The cover of the magazine in the hotel lobby said, "Topeka, Where Kansas Begins", but from the looks of all the red clad Husker fans Saturday night who attended the Northeast Kansans For Nebraska annual summer picnic in Topeka, the town's slogan should have read: "Topeka, Where Nebraska Begins".
The picnic, held at Topeka's Crestview Park pavilion, was an opportunity to bring local Northeast Kansas Husker fans and their families together for one last gathering before the start of the Husker football season. The grills were cooking up juicy burgers and Fairbury brand hot-dogs. There were hot dishes, salads, pies, cookies, cakes (there was a beautiful Husker T-shirt cake baked by Candy Hodge). There were door prizes and an auction to boot.
Okay, you ask, so why am I writing this piece? Well, Husker Dan was the Guest Speaker for the evening, that's why. It was the first such invitation I've ever accepted...okay, okay, so it was the FIRST invitiation I've ever received. Gimme a break.
Anyway, I had a fantastic time talking about Husker football. The people couldn't have been nicer.
NKFN, a Husker alumni group, began in 1999 and now boasts about 250 family members. One of the group's founders is current Board Member, Gary McGirr of Topeka, Kansas. During that time, NKFN has helped donate over $13,000 in scholarship money; has continued to donate food each year to the local food shelf and for years has helped needy families during the Holidays.
The group hangs out for televised Husker games at Bullfrog's Live in Topeka and Bobby T's in Manhattan, Kansas. (Yes, in Manhattan, KANSAS!!!)
The group's sponsors include Husker Headquarters, the Nebraska Bookstore and the Lincoln Journal Star in Lincoln and The Red Zone in Omaha.
Everyone seemed to have a good time at the event. The NKFN organization, including Gary McGirr and his lovely bride, Bobbie, and Bob Elliott, Dick Tilly and Jim Taylor made Mrs. Husker Dan and me feel especially welcome.
It was a thrill for me to have the opportunity to talk Husker football with the many loyal Husker fans who attended the event. The night ended with Dick Tilly serenading Mrs. Husker Dan and me, with a perfect rendition of "Come A Runnin' Boys".
To all of you with NKFN, thanks being so classy!!! To learn more about NKFN, go to their web site.
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