Nebraska 23
Iowa State 17
Nov. 7, 1908
With the score tied 17-17 and ten minutes to play, Nebraska quarterback Harold Pip Cooke came off the bench and sparked the Cornhuskers to victory, scampering 45 yards in the final three minutes to set up a four-yard touchdown run by halfback Alfonzo Sturzenegger. The dramatic 23-17 Nebraska win came before a crowd of several thousand at Omahas Dietz Park. Cookes run came immediately after James Harvey intercepted an Iowa State pass at midfield. Hugo Birkner, Ernest Kroger and William Chaloupka scored the Cornhuskers' other touchdowns. Cookes run was all the more remarkable because he hadnt played in three weeks due to injury and illness.
• Omaha World-Herald game story
Part of the Omaha Bees coverage is below; find the rest of it here.
Omaha Bee
Sunday, Nov. 8, 1908
reed to Take the Short End by
Husky Cornhuskeri.
laaialflrent Oatponrlngr of th I.oTfri
of Ik Great" College Game '
- ' lasares Annual Game for
- Omaha.
Nebraska, 2S; Amn, 17.
Battllr to the very end the gridiron
wnrrlors from A me were ' forced to go
flown to glorkus defeat Saturday afternoon
at Diets psrk before the sturdy Corn
hushers from the 1'nlverslty of Nebraska
who won the game In the laet three min
ute of play.
WMh the score a tie and the ball In th
center of the field and but three minutes
to pfay "Pip" Cooke, the doughty little
quarterback of the Cornhuskers who ha
been out of the game for three week, part
of which time he ha been in the hospital
with blood poison from an Injured foot,
broke lose from the entire Aratl aggrega
tion A.nd dodging hither and thSther, shaking
off the huge tackier of the A me team, a
though they were o many file, carried
the, ball from Ames -43 yard line to within
three yard of Ams goal where he w
forced out of bound. The core wa 17 to
17 and something desperate had to be done.
The" footer were praying for a second
Johnny Bender who could break loose when
the emergency required and win the game
by hi own Individual effort. Nebraska
bad a Johnny. Bender In the game when he
was needed and It proved to v. be Cooke;
Bentley had been playing quarter and doi
tng some magnificent work, but the time
-wa critical and. although in no shape to
LTlay,' King Cole, the famous tackle from
Michigan who I coaching the Cornhuskers
J ent Cooke Into the; fray with ten minute
yet to play and Cooke .delivered the good.
Gnme la a Real Oao.
The game was the most magnificent ever
seen In the west. The crowd was the great
est ever gathered to a similar event .in .the
Missouri .valley.. . The field "as absolutely
perfect. The stand were high and' strong
anf seated by actual count 4,000 people.
The arrangements for handling the crowd
could not have been Improved upon, all the
speeWtors could see the entire .im and
official did their work well and th game
.wart cne long to be remembered by the
7,000 1 lover of of the great college sport
who- filled Diets park to witness the big
gest football battle in the west this year.
The Diets club deserves praise for the way
the game was managed,
From a spectacular point of view, the
game could not have been Improved -upon.
The new rules forced plenty of kicking and
. both teams showed their skill time and
i again in the use of the' forward pass which
the new rules permit. There waa plenty
of kicking and the bull was sent whining
i, through the air many times. To a man
, who was not familiar with the rules of
f foi t ball the game was most attractive
', and the occasion was glorious to those who
M saw Ames lose In the last few minutes of
I play.
IV Wind Ilaya Importaat Part.
"" A hard wind swept from the weot,
lengthwise of the field, and It was a cu
rious fact that of the seven touchdowns
which, were made all were scored over
the east goal line. It almost seemed
that with the open game the side having
the wind and sun to assist was sure to
rrtcore sooner or later. The advantage lay
In Captain Harvey winning the tos and
then Nebraska' last touchdown being
made with too short a space of time for
Aine to again even matters. Nebraska
made the first score In 18 minutes of
play and from that time to the finish It
was a battle of giants with everything
I practically even except the advantage of
the wind. There U no discounting the
i Antes team for Ames has a real foot ball
i team. The Lambert brothers, playing
half and fll are a pair hard to beat.
Hubbard, the running mate of the Lam
berts Is speedy and hard to down and all
th Ames players tackle sure and hard. As
a defensive player Captain Law was a
tower of strength. Ames showed that
) it had a magnificently trained team and
during the 70 minutes of hard gruelling
' work not a man was taken from the
i' gam on the Ames side and time was
taken out but once. Ames was weakened
to. a considerable degree by the absence
of Orahani from the line up.
Cheers went up from Nebraska's section
when It was discovered that Hart was
able to play and Nebraska's line stood In
tact from th beginning of the contest
to the end. All of the back field 'men
were changed during the game, but the
new comers seemed to do Just as well ai
the regulars. Beltser gave way to Miner
, 1
Tempi took the place of Kroger and was (
replaced by Sturxen, who had been doing
splendid work. Cojke replaced Bentley, but
that was a case of - th real article being
called Into the game when .something des
perate had to be dune. Bentley had been
playing a fine game and had showed good
Judgment In the pinches, but Cook wu
needed for the long run which was to win
the game and he delivered th goods,
frond ' Waa Magalncent.
The crowd. It waa magnificent. Never had
such a crowd of enthusiasts gathered In
the west to witness a foot ball battle.
Olant stands had been reared at Diets
park, with solid bank of humanity and
color. The sight was Indeed thrilling. On
th north was stationed the Ames rooter
and on the south Nebraska. . The stands
seated 4,00 people. Boxes In front held BOO
more and the entire field was lined severs!
deep with lovers of the game. In front of
the college sections were the cadet bands
from each school and these led In the songs
and played the airs so doar to the collegi
an heart.
It wa not. all a Nebraska crowd which
Ames had to play before. Although a little
late in arriving the Ames contingent made
a splendid showing and In the crowd were
over 1,000 wearing the colors of Ames. The
yellmasters In front of the stands kept
the yells In unison and Nebraska would
sing a defiant song at Ames and the
Ames students would come right back with
are equally aprqopos.
Ames Rooters Arrive Late.
The special train bearing th bulk of the
Ames rooters was a Httle late In arriving
and Nebraska had scored the first touch
down before the Ames band, followed by
the students, came upon the field. The
band started Its muslo before It waa fairly
on the field and It was but a short time
before the Ames team, cheered by the band
and the yells of the late students, carried
the ball across the Nebraska goal line for
a touchdown. 81 Lambert missed the goal,
which left the score 6 to S In favor of Ne
braska, but . the ' Ames team had shown
that It had real ability and .that the battle
was not yet won by Nebraska.
Omaha has been working hard to have
the' Nebraska team -p)ay one of Its big
games In this city," And the game of yes
terday ' practically Insures a big annual
game In Omaha. ' Both teams were loud In
their praise of everything connected, with
the game and especially of the treatment
they received at the hands of tile Omaha
public. Lincoln never had such a crowd
to a foot ball game, although the people
have been educated up to first class foot
ball. The management of both teams was
more than pleased with the grand outpour
ing of fooc ball enthusiasts, and both re
turned home with their pockets bulging
with the receipt of the game, which will
materially help the exchequer of both
Foot ball In the stage of It highest de
velopment was witnessed, and nothing but
words of praise were heard on all sides
after the grfme. The doubt of the outcome
until the last few minutes of play kept the
audience keyed up to the highest pitch,
The wind and the un on the west were
two prominent factors in the scoring,
and the team with that advantage had the
edge which. In time, brought the score. The
open style of play made a decided hit, on
the spectators and long runs added Interest
all the way through. The old style of
line plunging entirely was a thing of the
paat, and there was scarcely two minutes
of play but what some fleet-footed player
was loose for a long run or trying to get
loose, or when some new-styled play wa
being tried. The requirements of tea yards
to each three downs forces the captains to
be Ingenious and to work out some plays
on which there Is a chance for a long run
and that Is what th spectators were treated
to yesterday.
oth Team Work Desperately
Every Inch of Groans, 1
Captain Harvey of Nebraska won the
toss and chose to defend the west goal.
E. Lambert kicked off to Birkner at 2:34,
on Nebraska's three-yard line. Birkner re
turned five yards. Birkner on a run around
left end made three yards. Beltser forty-
five yards to Heggen on the Ames thirty
yard line. Heggen made a return of seven
On an end run Heggen circled the left
wing of the Cornhuskera for three yards.
On the next play j Hubbard waa thrown for
a loss, being tackled by Chaloupka, who
broke through the Ames line. E. Lambert
was forced to punt and boosted the ball
to Birkner on Nebraska's thirty-yard line.
Beltser on the first play tried by Ne
braska, went around left end for a run of
Mwenty-flve yards. A forward pass from
Beltser to Birkner gave ten yards; Bentley
lost one yard on a run. A forward pass
from Bentley to Harvey was tried, but the
Nebraska quarter was not out five yards
from center and the Cornhuskers were
penalised fifteen yards. Beltser tried an
onslde kick. Nebraska held and received
another penalty of fifteen' yards. Beltser
punted to Heggen outside of the field of
play at the Aggies twenty-five-yard line.
Lambert Takes tke Ball.
Q. Lambert took the ball on the first
play by the Aggies and made five yards
off tackle. E. Lambert added a yard. E.
Lambert punted to Bentley at the center
of the field. Bentley returned the ball three
yards, and fumbled the ball going to Hub
bard of Ames. The ball waa In the center
of the field. ,
Heggen made thirteen, yard around left
Do this play Left End Johnson of the
Cornhuskers ws boxed In great styls by
O. Lambert and Hubbard and could not
tau kle the man carrying the balL. Birkner
dowued Heggen on this run. Heggen was
hurt and time was taken out.
The ball was on Nebraska' thirty-five-
(Continued on Becond Page.)