1913: Nebraska 7
Minnesota 0
Continuation of Omaha Bee stories
(CeUnt4 from Page One.)
before the eas4. Ctopfcer bad had time te
wMrt(ta Ms trweka.
FerTrard Face WwIm,
Xeward and 8HIm negotiated ft for
ward paee far flftoeet yards. Purdy
pliHHred a ya4 threttgh the right etde of
the line. The Nebraska rooter were wild
and called for a touchdown- Rutherford
hot the ball over the line on a forward
pass to Purdy, which netted twelve yards.
Tpwle squirmed threuch center for a
yard. It waa Kebraka'a bait oa Minne
sota's twelve-yard line.
Bedhua reigned en the third successful
Paae In three mtautM of play. ' Beck took
Howard's forward pase and darted acrees
the Hue, after throwl&g off one tackier
and eluding three others. The ball was
only stx inch over the white chalk
Towlef mad the ecere 7 to by kicking
It. was the eW iht mi, M.
thevgh Umseeetft had many epperttml
tt The Sephere Ke4 their chance to
'cere three tkea, but eeuld net deliver.
VebrMkA'a scertag Mexhlae had but one
efrtMty sj)M( frm as attemst,!
Wek by KutK wWh wt wWi
were wHk the ptmeh.
Wavrrlora w ntke Tevrst.
The waa reotarkable from many
feature. Twelve tfcewaad Crnhuskers
aeke Mm field, a veritable rlet of col
or. Nebraska, graduates tram all tec
tJeM saw 8tehW protegee twsj the trick
the second time in thirteen years and
t toefc posete slow U the town.
Nebraska,' open play won. Three light
nine fast forward passes, utermingled
'withe Mne pluncea, took the ball over.
MlBneeet. could negotiate but one for
ward past, the Nebraska back field do
ing yeoman work fn Intercepting the ball.
The Cornhutkers tackled fiercely and ac
curately, and if one man misted there
were always two or three others there to
nab the runner.
Beck Star,
Belc played a wonderful game at end.
Jla scored Nebraska's only touchdown,
was down the field on punts and Uron
and time aarln spilled the Qopher backs
before they had fairly started. Purdy,
Itutherford and Towle played brilliantly
cn offense and defense. It was Howard's
wonderful punting that saved Nebraska's
MOl line.
Por Minnesota A. Herman and Ehaugh
nessy were the best ground gainer. The
Minnesota line, was . stone well and
Nebraska could do nothing with it
Dr. Williams said he hod not expected
defeat but gave Nebraska due credit for
the game. Stithm was too happy to talk. CORNHUSKERSBEAT GOPHER'
Nebraska Wins Annual Clash with
Game Closely Contested from, End to
End . nnd Victory Is Fairly
Won toy ISe Scarlet and
8 Cream.
(Continued from Page One.) '
was the only Nebraska man who could
make any gains.
Tho second quarter started with no
changes In the lineup. During the quarter
both teams resorted to kicking and
Howard bested Tollofson by an average
of five yards.
Howard Wnd Rutherford made the most
consistent Vains for Nebraska. Not one
of Minnesota's men could pt nitrate Ne
braska's defense.
After much kicking the second quarter
ended with the ball the middle of the
flold. Neither team had an advantage.
Nebraska appeared strong on the de
fensive and wesk on the offensive. Min
nesota was faster on the offensive, but
could not gain at the advantageous time.
No Score In First Quarter.
Minnesota takes tht bolL Rutherford
caught tho klckoff on the fifteen-yard
line and returned the ball fifteen yarda.
Howard kicked to tho twenty-thlrd.vsrd
Plfrie and Tollefson was downed In his
tracks. Minnesota worked tho shift and
McAJmon carried tha ball twenty yards.
iMlnnesota was penalized five yards. Min
nesota mad ten yards through the line,
Nebraska was penalized fifteen yards for
slugging. Minnesota worked Die ball to
the ten-yard line by a aeries of line bucks.
The shift gave Shauehnessy five more
yards, but Halllgan broke up the famous
shift and Nebraska got the ball on the
thres-yard Una Howard kicked fifty
yards and Tollefaon was downed In his
(racks by Beck. Nebraska fought des
ptrately and Minnesota failed to make
tholr first down. Nebraska's ball on their
forty-yard line. Nebraska could not gain,
so Howard kicked fifty yards and Beck
downed Tollefaon fur the third time aa
he caught the ball on his own fifteen
yard line. Blwman carried tho ball
around left end for twenty-five yards.
Minnesota tried a forward pass, but
Shaughnessy was tackled before be could
pass the ball for a oas of fifty yards.
The quarter ended with the ball In Min
nesota's possession on their own thtrty-flve-yard
Second Quarter.
Tollefson kicked thtrty-fivo yards and
Towlo fumbled, but recovered. Howard
kicked a bare thirty yards and Tollefson
signaled for a froe catch.
Minnesota tried a forward pa's throe
successive times, but Rutherford broke
every one ud. Nebraska got the ball
on Minnesota's forty-five yard line and
Purdy carritd the ball ten yards through
left tackle. On' the next down Nebraska
failed to gain and Howard kicked outside
at the thirty. five yard line.
Minnesota tried the shift a buck and
a forward pass, but Nebraska held and
Tollefson waa forced to kick. Nebraska
caught tho kick on the forty yard line
and Howard carried the ball fifteen yards
around tho lyft end. Purdy was thrown
back five yards and Howard kicked thirty-five
Minnesota received the ball on Its twen
ty-yard line, but could not gain, due to
wonderful defensive work by Purdy and
Mastln. Tol.efon kicked thirty yards.
Nebraska could not gain, so Howard
kicked fifty yards, but Tollefson returned
The Bee by T.
tha pigskin fifteen yards. Tollefson
punted for thirty yards to Howard. The
half ended with tho ball in the middle
of the field. Score, 0 to o.
Third Quarter.
Halllgan kicked off forty-flve yards
and Tollefson returned the ball twenty
flvo yarda and Blerman carried the ball
around left end for twenty yards, Min
nesota being penalised five yards. Stlehm
was exceedingly nervous, but his gloom
Vanished when Tollefson was thrown back
twenty yards on tho fourth down. Ne
braska waa given tho ball on Minnesota's
thirty-yard Una and the Cornhuskers
clamored for a touchdown.
Towle attempted a place kick from tha
thtrty-flve-yard line, but the ball went
wide of the goal posts. Minnesota chose
to punt out from tho twenty-yard line
and Thompson returned tho ball ten
yards. Minnesota's line was not pene
trable and Nebraska could make little
headway. Nebraska worked a shift for
ward pass and Rutherford carried the
ball twenty yards. A forward pass from
j 10 warn 10 uecit netted twenty more
Beck caught a forward pass from Towle
and scored the first touchdown. Towlo
kicked out to Howard and Towle kicked
the goat Boors: Nebraska, 7; Minne
sota, 6.
Minnesota kicked off to Towle. Towle
returned the ball twenty-flvo yards to
Nebraska's fifty-yard lino on Una bucks,
Nebraska failed to gain on two downs,
Minnesota's line held and Howard kicked
forty yards and Butherford caught Tol
lofson In his tracks. Minnesota penal
ized five yards and the quarter was over
with tha ball In Minnesota's possession
on their twenty-five yard line. Score;
Nebraska, 7; Minnesota, 0.
Famrth Quarter.
Williams substituted Mattern for mor
mon In the third quarter. Minnesota
made first downs through tho line. Min
nesota fumbled and Thompson recovered
the boll on Minnesota's thirty-five-yard
line. Nebraska's ball. Nebraska penalised
five yards for stalling and back talk to
tho referee. Nebraska tried trick plays
and forward passes, but Minnesota was
given the ball on an unsuccessful forward
pass on Minnesota's twenty-yard line.
Minnesota failed on forward pass. On line
buck Minnesota made their downs for ten
yards Minnesota made fifteen yards on
icrwarq pass to Tollefson. Ball In cen
ter of tha field. Nebraska was ttin
ball on their dwn Milty-flve-vani
line because a forward pass by Minne
sota went out of bounds. Howard kicked
thirty-five yards and Tollefaon returned
tho ball ton yards. Three minutes to
Play with the. ball In Minnesota's poni-es-sion
In tho very center of tho field. Mat.
orn went through tho line on tho famoui
shift play for fifteen yards, Solon car
ried tha ball through for ten yards'. Min
nesota mado a march right down th
field with Nebraska unable to break tip
tho Minnesota stitft Shoughnesay made
five yards, through Halllgan. Blerman
went In at fullback for .Shaughneesy and
carried tho ball to Nebraska's ten-yard
line. A touchdown aocmed Inevitable,
but Minnesota fumbled tho ball. Halll
gan recovered It Game ended with ball
In Nebraska's possession on their ten
yard line. Final score: Nebraska, 7;
Minnesota. 0,