Nebraska 21, Kansas State 0
Nov. 18, 1922
Nov. 19, 1922
(Continued from Pape 7-A)
goal line for a fouchback. Swartz uiaue lOur yams thru center. Clements went off tackle tor one yard. Stark tailed to gam on a try ai Nebraska's, It-ll end.
Kansas took out time. Stark was huit on the last play, but he remained in the gaine.
Ltiaud.ey punted twenty yards to H. De Witz, who made no return. Ne-biaska's hall on Aggies' 40 yard line. H. De Wiiz went oil tackle for three vaids. De Wiiz made a yard thru center. liartiev was thrown lor a two-yard loss. Russell punted iwen-ty-hve yaids out ot bounds.
Le'i\elien was substituted for Noble In the Nebrpska backtield Clements made a yard on tackle. A toiwaid pass, Stark to Swam was incomplete. Biandlry puntPfi and Hartley blocked him, Leweiien recoveiing and running. It back to the Aggie til teen yard line. LeweJn made 5 yards off tackle. H. Dewitz made a yaid thiu the line. Hartley made 7 jards arouad Kansas' right cud, putting the ball on Kansas' 2 >ard line, with lour downs to gu over.
Leweiien went off tackle for tht touchcicwn. H. Dev.itz made the exu<> point iron.! placement, tjcoie, Nt braska, 7; Kansjb, 0
Weuer kicked ,U fifty-live yards to Staik, who ran it biL-k lo the Aggies' 15-jard line. fewaitz tailed to gain, but Neoiaska was penalized fifteen yaids, putuug the bail on the Aggies' 34-yard line. bwartz hit the iJie again for two VctiUs. bUik niado thiee more on a wide end lun. A tor-waid pass. Sv�aitz to Webuer, was guod lor line^n yards. A pass, btaik to Swaitz, was incomplete.
A forwaid pa^s by Staik, was mter-cep.eJ by L,e*vei.en on J^eoraskas 35 juid line. v Leweilen went oil tack.e lurosix yards. De Witz hit the line lor three yards more. Leweuen weat oil tackie tor four >aida and a fust down. Haitley utade three yards oil uckle. Uaitiej taued to gain.
H. De Vv uz made a yard on a double pass and the first half ende.l with NeDiaska in jio^sesslon of the ball on the Aggies' 46-jard line, bcore: Ncbiaska 7, Kansas Aggies 0 \ Third Quarter.
When the second half opened Ne-biaska's hneup was the same as when the nrst haif closed, with one exception, i'eteison took Hojsefe place at center. 'ihe Aggies" lineup was unchanged.
Vve.ler kicked off sixty yards across the Aggies' goal line tor a toucnba^k.
The Aggies took the ball on their own 20->ard line. ISwaiu made a >aid thru the line. Torward pass. Swartz to Webber, was incouip�e.e. On the next play, a torward pass, Staik to Ciemenis, was inteicepted by Leweiien, on the Aggie 22->ard line and he ran to a toachdown. H. De Witz made the extra point fron' placement.
Scoic: Nebraska 14, Kansas Aggies 0.
\velier kicked off flftj-six yardi to Staik. who returned nine yards to the Aggies' twelve yar-t line. Swart?, mace a yard thru t-.e line. A forward pass by Staik to X andley, was grounded by Thora&en. A forward pass, Sta.k to Biann.ey was incomplete.
Braudloy punted 43 yards. Nebraska's ball on her own foity-fhe yard line. Lewe.len made 2 yards oi* tr.ckle, but the pla/ was called back and Nebraska penalized five yards off sides. Leweiien punted 48 yards out ol bounds to the Aggies twelve yaid line. Stark made 4 yaids around Nebraska's left end. A pass, Swartz to Stark, was good for 7 yards and & tirst down.
A torward pass, Stark to Webber, gained eight yards, putting the ball on the Aggies' thlrty-one-yard line. Another forward pass, Satrk to Brandley, was good fo. four yards and a first down.* A pass, Swartz to Stark, was good for five yards. Swartz broke thru aud ran thirteen yards thm the ..aa A torward pass, Stark to Swartz, was good for four yarus. Swaitz lost two >ards an another attempted pass. Kansas took out time.
Aggies' ball on Nebraska's forty-six->aid ii.u\ A pass, to Mann, was gioundtd but the Atj;ies were given the ground when a Nebraska man interfered. A forward p tss, Swatrz to Stars, was completed out Stark was tackled �o hard that b� fumbled the
ball and Hartley recovered oa Nebras-! ka's thirty eight-yard line.
ftewellen went off tackle for two
yaids. Leweiien made tour yards thru
the line. Nebraska fumbled on rhe
next play, H. DeWitz recoveiing and
Plunging five yards for a fust down
! Leweiien went off tackle for two
i yards
Leweiien hit the line for three more I yards on the next play. Nebraska took time out. McAllister was substituted lor Thomsen In the Nebraska lineup.
A pass by Hartley was Intercepted by Stark, who ran the ball to Nebraska's lorty-seven yard line. Swartz was thrown for a yard loss. A pass, Swaitz to Stark, was good for ten yards.
Clements dove over-for five yards and a first down. Aggies' ball on Ne-b.aska's thirty-four yard line. A for-waid paws, Stark to S-.vartz was incomplete. A forwa.d pass, Stark to Swartz, was completed but it failed to gain any distance ' t
Another torward pass, ' Swartz to Munn, gained thr e jard3. Schoeppel btolce thru and "tackled Swartz before he could get rid of a forward j>a&3. Nebraska took Uje ball on down's on her 31-yard line.
Haitley made four yards running from punt formation. Sears was substituted for Clements as the Aggie fullback. Neb aska tumb'ed on ti>e next play and Sta*k recovered on Ne-btaskd 38 yard line.
Stark was thrown for a two yard loss. Sears failed to ga^n thru the line. A loiward pass Swartz to Stark was incomplete. The Aggies took time out. Stark made an.on-side IcIck. It was good for twenty-five yards, Russell running it back ten to Ne-h aska's 21-yard line. A double pass, De Witz to Haitley, was good for bis: yards. Lewellen plunged thru the Agjriv) right tackle toi seven yards and a tirst down. De Witz hit left tackle for twehe yards and another fust down. H. De Witz broke thru for seven yards more and the quarter ended with Nebiaska In possession of the ball on the Aggies 44-yaid line. Score, Nebraska 14, Kansas Aggies 0. Fourth Quarter.
R. Dewitz was sent back in for Lew-el.en. II. Dewitz made thiee yards oif tackle. Russell fumbled on the next play and Brandley recovered, on the Aggies' 36-yard line. Statk went of" tack.e for seven yards. The play was called back and Nebraska penalized five yards, oftside.
Stark made seven yards off tackle. A foiward pass, Staik to'Webber, wan incomplete. Stark made four yaids and a tirst down thru the Cornhusker eleven. A forward pass, Staik to Webber, was good for thiiteen yards, ouUing the ball on Nebraska's 35-yard line.
Stark made three yards off tackle. Nixqp substituted for McGlasson in the Nebraska lme. Seass made two yards off tackle but the" play was called back and the Aggies penalized live yards, ottside. A pass, Swaitz to Webber was incomplete. A forward pass. Stark to Munn, was incomplete.
Stark made an on-side kick of twenty yards. Hartley leceiving it on Nebraska's 22-yard line. Hartley made five yards off tackle. Russell ran the Kansas Atrgie left end for seventeen yards. The play was a straight line punt. Noble was substituted in the Nebraska backfield lor R, Dewitz.
On a double pass, Dewitz to Noble, Noble made a yard. Hartley hit center for a yard, but the play was called back and Nebraska penalized five yaids. Noble fumb'ed on the next play and Munn recoveied on Nebraska's 42 yawl line.
A forward pass, Swartz to Stark, was good for nine yards. A forward pass. Stark to Swartz, was good for three yards and a first down. Stark hit Nebraska's left tackle for two i yards. A forward pass by Swartz was I intercepted by Hartlev who carried the ball to the Cornhuskers' 41-yard line. Herb Dewitz made three yaids i off tackle. H. Dewitz made lour more , yaids off tackle. Hartley followed i with a plunge of six yards and a first! down. Nebraska's ball on the Aggies' 42-yard line.
The Assies were penalized two yads for takine out time. Kohle ran the Kansas Acrgie right end for twen-tj-four yards. Nebiaska's ball on ihe As;sie'6 22-vard line. Laswell substi-luted for Strlb in the As^ie line. On the next play Noble fumbled and recovered for no 16ss
Noble broke thru the Aggie line and ran fifteen yards, putting the ball on the Aggies' 4-.'ferd line. Noble hit the line for a yard. On the next play Noble dove over for the touchdown. Rurton was sent In for Brandley In j the Agsrle bSfckfleld. H. Dewltz's place, kick went wide for the extra point but the Angles were offside or. the play and the point counted.
Score, Nebraska 21, ^Kansas Ag-glos 0.
K>tnko was substituted for Schoep-pel. Welier kicked off fifty-five yards to Brandley who returned the ball to the Aftgies' 18->ard line. Sears made two \ards off tackle. Brandley was thrown lor a yard ioss. Sears made four jards off tnckle,
UrTidley ounted forty yards to Uiis-sel who returned 4en to Nebraska 40- j yard line. A foiward pas1'. Russell io | Klemkr, wm Intercepted by Swartz, i who raa It back to Nebraska 13-yurd
line. A torward p ss, by Swaitz, was intercepted by H. D^witz who ran It back to the Aggies S2-vard -line.
Noble went off tackle > for three yards. Hoy was substituted for H. De-witz, in the Nebraska backfield. On a double pass Noble to Hartley, Hartley was thrown for a three yard loss. Noble hit the Aggie right tackle thirteen yards and a first down. The AggiP3~were penalized two yards for taking out time. Noble ran the Aggie left tackle for eierht yards. On the nexi play he made five yaids. putting the ball on the Agpies' 7-yard line. Hartley failed to gain. The game ended with the ball on the Aggies' 7-yard line in Nebraska's possession. Score, Nebra&ka 21. Aggies 0.