use your mojo. Bring back Kent Pavelka.
Matt W.
Cedar Rapids, IA
Husker Dan:
I grew up listening to Lyell and Kent every Saturday game day and I
was totally appalled when KFAB lost the broadcast rights to the games.
Since we can not have Lyell back, Kent is the next best thing. Kent
Pavelka and Husker football go together like Oreos and milk. Can't have
one without the other!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonita K.
Husker Dan:
I second Matt S.' request for a return to PAVELKA! PAVELKA! PAVELKA!
He is a class act from the past who put excitement into Nebraska football.
I still have tapes of his Orange Bowl announcing as Cory Schlesinger
galloped into the end zone against the hated Hurricanes. First Tom returns,
now it's Kent's turn. RETURN TO GLORY HUSKERS!
Ron C.
Milton, WI
Husker Dan:
I vote for Kent "touchdown! touchdown! touchdown!" Pavelka.
Joe Colorado Springs, CO (former Nebraskan)
Husker Dan:
I believe Kent is part of Husker tradition and would like to see him
Gene in York, NE
Husker Dan:
I'm all for bringing Kent back as the PBP guy for Nebraska football.
His voice makes me flash back to the Nebraska powerhouse teams of the
90's, which is always a good thing... He certainly has a passion for
Cornhusker football, and it reflects well in his commentary.
P.S. I'd vote to keep Adrian and Matt as color commentators, as I think
they are both EXCELLENT.
Thanks, and GBR!
Husker Dan:
Being stuck here in the hinterlands of Southern California, I can't
simply turn on the radio to listen to the Huskers. However, I can turn
on the Internet Radio, and I gotta tell yea, I'd love to hear Kent calling
the games again.
Brian S.
Woodland Hills, CA
Husker Dan:
Please bring back Kent. As a UNL alum living is Dallas, we NEED him
back on the air. There were a lot of KP nay-sayers back in that day.
That was prior to us having to endure Warren Swain and, bless his heart,
Jim Rose. We need KP to resume his all too familiar position as the
golden voice of the 'Skers. Plus-it can only help our karma on the field
as well.
Alex B.
Dallas, TX
Husker Dan:
I miss hearing Kent Pavelka call the NU games. He got more worked up
than me, which I found quite interesting. If I felt low during a game,
Kent could always get my blood pumping red again. Did he get too pumped
up? I suppose if it is possible to get too pumped up for a NU game,
he would epitomize the saying, but I don't think I ever got too pumped
up for a Nebraska game.
Bob R.
Husker Dan:
I agree that it is time to bring back Kent Pavelka. He never should
have been let go in the first place and as we are restoring Husker Nation,
it is time to bring back the true professional and the Truce Voice of
the Huskers, Kent Pavelka!
Bill Lincoln, NE
The only thing there is to say about the Huskers' second half collapse
at Colorado is, thank goodness this season has come to a merciful end.
I have to think that Joe Ganz's rib injury just before the fist half
ended, led to his passes sailing on him in the second half. Joe hasn't
said anything publicly on the matter, but he just wasn't the same player
in the second half. Heal up, Joey. We need you for next year!