Nebraska 7
Minnesota 0
Lincoln Star | Sunday, Oct. 19, 1913
Mudjjy Field Aids Heavy Nebraskans
and Enables Them lo Sweep
Through Visitors' Line.
Purdy Goes Over for First Touch'
down, but Fumbles for Ball.
I I,
Home Team Shows Proficienoy in
Defense and Offense.
Ground Coiners for. Scnrlet and
Cream Rutherford, TotvIc nnd
Elvrell Ncuro Stars for
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Oct. 4.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Nebraska's supposedly weak line
made an Impressive showing: In the open
Ins game of the season against Washburn
university here today, the Cornhuskers
winning In easy fashion, 19 to 0. The
whirlwind Cornhusker back field could
have easily piled up a much larger score,
but with the 'game safely stowed away,
Stlehm rushed in his new men to try out
as many as possible. Nebraska played
gooa 1001 nan, lar in advance of the form
expected. There was no tumbling and
few penalties.
The Nebraska line was a revelation.
The forwards toyed with Washburn,
stopping play after play before the Wash
burn backs started. Washbtfrn was only
able to make the dlstatnce three times,
so stiff was the Cornhusker defense in
the line, he forwards played an equally
dashing game when the Huskers were
lugging the ball, ,and tore great gaps In
the Washburn line, through which How
ard, Purdy and Rutherford darted for
consistent gains.
New Lad a Star.
.There was. little ..opportunity, for- Ne
braska's back field to Bhowwhat It could
do, although Rutherford, the Baetnca
boy, who is playing his first season, dis
tinguished himself as the star of the
game by his line plunging and. accurate
hard tackling. Towle. the diminutive
quarterback, also played an excellent
game, handing the slippery ball without
l fumble and showing up especially well
In running back punts. His generalship
was excellent Nebraska was held for
down but twice during the game, due
largely to the work of the Nebraska
The game was played In a veritable
sea of mud, which made it imposslblo
for any fast work In the backflcld. Wash
burn won the toss and chose the west
goal. Purdy kicked off at 3:05 to Elbe,
who made a rhort return of the ball.
linch Side l'unta Early.
For the. next eight and a half minutes
the ball zigzagged back and forth across
the field, both teams playing a punting
game. After working the ball well Into
Washburn territory the Cornhuskers
finally started oh a march to the goal
line and In eight and a half minutes
after the opening of the game Purdy
darted across the line, but dropped the
ball when tackled. Towlo dropped on It
for Nebraska's first touchdown. Towle
failed to kick goal a minute later. The
quarter closed without further scoring.
Nebraska plugged away at the Wash
burn line again In the second . quarter
and, -aided by a forty-seven-yard sprint
by Towle, finally succeeded In crossing
the goal line again, Towle carrying the
ball. Towle kicked goal, making the
luore 13 to 0 for the half.'
Tries Out JVeir Men.
In the third quarter Stlehm replaced
his "team almost entirely with substitutes
and Washburn held tho Cornhuskers
scoreless, but again In the final quarter
El well carried the ball over for Ne
braska and Beck failed at goal, making
the final score 19 to 0.'
Following Is the summary;
Billings L.F.
Rodgers (O....L.T.
Uuse-Nlcholls L.G.
Bariett C.
R. Whltcomb .R.G.
D. Whlteumb .R.T.
berlaln U.K.
Kibe O.B.
Bears L.H.B.
Hardy R.H.B.
L.F. Beck
L.T.. Hal'gan-G-rls-wold
L.G , Ross
C. Thompson-Irwln
R.O... Abbott-Cross
R.T..... Irwin-Ballis
R.E.Masten-Gell wick
Q.B Towle
JUH.B.. Rutherfo-d-
R.H.B... C) Purdy-
Myers F.B.) F.B. Howard-Coffee
Referee: Masker. Umpire; Graham.
Head linesman': Luke. Time of quar.
tera: 13 minutes. Touchdowns: Towle (2),
ElwelL Goal front touchdown: Towle.