Cornhnskers Nearly Tie Score
in Final Momenta of
Flay at Lincoln.
ft cetal Oarssfea t Tss Scs.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 21. The East
nosed out the West
to-d- when Syracuse triumphed over Nebraska by 10 to
9 In as thrilling a football combat as
ever waa ataged on a Western gridiron.
Capt. Shaw of the Westerners Is the
saddest man tn all Nebraska ht
His failure to kick a goal following a
touchdown tn tha last minute of play
balked tha Westerners In their bid to tie
the score.
The Comfraskers fought their way to
a three point lead In the opening quarter. After an exchange of punts a fifteen yard penalty, a forward pus. Dob-so- n
to Hobks, for nine yards and an off
tackle smash by Schellenberg put the
ball within kicking distance, and Dobson
dropped back to the 38 yard line and
drop kicked a pretty field goal.
The half ended with the score Nebraska 8, Syracuse 0.
A fighting Orange team trotted on the
field at the opening of the third quarter
and the Eastern team literally swept the
lluskers off their feet and by straight
football carried the ball to the 15 yard
line. Here Meehan hurled a perfect
pass to Matt Brown over the line, who
leaped Into the air to catch It ana
fought his way to position for Meehan
to kick an easy goal. Syracuse crossed
tho line again a little later, but Thompson was off side and the ball was called
back. Meehan drop kicked a goal from
the 25 yard line as the third period
ended. The lluskers fought desperately
In the last quarter and went over Just
before the whistle blew. Shaw missed
goal. The lineup :
Syraeus (It). Nabxaaka ().
E. Brown ....Left end... Rhodes
' T
,. ... Wilder
...eft suard -- Kosltsky
Robertson . .
. .
Thompson ..Rlsht guard. ...Dttteaj
Hesal ....
..Rlsht tackle Shaw
Schwarzer ...Rlsht end.. ...Kelloit-
Maehan . .Ouartarhaek. . leballanhr
Barsha , Left halt Dobson
M. Brown Right half Hublca
Malona Fullback Cook
Touchdown M. Brown. Rhode. Dola
from touchdown Meehan. Ooala from
field Meehan, Dobson. Referee Mr.
Birch. Karlbam Collet a. Umpire Mr.
Gordon. Harvard. Field ludse Mr. nld,
Michigan. Linesman Mr. Hatnea, Yale.
Tim of period II minute each.
Substitute! Syracuse: Steele for
Heopl for Schwartsar, Behwartter
for Hoopla. Flaonary (or Barsha. Nebraska: Muna for Dutcao. MoMahen for
HeallabTg, Krlamalmeyer tor afunn.
Touag rr Krlamalmeyer. Riddel! for
Jouag. U Chaw for Kostteky, Otoupallk