Losers Take Magnificent Brace In
First Half and Get Close to Rivals'
Line Cornhuskers' Defense Proves
Surprisingly Weak.-
. Louis , Nov. 29. Swept off their
o t by superior strength and a varied
and' well executed attack , but game
until the final blow of the refureo's
whistle , the Nebraska university footmil team was defeated here by St-
- university In the presence o (
icarly 110,000 spectators by the lopsided
scoreof 34 to 0. It was St-
flrst game with Nebraska and
was, moreover, to dcotdo the chainlonshlp
) of the Missouri valley, and
he St. Louis men celebrated it by
making four touchdowns in the first
mlf and two in the second. Ackerrnlased two attempts to kick goals
rein touchdowns.
Except for one brlof period , tha
game was St. Louis' all the way. The
3t. Louis backs tore great holes hiNebraska's line and took full ndvanage of the openings in ado for them
> y their linemen. Nebraska's defense
proved surprisingly weak-
only opportunity to prevent
a shut out came In the flrst half,
when It took a magniflcont brace and
carried the ball from the oentcr of the
field to St. Louts' one-yard line , assisted
by a forward pass for thirty
yards, Weller to Johnson. With only
i yard to go and two downs to make
it, it seamed certain that Nebraska
would scoro. A smaah at the right
side of the line failed to gain, as did
Weller'B attempt at the other side ,
and the ball wont to St. Louis four
Inches from Its goal line-
, Nebraska's right tackle ,
sustained n broken wrist shortly after
the game started and Harto was
shifted from guard to tackle and Perrln
went In at guard.
But one incident tended to mar an
otherwise cleanly played game, and
that was the removal of Brennan , St-
right tackle , early In the flrst
half, on a charge of slugging. It was
nronnan's last Intercollegiate- game
and he sobbed as he was led to the
side lines by members of the toai .
Depow took his place.
Free Football at Plttaburg-
, Nov. 28. Free colloglata
football was Inaugurated here when
the Lahlgh university team and the
eleven fiom the famegle technical
schools played at Schenloy park before
a crowd' estimated at 25,000 per�
sons. Never before In this country ,
Itis said , has thera been such a contest
waged to which no admission was
charged or Invitation necessary to
see the game. Lohlgh won.
Three Injured In Football Game.
Philadelphia , Nov. 29. Three men
are In a hospital here suffering from
severe Injuries received in a football
game between Whitehall and Brides
burg. They are : Walter Eckly, concussion
of the brain ; F. W. Swatz
dislocated shoulder and collarbone ;
Hugh Luohman , dislocated collarbone
They were members of the Brldesburg
team , and Whitehall won the game.-