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syracuse program (8K)

Syracuse 9
Nebraska 6

Nov. 4, 1922
syracuse_lincoln_state_journal (293K)


NEBRASKA'S FINEST FALL BEFORE ORANGE Syracuse Outplays Huskers in All Departments of Game. ARCHBOLD STADIUM, SYRACUSE, N. T., Nov. 4.�With everything to gain by a victory, the Cornhuskers went down in defeat this afternoon to the Buperior Syracuse team, 9 to 6. Over-confidence lost the game for the Husk ors. The winning counter cam* in the last quarter, when the Orange aggregation drove st*adl'y thru the Husker lin" and backlield some twenty-two yards to a touchdown. The teams were almost evenly matched ^n weight and size, but the; Husker line found the Syracuse line extremely difficult as the scrimmage j totals show. Zimmerman, playing right half for the Orange team found I holes in the Husker line several times and it was his powerful dnves, aided by McBride'B smashing attackB at center, and Anderson's -hinges at the same place, that carried we easterners thru tor victory. Too Much Confidence. Several attempts wtre made to bolBter up the Husker backfleld. but they were unable to get started. Loaded up with a spirit of ovei-conh-deuce, wearing the smile o� victory on their faee&, the Cornhusker squad went into the game thai was to prove their Waterloo. The orange sw eatered team swept them off tneir leet from the first kickoff and the bevuluered Nebraskans were never able to get going .igain. In tilt, third quarter Frugone attempted a double pass to Zimmerman, which the latter tumbled, Ihoniben who had Just lelieved Schoeppel at end, scouped up uie ball on me Syracuse 55-yard line and ran Uiru a "felear field for Nebias&a's only counter. Russell attempted a pa�>s> lor the extra point but it iailed. The touchdown was made on a fluke play, witii Nebraska piuv mg in almost unbelievable 'luck, lu the last lxn.it of the game Hartley attempted a number of long �uid bhort loiwuid parses, but they weie ail eiUiei intercepted by a fayiacuse man or blocked b> another. Noble made the most sensational play ot the game in the last pail ji the second quaiiei, wlien he went around his own left end for ihuty yards, which put the ball o- the foyr-arouse 3b-yaid Hue. Alter that, Ccilnei he nor any ot the other Husicei backs could break the line consistently. Hartley Pl^ys Great Gama. Hartley played the gieatest game of his career heie today, "jut -lone and with little supijoil, liguies show his record as onl;. uiediuue. Never once could his ends get down few the passes. The hea\j lield is accountable for this, inasmuch as it is the hist game this beasou tliat the Husk era ha\e had to contend with a wet or slippery field. Sjiacute broke into the lead in the llrat quarter when L,ewellen from behind his owr. goal line punted to Nebraska's 35-yaid line, wheie Frugone inado a lair catch. McVride kicked the necebsaiy Unrty-fhe jaids for the three-point lead. Thonisen's run came in the third period and the scene stood Nebraska o. Syracuse J, which bid lair to be the hnal score. AlcBnde tried a field goal in the fourth. It iailed and the Orange team settled down to business. With the game in the balance, Ne-biaska was penalized two yards ou her 4-yard line for taking time oui, giving Syracuse the iirst down. Anderson in two rushes -earned the ball across and the sconug ended. Make Desperate Fight. Fighting desperately at last the Huskers weie unable to pioducc. Hartley failed to gain twice. Noble made a 10-)aid iuu and llartlev's pass was intercepted by McBride, w ho returned it twenty-four yards bexoie he was downed. Anderson hit the line twice and the game ended i%itli the stands in wild confusion. New York and Boston spurt writers here to watch the highly-touted Husk-era in the critical inters-ectional cou-testv openlj spoke their piaise of the leaxa, but they all agieed that Sjrii-cuse was pla\ ing better football today. The Associated Press Report. SYRACUSE, N. Y., Nov. 4-�Ea^t triumphed over the west today by the margin of one Held goal. Svracusc university defeating the Univeisity of Nebraska 9 to 6 in the hardest fought battle witnessed in Archbold stadium in years. The field was heavy and tew trick plays were attPinpted, sCraight football predominating' Fourteen thousand persons witnessed the ipset of the Cornhuskers, contpndcis lor the championship of the Missouri Valley conference title. In the third penod, with the score 3 to 0 in lavor of the Qrange of Syracuse. Thomsen, Nebiaska end. hcooped up a Syiacuse tumble and laced trom mUHie'd for a touchdown. Syracuse eleetutied the crowd in the final period by unleashing a powerful offensive. Driving down the field, from midfield, the Syracuse backs ripped ofi consistent gains 01 3 and 5 yards on every plunge, -fcndei-son, the veteran hall back of the Orange squad, dul most of the ground gaining on straight Hue piuuging With but two yards to go for the winning score, he "smashed across between the Nebraska center and r'ght guard for a touchdown. Honors About Even. Honors were even for the most part thruout the game, neither Nebraska nor Syracuse being able to make consistent gains on line plunges qr end ; uns. . Syracuse scored parly in the� opening period on a ;;.">yr.id field ^oal kicked by Mcllildo. The Ornngo had recovered a Nobiaska Inmblp on the Scariet 20 yard lino anil threatened �heir opponents" seal with a soilos ot line plunges Ami a short foiwnrd PAM. With the bah but a fow yards away from its goal line, however,, Ne-biaska lwid and Syracuse surrendered the oval to the westerners. A punt by Nebraska tailed of distance and Zmimeiman signalled lor a free I catch on the westerners' 35-yard line. A tee was then placed and .UcBn^ sent the ball over with a kick. 'I hat ended the scoring until the third pe-liod, for neither side couid gain the distance when in possession of the ban and punts were liequent. Up and down the Held the oval sailed, lust in possession of Syracuse and then in the hands of the Nebraskans. 'lhen came the third penod and Thompson's spectaculai lecoverj ot ttiu ball in midtieid and his dash tor the six points whicn put Nebiaska in the lead. Syiacuse with the ball in US possession at midlieid attempted a uu.uble pass. Thomsen Recovers Fumble. The ball was wet and slippery and trickled thru the hands ol an Orange bacic, and Thomsen, charging in on the play, scooped it up and was oil on his dash loi the chalk one. Spia-cuse never had a chance to inteicept him, for thiee husky Nebruskans quickly foimed a solid wall ot mter-teieiiCP. Oiaxige hopes revived in the fourth period when Anderson started to rip the heavier Nebraska Jine to pieces. Uain alieivgaiu was reeled oif by the haid hitting Syracuse half back and lie never stopped until he put the ball acioss the westerners' goal line lor . the winning tally. The summary: r Nebraska� �Syracuse Thoniaou........lo.............lappe I \\ eiiKu ...........It......... Staiuuoii 1 EjiuLit ...........Is...... Vanblarcon IVterion .........c ...... (Cul\cr (C) -Bt-icjuibt .........rG........... Ht-ura \\ U Li ........it ......... Walitoif C,ue:ur ..........re....,..... M^cta^ j i 1'rcbHm..........cjb........ >ruKono| ,l^e\vitz ...........1H...... Zlmrnoimdn jJJLWLlleu .........rU......... llcliild� Ha-iLley (C) ...___ib........ Anderbon I i>> iiuurters. Nebuihka ........... 0 0 6 0�8 sj ru.<-uso v ............ J u 0 8� 9 'Jouoliilowna: Thoiiisen. Anderson. I Ou.il tiom Hold�Mtlii.de. bub->tituiiUU->. Nubra^k.1 � Rus*ell for Preston, Nublo foi L.eweUon. Niian for Baa-sett, Thomsea lor scliocppel, ljev\ellen for �Nobio; KlLinke fur Uhoniben. Syiiicubts�ilaloinger for \^nblarcon: Kel-logu lor '/j mmtiiman, fiuw man for McBrido, Zuiiuuinun lor Kelloas.; Mi Bride for Bow-iiiun, .Uaisnigei lor Van blarooii- ltefm-e�1>U(.L. J-leiidlmesraan�Okeson. JUd(JO---Ulllb'tl V. Time ut uu-iitpr*�15 minutes. ^-*ids gamed In scrlnimagf. Syracuse 159, Fiui uoiwis. Syracuse 10, Kebrs.ska 3. 1' liat!, latemplcd, Ncbraaka 10, Syr^u cuno 4 I'ab^es 'coniijleted. Syracuss 3. No-bra -,ka 0. 1 1'o^.^oa Intercepted. Ixbraslca E. Syracuse, 0 Puinbloa S\ racuco 2. Nebraska 4. 1'ui.ls, Xehr_s,;a 7 fcr ,'iveraco of flfty-ono \a:ds; b>iaeuse 8 lor averayc of forty A\erapi lunbick ou iunt� (yarda): Syracuse s, J�L-br,i�,ka 14.