Nebraska 20
Grinnell 5
Oct. 10, 1908
Grinnell showed surprising pluck while falling to the Cornhuskers, 20-5, in Lincoln. More coverage: Omaha World-Herald.
Omaha Bee
Sunday, Oct. 11, 1908
Take Game in Which Grinnel Excels
in Fast Work. .
ira Lads Surprise the Nrbraska
Bors In the New Style
bat Cornhaakcr Beef
LINCOLN, . Neb., Oct. 10. (Specials
Playing fast and fiercely and keeping, up
a defense that bewildered the Cornhuskers
Grinnell went down to glorious defeat by
the score of SO to S In two short halves of
twenty minutes each, to tho tho Corn
huskers who had not expected tho visitors
to have much of an offense. The game
was the biggest surprise of the season.
For the opening five minutes of play
the light Grinnell players swept tho Corn
huskers off their feet and carried the ball
from their own thirty-five yard line across
the Nebraska goal line for tho first touch
down of tho game.' They worked the
straight old-fashioned foot ball with a nice
variety of modern plays and Jiept the scar
let and cream men guessing all the time.
After the first five minutes of play Ne
braska seemed to get Into form and came
back at the Grinnell men with the "best
playing It has done this season. The attack
was rapid and strong, and Grinnell was
forced back gradually for a touchdown,
which followed the first by Grinnell in a
few minutes. Fir . the remainder of the
gimo they played their best, but the vis
itors met every attempt to advance . with
the hardest kind of resistance, every yard
the Cornhuskers made they had to fight
to get.
Superior weight and beef that told every
time the Cornhuskers made a touchdown.
Three times In the opening half the Scar
let and Cream players advanced tho ball
by end runs and forward passes to within
striking distance of their opponents' goal
line and then their beef broke down the
gallant defense of Grinnell and touchdowns
resulted. One time this occurred on a for
ward pass. Captain Harvey caught the
ball on the Grinnell twenty-yard line, i
There were several ' of the visitors holding
on to him, but they could not . prevent
a touchdown, for the Cornhuskers got
back of their captain and bore him owr
the line.
Grinnell Moves Fast.
The Grinnell play, was remarkable. Out
weighed on the average of ten pounds to
tile man. the visitors made yard after
yard through the Nebraxka line on straight
foot ball. This was not so much the caso
in the first half as in the second. In the
opening half they played play8lTW0 ;p;
opening half they used the "peek a' boo"
style of play, but i nthe last on, with the
ball in their teritoiy most of the time and
after Nebraska had solved their tricks,
tliey . directed their attac ks against the
center line. Center and right tackle gave
way to them several time. Once a fake
center play netted thorn forty yards.
This miserable showing of the line was a
disappointment to Nebraska rooters, who
had thought the cornhuskers' line was one
of the strongest in the west. When they
saw the light Iowa men plow through It
for long gains Uiey knew something was
wrong, and all hope of victory over Min
nesota went glimmering. Tonight they are
predicting that the Gophers will have a
walkover unless the next few days see a
remarkable Improvement In the Nebraska
defensive play.
"Pip" Cooke, the little midget center and
Croger. full back, were the stars of the
game for Nebraska.
Blair, left half, and Flanagan, left end,
were the stars for Grinnell.
Zeigler of Grinnell kicked off at 3.S7
with Nebraska defending the west goal.
Chaloupka caught the ball and returned
it to the fifty-yard line. Blrkner on a
run around left end niude twenty-five
yards, setting the Nebraska rooters to
cheering. Beltser on the next play was
thrown tack for a loss on an attempted
end run. Again Nebraska failed to gain
and the ball went to Grinnell on its own
thirty-five-yard line.
Grlaaell Scores First.
The visitors started out on their first
play and aent chills down the backs of
the Cornhusker rooter. On a triple for-
ward pass from Batr to Well to Flan
agan the latter circled left end for a
fifty-yard run. Chaloupka nailed for
a loss. The next play was a short on-slde
kick over center, which Nebraska Juggled
around until Greenwood fell on th ball.
It was on Nebraska's fifteen-yard lfne.
Loos was pushed through center for five
yards and the ball waa on Nebraska'
ten-yard line. The bleacher were yell
ing, "Hold 'em, Nebraska!" But Loo
waa given the ball again to carry and
waa aent through center for a touchdown.
Wells failed to kick gosl. Score: Grln-
nell, 5; Nebraska, 0.
Spurred on by the atlng of having It
goal line crossed. Nebraska came back In
the next five minute of play with a
fierceness that swept Orlnnell slowly
back to Its goal line. Blrkner kicked off
to Turner, who returned It twenty yards.
Beltier tackled htm and waa hurt Turner
tried an end run and was stopped with
no gain. He fell outside the lines end
dropped the ball, which waa caught up
by Harvey.
Two attempts by the Cornhuskere to
pierce the Ctrlnnell klne Ht center and
tackle failed. On tha next play Chaloupka
was sent through tackled for a short gsln.
making Nebraka'a first down with the ball
on QrlnncU's ten yard line. Frum made
two yards trough tackle. Kroger on the
next play was sent through center for a
touchdown. Blrkner failed to kick goal.
Score: Nebraska 6; Orinnell, 6,
Missed Try at Goal.
zelgler kicked off to Cooke on Nebraska's
ten yard line and the quarter brought It
back twenty yards. Blrkner tore off five game before,
yarus around rigni ena. un an on side
kick the ball went to Grlnnell near tlu
center of the field on Its side. Flanagai
tried an end run around left wing but falle
to make any distance. Bafr en a fake foi
ward pass went through center for fort
yards. Several of his team mates wer
behind him and carried him on down tl
field until it seemed that Nebraska wou
never be able to stop them. Grlnnell w4
offside and was penalised five yards. Be
sral other attempt to gain failed, ai
Bair attempted to place kick from t
thirty yard line. It barely missed th u
rights, sailing to the left.
Beltser kicked out from the
yard line over Bair and Nebraska got t
ball. On aeveral plays through gusrds a
tackle Nebraska took the ball to center
Ifiald. Here Blrkner pun'avi and We
fumbled the ball. It was Nebraska' b
on GrtnneU's fifteen yard line,
Frum and Kroger ploughed up the vlsf
or's line on two plsys and placed the Li
on the two yard line. Blrkner was e
over for the second touchdown for l
Cornhuskers. Kroger kicked goal. Sco
Nebraska, 11; Orinnell, E.
Beltser kicked off to Doos, who rutun
It five yards. Qrlnnoll was forced to pu
Cook on the first play after Nebraska
cured th ball went down the field evading
tacklcrs for forty yards. Tho rooters were
on their feet frantically cheering. Cooke
was hurt. On the next play Beltser sent
a short onstde kick to Harvey at Qrln
nell's tlfteen-yard line. Harvey caught the
ball and was carried over for another
touchdown. In kicking out from back of
the goal line Harvey failed to make a fair
catch. Score: Nebraska, IS; Orinnell, 5.
Time was up.
Both teams began the second half with
their lineup intact. Blrkner kicked off for
Nebraska. It went over the goal line and
wa declared a touchback. Zelgler kicked
out from the twenty-five yard line. Cooke
caught the ball and failed to gain. Ne
braska mado a little distance on a forward
pass. The ball was lost to Grlnnell on the
next play. Turner made twenty-five yarda
on a triple forward pass from Bair to Wells
to Turner. Tomple went In for Beltser.
Bair mado five yards through tackls. Tho
triple pass waa worked again- for twenty
yards. On an onslde kick the ball wen to
Nebraska. Chaloupka and Blrkner on run
made thirty yards. Nebraska lost the ball
on downs..
Turner went around left wing for fifteen
yards. Qrlnntll hers kicked out of bound
on an onslde kick. Blrkner got the ball.
-n ena runs ana plays through tacklu
Nebraska carried the ball to Grinnell's
twenty-five yard line. Here Kroger fell
back for a place kick and ent the ball
over the crossbar. Score: Nebraska, 20;
GrinneN. .