Quantcast HuskerMax

Nebraska 21
Kansas State 0

Nov. 18, 1922
ksu1 (380K)


FARMERS HAVE BEST OF THE EARLY GOING Visitors Resort to the Air for Gains While the Cornhuskers Plow.By John Bentley. Kansas Aggies fell in defeat befote the Nebraska Cornhuskers for the first time this season, Saturday afternoon, 21 to 0. But the fall was not hard. Nor waa the defeat inglorious.Men who have followed Nebraska football teams for years made the assertion after the game that had not the goddess of luck looked with much faTor upon the Huskers the outcome might have been far different.If the war department had been half as efficient in the air during the late hostilities as the Sunflower Farmers proved themselves to bo, th war would have ended months before it did. The Visitors completed over half their forward passes, to be exact, 20 out ol 37 tiies weie successful for gi-ins totalling 158 yards. The Huskers attended but one pass which was incomplete.Only Five Yards Difference.In the matter of gaining yards from scrimmage It was only by a spurt in the last half that the Huskers got within shotting distance. The final totals show the- Aggies gained 2G5 yards while the Nebraskans rammed thru lor 270. A difference of but five yards.It was this record which served to assuage the sting ol defeat rankling In the bieast3 of the Kansas Plow-boys. The fact that the Husker backfield had but one regular in it when the opening whistle sounded helps explain a\v*ay the manner in which the visitors were given the List two rounds on> points. Bub Weller, bulwark ot' the Husker line was also wrapped in a .blanket on the sidelines when the t ray started. It proved a beautiful game to watch. Tb"e frequent Hips ol the Kansans blended well with the runs of Dave Noble and Lewellen to bring about the spectacular. On the fust play after Nebraska Kot the ball in the first period. Noble skirted the Aggie right end for the longest run of the game, forty yaids. !t was Swartz, Aggie saiety man, who saved a toucndown. Russell attempted a drop kick from the 40-yaid line after Noble's run. The ball hit one of the goal posts and bounded back into the Held twenty yaids. Hartley Blocks Kick. The fust touchdown Nebraska �cored started when Captain Hart.ey , partially blocked Braudley's punt, Lewellen recovering it and canying the ball to the Aggies' 15-yaid line, in th� second penod. Line smashes by Le�vellen, H. Dewitz and Hartley put the ball on the 2-yard line and LeWelien lugged it over. The Aggies weie carried away with their success in the air and as a result weie penalized seven moie points. It is a rule of long standing that to pass within your own 20-yard line Is taking tar too much chance. But the Aggies did it in the third period and Lewellen intercepted the Hip on the Kansans' 22 yaid line, racing from there to the last lime mark. The last touchdown began when Captain Haitley intercepted a pass and ran it back to the Husker's 44-; ard line. A sustained attack, featured by the gaii.s of Noble, put the ball on the Aggies' 4-yaid line rrom which vantage point Noble dove Oif tackle for the -counter. H. Devvitz's place kick went wide but the Kansans were oflside and the point counted. Swartz An Accurate Passer. The left hand passing of Swartz puzzled the Huskers. His passing was distressingly accurate and on three dilferent occasions perfect passes were missed by Kansans who were in the clear. The Huskeis kept to the straight tactics, attempting but one pass which was incomplete. Lewc.ien proved a consistent ground gainer and wheu Noble came back in the sec ond halt he reeled oif some spectac ular runs which earned one touchdown and was paving the wa> to another when the linal whistle sounded. The ball at that time was on the Aggies' 7-jaid line. The summary : Nebraska� �Kansas Aggies �ehoeppel .........le.......... \\ ebber Wenke...........'......... Mi.ln.ia Bsssttt ...........Ik........ HH'in, (C) llouio ............c............ HaritT B.'liuls.t ........ I-K .......... bteiner Mii.l.ii-on .......rt.............. htulj Tliiimten ....... re ........... Muntt 5tu--.e'l ...........ab........... Sw.ii.. NaMe ..........1"............. St.ir* H. lci\!tz ........rh........ r.iunilK'j H�rtm.in .......'j......... Clements Settle b> quillets. Ntbrasl-a ............... 0 7 7 7�21 Kins.ii ARC" ....... 0 0 0 *� u SubstUutunii Ntbraska. Hutie, (� .D-tatn), foi H.i.tman M> lilassaii loi Hassetl, \\tilor lor Mi Oui3*i i 11 i�ew,itz iur K. iJowitx. MiAi'lali;!* lot Thouiifi, It. Ik wit/ ror LertSi.tn, .\ixun lor Ml^tKiasoO, Hu> K�r K. Pewit!-. Kansus Affgiea Sears for Clementa, l..a*-�Hill Cor bt�.b. Ki-hiiuiUr for 5>*en>ei , .Burton for Bramluj, Buuu.u1} fin . tark. First downs. (.�.irneu). Nebraaita, 16. Kansas Agjrtes, 11. Yards gained from scrimmage�Nebraska, S70, Kansas As:�ies, 2b5 Forward pas�e��Nebiaska. 1 Incomplete; Kansas Aciflos. 10 completed out of 37 attempted for laS yards. Puuts�Nebraska, t> for 105 yards (aver-as;* H yards). Kansas Ag�ies. 7 for Z22 yards (averaee Jl.�) Penalties�Nabraaiis, 40 yards; Kansas antes, 18 yards. Fumbles�Nebraska, �; Kansas Afglei, S. Nebraska scoring�Touchdowua. Lewellen. 1); Nobl*. Try for point. H Dewltu two tram placement, third countin* when Kan-M* was offside. Officials�B. U Qulrley, St. Marys, ref-eree; �. W. Coohrane Kalamaioo. umpire, �. U HoOreary. Oklahoma, head linesman Flrtt Quarter. Captain Hartley wen the toss, and chose to defend the east goal. Wenke kicked off forty yards to Brandiej, who made no return. Ball on Aggies' It-yard line. On the next play the Aggies fumbled and Nebraska recov ered, but the piay was e.uied back and Nebraska penalized fi\e jams oft �idea. Brand.ey win the N�biask-right end lor nine yards, but the pia. was called back and Ncbiaska peiml 1mm) five yards off sides On a �U-l�yed pass Cit-ments uinde Q\e yaid thru tha Una. On a bad pass i.-um ceiuei liicHidiej [u.^bied but recovered tor an eight-yaid loss. Forward past, Swartz to Stark, was good for thiiteen >ards, putting the ball on the Aggies' 40-\ard line. Captain Haitley was substituted for Haitman. Clements went off tackle for two yards. Clementa made five more off tackle. Clements made four yards and a first down thru the line Clement3 made five yards off tackle. A forward ;mss, Suatrz to Stark, was good for sevtn vards and a first down, putting the ball on .Nebiaska's thirty-seven-yard line. On the next play Kansas Aggie fumbled and Steiner recoveiedon Nebiaska's twenty eight-yaid line A' lor ward pass, Suni to Brandley, was incomplete. A lO.ward pass. Stark to Webber, was incomplete. A torward pass, Staik to Biandley, was completed tor a feain of tour yarda. A pass. Swaii.z to Stark, was incomplete and the bail fell over Nebiaska's goal line, it was biought out twenty yaids and gnen to Nebraska. On the lust p.ay Noble broke thru for a iOit.\-o..e yard run, putting tne ball on Kansas -�xgfeies' thnty-mnevard line. Nobel made thiee yards oil tacKle. R. Lie Yvuz made tlnee yards o.t taokle. Noble went oil talkie lor two moie. Kusseii tiied a diop kic�.,lro^i th*1 40adid one and the Udh uit the goal post, bounding Dack (o tne Aggies 20-jaiil Kne, ftue�e tne Kansans put the ban in play. Clements made two jatda ott tackle. A forwaid p^ss, bwaitz to Stark, was good toi six \aids. Cie...enis move tnru the lme for thiee iams and a first down, btark laneJ to gam on a line punt. C.eii.eiita biOke tluu lot ten yards and a fust down, putting the ball on the 50-yard line. Cie^ents went off tackle for a yard. A foiwaid pass, Swartz to Stark, was incomplete. Cements went thru the lme foi 5 yards. Staik punted 50 yaids acioss Nebiaska's goal line for a touchback. Kansas took out time. Noble wentjoff tacule for 4 yards. Noble ran the Aggie left end for 3 vards. R. DeU'itz tailed to gain off tackle. Russell punted 38 yards out of bounds. Bail on the Aggies' thirty-se\cn yard hue. Clements made 9 \aids off tackle, but the pla> was cailed back and Kansas penalized 5 yards. A forward pass, Staik to Swartz, was good toi 28 yards. Swartz stumbled and lell. Swartz made 3 yards on a wide end run. Ball on Nebraska's twenty-eight yard line Time was up for the end Oi the quarter, with the Aggies in possession of the ball on Nebraska's twenty-eight yard line. Score, Kansas Aggies, t0; Nebraska. 0. Second Quarter. ForwarJ pass. Stars to Munn, was gv,od for fhtecn \aido, patting tne ball �s Xcb.as.^a's eight-yard liae. Clements \%eui ott taeiue tor two yanis. w'eilei was substituted for Bassett. Uasiett was hart on the last p.ay, ujid Ma forced to rtilre. Tnomsen thre v stark for no gain. Forward pasa, rfwaitz to StarK, was gooa toi seven yards and a touci.down, but the play was disallowed and Kansas penalized five >ards. H. De Witz went in for R. De Wlti A forward pass, Stark to Swartz, was incomplete. A forward pasa was grounded by Weller and Nebraska took the ball on her own fifteen yard line. Russell nnnt*^ forty-flv� yard* to the Aggies' forty yard line, Swart* tumbling but recovering. Brandley made five yards around Nfbraska's right end Wenke downed Staik for a nine-yard loss, on an attempted forwaid pass. Another forward pass, Stark to Swartz, was knocked down but givea to Kansas because of interference by Nebraska. A pass by Swart7. was intercepted by Noble, who ran it back to Nebraska's 43-yard iine, mnning out of bounds H De Witz went oft tackle for six jnids. On a bn3 pass from center Nebraska \va* thrown for a seven-vard losi H. Dowlt7 made throe yards off tackle. Russeil punted forty yards over the . (CooUmwt en Pa�e ft-AJWhat the Coaches Say. "That Kansas team put up a crackerjack fight. We cou dn't have wanted anything better in the way of preparation for the Notre Dame game. It took our boys a little while to get started .but after they did moie off, they showed tail power........" from an interview wiih Coach Dawaon following the game. "I am well satisfied with the showing made by my team against what proved to be a gi eater machine. I be i~ve we left the mipn ssion of having re-ciuited a fighting unit worthy of the place it holds in the Missouri Valley confeience......" fiom a statement made by Coach Charles B .chman, Kansas Aggie