Dear Husker Dan:
I am currently deployed to Iraq and have heard two of the games on
the Internet radio but have not seen any Husker games on TV. I have
had to pay for the Internet time and even a little extra to go over
the maximum time allowed to hear these games. I am hoping to get home
by March of '05 but this means I will miss out on the entire 2004
football season. I proudly display my HUSKER fever everywhere I can.
Nebraska football is a major part of my life, so being separated from
the boob tube during these religious Saturdays is killing me. I do
rely on to keep me up to date. I really thank you
for this.
Now I need to add in a little selfish part. I would really like to
get the games on recorded media, i.e. CD or DVD. If anyone has the
capabilities to do this, that would be awesome. I also try to spread
the HUSKER spirit to the local Iraqi citizens (remember not all of
them are bad people). If you could possibly send hats, shirts, or
anything else to hand out, I would love to send pictures of these
things being given to the NEW HUSKER FANS!!
I hope to hear a response from you or the many other fans out there
who think this is a good idea.
SSG Myles A. Frohling Sr.
410th Military Police Company
APO, AE 09310
Dear Myles:
First of all, we are all proud of you and the rest of our men and
women in the armed services who are making tremendous personal sacrifices
defending freedom all over the world. God bless all of you! Thanks
for writing.
Readers? This is a great opportunity to show what "Husker Pride
Worldwide" really means. GO BIG RED!
Dear Husker Dan:
I just can't get excited about this "West Coast Offense"
or Callahan. I wish we had a quarterback who wasn't afraid to run
and I don't meant for the sidelines. I miss the option. I still love
Nebraska football, but am sick already of the NFL approach. We are
Nebraska, not the NFL... and Callahan needs to remember this!
Tipton, Missouri
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha: There is a time and place for everything,
the HOG (Husker Option Game) is gone from Nebraska. Good defenses
were stopping the HOG most every time.
Getting HOG players was becoming increasingly difficult. Missing from
the past several recruiting classes have been competent option quarterbacks,
a strong offensive line and a running back corps capable of making
the option a serious threat. Other than that, we were doing great.
The program, IMO, was slowly, but most certainly going downhill. We
didn't get into this situation overnight and won't get out of it quickly
either. Give Callahan time to recruit the kind of players he needs
to run the offense, and we will have one heck of a team. I've been
a Husker fan for more years that I'd care to admit, but the only option
I miss is the one that used to be run in the days of Tom Osborne.
As far as Joe Dailey's running for the sidelines, did you see his
nifty 17 yard bootleg run for a touchdown at Pitt, er Pittsburgh?
Dear Husker Dan:
I have been reading your column since last year and have become a
big Husker Dan fan. I would like to know how you got started and how
long you've been writing.
Karen S.
Irvine, CA
Dear Karen:
Thanks for your very kind words. I started writing my Husker Dan column
in '98, sending it to (forcing it upon?) my fellow Husker football
fanatics. People who read my column kept sending me more names to
add to the mailing list. The list continued to grow each year. A friend
of mine turned me on to Huskerpedia and I quickly became a big fan
of the site. In the spring of 2003, I sent some of my work to Huskerpedia.
They said they liked what I'd written and began running my column
shortly thereafter.
I am sending you an autographed copy of my new book, "Husker
Dan's You Might Be A Cornhusker Fan If.." (Volume I). Thanks.
Dear Husker Dan:
Please see the attached picture. There are Husker fans across the
world. There are two "Nebraska" restaurants in Madrid, Spain.
Of course we had to eat there! This is one of them on one of Madrid's
busiest streets. The owner is an old Husker Alum who moved back to
Spain and decided to open these places.
John G.
Overland Park, KS
Dear John:
Thanks for the photo!
Dear Husker Dan:
I have been reading your columns for quite some time and generally
agree with what you have to say. I have a new granddaughter (Kallie)
who just turned 6 months old and you can see the results of her living
here in the same town as I do. She is a huge Husker fan-she just doesn't
know it yet! (See attached photo.) Keep up the good work, Dan.
Jack M.
Cheyenne, WY
Class of '55
Dear Jack:
Thanks for the letter and the photo of Kallie!
A Husker fan from Neligh was making his first trip to New York City.
He was lost and needed to ask for directions.
"Pardon me, can you tell me where the library's at?," the
fan asked politely.
"Sir, you're in the Big City now, and you shouldn't end your
sentences with a preposition," the stranger instructed.
The Husker fan paused and then said, "Okay, then. Pardon me,
can you tell be where the library's at, buttface?"
My wife and I attended the WIU game in Lincoln and enjoyed a once-in-a-lifetime
event. You see, even though I've been watching our beloved Huskers
for 30 + years, and have not missed a televised game since the 1980
season, this trip to memorial Stadium was a first. I couldn't agree
with you more regarding the feeling one gets walking the campus (also
a first) prior to the game and listening to the band warm up. Strolling
through the crowd of 70,000 like-minded people was an amazing feeling.
I never really got the full effect of the "Sea of Red" until
that day.
I already knew we had the greatest fans in the world of sports, but
immersing myself in that throng of controlled hysteria was almost
cathartic. Tom Osborne Field is to the Cornhusker faithful what Mecca
is to Islamic faithful. You have to make the pilgrimage at least once
in your life and you are forever changed by the visit.
To those of you lucky enough to experience this more often, I envy
you and add my voice to the mix in good times and bad, even if it
is only from my living room. To those of you who have never seen the
Huskers play in our stadium, I would urge you to find a way to make
it happen and bring relevance to your Husker fan status that can not
be satisfied any other way.
Blake B.
Walsenburg, CO
In July of '02, I was deployed as remember of the 82nd ABN DIV to
Afghanistan to do my part for the war on terrorism. We didn't get
many Husker games over there, but I knew the Colorado game was going
to nationally televised. I went to the boss (who was NOT a Husker
fan) and received permission to put together a viewing party. I then
set off to get support for the party. I emailed everybody I could.
The booster club sent T-shirts, the University sent a banner, fans
sent hats and all kinds of stuff. It was great! I put up some fliers
and got about 25 folks interested. The night of the game (3:00 a.m.
for us over here) we packed the house with almost 50 guys. The chow
hall even provided hot dogs, chips and soda. Regardless of the
was a great time had by all and a nice touch of home to be with my
fellow Husker Nation members. The boss even let us break uniform and
wear the T-shirts over our uniforms during the game. He was even in
attendance for the 1st quarter. It was the greatest game I ever saw
... in combat-thousands of miles form home, rooting for the boys.
All the way, and then some!
Jonathan L. Harvey
AS3/Ammo MNGR, 82nd ABN Division Artillery
Readers: All of you have a Husker memory or story you need to share
with Husker Pride Worldwide. Your story might be about the first Husker
game you ever saw; it could be about the last Husker game you shared
with a loved one, or maybe it's a story of what you had to do in order
to get Husker tickets. It could be a funny story or just a memorable
one. Whatever memory you have, send them to [email protected] and
Husker Dan will post the best ones in his column.
If you watched the Texas Tech-Kansas game Saturday, won by the Red
Raiders, you know at least one thing: Both teams are better than the
Pitt, er, Pittsburgh Panthers.
Like the first few questions of "Who Want's To Be A Millionaire?",
the quality of this year's Husker opponents is getting more difficult
each week. The Jayhawks who, like the Huskers, have been their own
worst enemy, have missed golden opportunities to be at least 3-1 or
even undefeated. This may be another Keystone Kops game, with missed
plays and mistakes by both teams.
Saturday night's game in Lincoln may be decided by the team that makes
fewer mistakes (duh!). But the Huskers may have one advantage. History
may be on the Huskers' side because Nebraska hasn't lost to the Jayhawks
since Tricky Dickey was in the White House. There have been some close
games in the series, but there have been many Husker blowouts.
If the Huskers can reduce or eliminate their mistakes, this could
be yet another Husker rout. My sense is, this will be a fairly close
contest. The pressure will be on both teams to win. In KU's case,
losing will send them into a tailspin at 2-3 while a loss by the Huskers
would drop them to 2-2 with their wins coming over two very inept
football teams.
Keep in mind Kansas' brutal schedule: They faced Texas Tech last Saturday,
face Nebraska this Saturday, then it's at home with K-State, then
on the road at Oklahoma. Their last three games include at home against
Colorado and Texas and on the road at Missouri to mercifully end their
season. Husker fans should be thankful the scheduling gods were kind
to the Big Red in Callahan's first year.
Last week, Joe Dailey, despite his 4th quarter interception, played
perhaps his best game as a Husker. His passes were crisp and on the
money, he ran well, he made good decisions and helped his cause by
a nifty bootleg run for a touchdown.
The defense continues to play well, despite injuries to several key
players like Adam Carriker, Fabian Washington and Lornell McPherson.
So what's going to happen this Saturday night on what is expected
to be a chilly fall evening?
Kansas is coming off a 6-7 season last year that ended with a 56-26
loss to N.C. State in the Tangerine Bowl. On the other hand, the Huskers
with a brand new coaching staff and having to learn the complexities
of the WCO, will have the benefit of playing at home, at night in
front of 80,000 screaming red clad Husker fans-all this should be
enough to propel the Big Red to a win. The margin of victory will
depend largely on mistakes.
This week, look for the Husker offense to get untracked, look for
the footing to be much better than at Pitt, er Pittsburgh. Look for
the Blackshirts to dominate the inexperienced Kansas offensive line.
Look for a Husker win. And remember Husker fans, be thankful for any
and all wins this year-especially early in the season.