Here is the latest letter from SSG Myles Frohling, Sr, the Nebraska soldier who is fighting in Iraq. Last fall, he requested Husker game DVDs and asked for Husker apparel he could hand out to the Iraqi citizens.
Husker Dan:
It was good to hear from you. We are coming into a very crazy and
intense point in the future of the Iraqis. Our workload has shifted
and even our location has shifted since the last correspondence I
have had with you.
I have received many great things from great Husker fans across the
Americas. I received Frisbees from Douglas Heskett in Omaha. I received
a box of food and treats from the Ness family in Houston, TX and I
have received numerous cards from a few others. I have been very busy
and have not had ample time to get to the Internet to give adequate
replies but have not forgotten any of you back there. I cannot thank
you enough.
As the months go by here, it gets harder and harder for me and my
family. We are nearing our 1 year mark since I have been with them
and I have to take this time to praise my wife and all her efforts
with our four children. To me, she is the real hero. She, and all
the other spouses out there, are the ones who are forgotten. They
are responsible for oh so much and then just a little more. Well,
I need to go and if I can get ahold of pictures that are cleared,
I promise you will be on my list of the first ones to receive them.
SSG Myles Frohling Sr.
[email protected]
SSG Myles A. Frohling Sr.
410th Military Police Company
APO, AE 09310
Readers: Myles had earlier thanked Gary McGirr (NE Kansans for Nebraska) for the box he sent. This might be a appropriate time to pray for Myles, his family and for all those who are in our armed forces.
Readers: This is Myles' response to all of you who took time to send him good wishes this week. It never ceases to amaze me how loving and caring true Husker really fans are.
Husker Dan:
I cannot say enough. In the first few hours after emailing you my
last email, the Husker Nation has come out and showed their appreciation.
I have personally replied to everyone thus far but I do hope that
there are no hurt feelings if there are repeated parts of emails.
I try to personalize email to everyone that takes their time to write
There is a lot of information that I want each and everyone of them
to know as well, so that I hope explains the duplicate parts of emails.
Some of these emails have lifted my motivation to continue on. Some
of them make me realize that it could be much worse. All of them however,
have made me realize that the love of husker fans goes far beyond
the borders of Nebraskaland.
I cannot express my thanks enough and just hope that the thoughts
continue to go out to everyone of our Husker Soldiers that we do have
out here. I am hoping to be able to show my wife the true Husker love
this coming year by taking her to a Husker football game. I know that
she will be totally surprised at the sportsmanship that all husker
fans have. It is amazing how Nebraska pride bleeds over to Husker
pride. I am proud to call myself a Christian, American, Nebraskan,
and of course a HUSKER!!! Thank You to you all.
You can contact Husker Dan at: [email protected] For past Husker Dan columns click here.