Okay, so the Huskers racked up #800 on the all time school victory chart, ended a 10 year losing skid at Manhattan and as a bonus, became bowl eligible. In the process, the Huskers beat up on a team that started several freshmen on the offensive line (a couple of former starters were summarily demoted earlier in the week by Wildcat Head Case, er Head Coach Ron "I'm a King, Not a" Prince) and a true freshman quarterback (Josh "We Ain't Comin'" Freeman) who was making only his second career start at K-State.
Not impressed?
Well, you should be. Considering where the Husker program was a year ago or gasp! two years ago, the Huskers have made drastic improvements. True, the talent level of the teams we've defeated hasn't been very good, but last year, the Huskers used to struggle against such teams. Does anyone remember the K-State game in Lincoln last year? It was the Keystone Kops with a couple of bear cubs trying to seduce a football thrown in for good measure. And how about the Pitt-er, Pittsburgh game last year? Maine? Kansas? Missouri? Sigh.
As I keep saying, this Husker team is not a finished product...yet. But the Huskers have taken care of business in the games they've won. But in the only true test of season so far, at SoCal last month, the Huskers lost by 18.
Maurice Purify seems to have a knack of being in the right place at the right time and catching most everything that comes his way. I hope Mo gets a flu shot this fall.
Why did the PPV channel do a stupid interview with new K-State B-ball head coach, Bob "DWI" Huggins? I mean, there was a football game going on that they seemed to have forgot all about. Just stick to the game, already!
Bwandon Jackson
She's young, she's tan and she's rested. The grand lady of Husker advice is back and although she's getting up there in age, she's still as sharp as ever. Please welcome her back to Huskerpedia.
"Remember, she's the voice of reason during the football season."
Dear Aunt Rosie:
You gotta help me! My idiot husband, Delbert (not his real name), who is huge Husker fanatic (more like lunatic?) for years has decorated our Christmas tree exclusively with Husker ornaments. There's a Bob Devaney Santa Claus, a Bill Callahan snowman and even a little nativity scene with Tom and Nancy Osborne playing Mary and Joseph and little Frankie Solich as the Baby Jesus. The tree is supposed to be green, but the knothead spray painted the thing bright red (it's an artificial tree). All the lights are red, the tree blanket is red and even the light cords are red. It's bad enough that I have to put up with this monstrosity during December, but now the old galoot is having a bunch of his cronies over this Saturday to watch the Texas game. That's okay, but get this-he wants to set the tree up for his party and keep it up until January! Do you believe that! I don't know what to do. It's been like Death Valley this fall and now he wants to put up this stupid tree in October. What's a person to do?
Sue Flay
Phoenix, AZ
Dear Sue: Sounds like you've got a husband who is a couple of bulbs short of a full string. The tree bit, like you said, is tough enough to swallow in December let alone October and November. Aunt Rosie is all for displaying Husker spirit whenever possible. You are lucky that Delbert is so wound up in a such a good cause. But like most things, there is line that shouldn't be crossed-like collecting John Tesh, Yanni, Barry Manilow and Aker Bilk records. How about telling Delbert that you'll split the difference? Tell him he can have another party for the Big 12 Championship game December 2nd and can show off (!) his Big Red Tree. After all, marriage is all about compromise, isn't it? That's what I'd do. Good luck, deary.
Dear Aunt Rosie:
My husband was yelling the other night about the K-State not being called for "rubbing the passer" or something when Zac Taylor was knocked down after a play. My husband got so mad at the referees, I thought he was going to have a coronary, right there on the spot. What's so bad about rubbing a quarterback? I thought football was a contact sport. I don't get it.
Vi Di'Munn
Dear Vi: If ol' Aunt Rosie didn't know any better, she'd think you were pulling her varicose vein stained leg! I think your husband meant, "roughing the passer". Land sakes, when's the last time you visited an ear doctor, sweetie? You need to have your ears roto-rooted, or something. And that's EAR doctor, not REAR doctor. That's what I'd do. Good luck, deary.
Dear Aunt Rosie:
Like me and my boyfriend are like big Husker fans-huge! We've gone to all the Husker games together this fall. Last week , I go, "So when are we leaving for the Texas game?" And then he goes, "Like I can't go." And then I'm like, "Why can't you go?" And he's like, "I have to work." And I go "Okay, so can I take a friend with me?" And he doesn't say nothing. Then like, I found out later that he doesn't have to work and that he's going with one of his buddies from work! Do you believe that?! So then, like I asked him if that was true and he goes, "Do I have to go everywhere with you?" I'm like, "Why did you lie to me?" And he didn't say nothing. So I go, "Fine, you can get another girlfriend."
He hasn't called or even text messaged me since then. I've tried to call him but he won't return my calls. Now I feel stupid. I've lost a boyfriend and my Husker tickets. What should I do?
Anna Wrexic
Bellbrook, Ohio
Dear Anna: Have either of you ever heard of the word "said"? Anyway, back to your problem. It sounds like you issued your squeeze an ultimatum that now you wish you hadn't issued-sort of like buyers remorse in reverse. What's a girl to do? You just assumed his football tickets were yours when they weren't. You might try sending him (via snail mail) a nice note of apology. Tell him how sorry you are for being so rude. Maybe he'll call you. And maybe Ryan Seacrest will have grandkids. Good luck, deary.
(The following letter is from Gary McGirr with the Northeast Kansans For Nebraska Alumni group in Topeka, Kansas. The NEK4NE group is in charge of accepting donations and coordinating the HUSKER DAN'S ARMY program.)
To: Larry and Candy H:
Thanks for you donation. That made a lot of folks very happy in Iraq. Our chapter tries to be like a helpful conveyor belt. Whether it is information or a product we get things to where they need to go. It has been really interesting how all this has transpired.
You and Larry gave us that huge box of sweat shirts two years ago. Sgt Myles Froehling, the Military police person in Iraq gave those sweat shirts to Iraqi citizens as a gesture of good will. That was a very good thing. Now you gave us all of those Game day t-shirts; and they were put to good use. Thanks to you for making it all possible.
(The following is a letter to Gary McGirr from Josh Howard, a Husker soldier stationed in the Middle East.)
Dear Gary:
I was just about to write ya Gary. Yes we got them (T-shirts) yesterday and they went like hot cakes. Thank you for sending them. Everybody loved them. Especially all of the specialty shirts like the OU vs. Neb shirts-those were cool. Thank you Gary.
I just can't tell you how much your support has meant to us as a company this year. I am coming home for Thanksgiving, and I am gonna go to the Colorado game, I am so excited. It has meant so much to these guys and to myself what you have done. It's people like you that keep American soldiers strong. So stand tall in knowing that. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Things are heating up but we are well prepared and doing our job to the best to our abilities. I am gonna be bold and call the K-state game. Neb 32-K-state-14.
Take care
(The next letter is from Doug Bogenhagen, another Husker soldier in the Middle East.)
Hi Gary:
Thanks for the message. I finally received all the football tapes up to the Troy game. Our air strip was under repair and we didn't get mail for 5 weeks. Typical for Afghanistan. The guys really appreciate the videos. It's the highlight of our month. Still training the Afghan army. They are good fighters and are getting better. They are trained up on their howitzers and are doing pretty well firing at the Taliban. Hope all is well for you. Looks like the weather has cooled in NE. It is still in 80's here during the days.
Take care.
The Huskers have been chugging along over the last 10 games at a very respectful 9-1 pace. The lone loss was against #2 Southern California in Los Angeles in last month.
This season, the Huskers have put up some fairly impressive Big 12 conference numbers:
#1.) Rushing offense
#4.) Passing offense
#1.) Total offense
#3.) Scoring offense
#4.) Rushing defense
#1.) Pass efficiency defense
#1.) Scoring defense
#2.) Turnover margin
That's the good news. While the Huskers are 6-1 and 2-0 in the Big 12 this season, the combined record of the teams we have beat is a sobering 15-24. This is not the kind of a record that will intimidate a team like the Texas Longhorns.
The national and conference stats are fairly close for both teams. Even the non conference schedule includes a very strong opponent for each team-for Texas, it was Ohio State at home: for the Huskers, it was Southern Cal in Los Angeles. The 'Horns may have a schedule edge because they defeated the Sooners on a neutral field when Oklahoma still had a healthy Adrian Peterson.
So what's going to happen this Saturday for the shoot-out in Lincoln? In my view, while the Huskers have made major strides in its football program, the Huskers are not "there" yet. If the Huskers are to win they are going to have to be able to shut down Texas' running game and must be able to consistently run the football themselves (probably between the tackles) to have any chance of winning the game.
The Huskers are going to have to make a statement from the opening kickoff that they have come to play. If the Huskers don't make errors; if the special teams can help with field position, the Huskers will have a chance.
In short, the Huskers are going to have to play a near perfect game to win. This one is going to go down to the wire. It is going be Harrier-jet loud at Memorial Stadium Saturday morning. You'll be able to feel it when the crowd gets into its "HUSKER!" "POWER!" chant before the game. It will deafening. It will be the place to be on the planet. Not since the Sooners came to town in '01 will the Stadium have seen such a spectacle. Hang on Husker fans. The Huskers aren't "there" just yet. Maybe next year, maybe in '08, but not this Saturday. Sorry Husker fans:
If you'd like to give Husker Dan a piece
of your mind you may email Husker Dan at [email protected].
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