Quantcast HuskerMax

Nebraska 31
Colorado 0

Oct. 24, 1903

Nebraska outyarded Colorado 344-37 in a 31-0 romp in Lincoln.

More coverage: Omaha World-Herald


Omaha Bee | Sunday, Oct. 25, 1903


06colorado_bee03 (153K)
COLORADO IS OUTCLASSED Helrwka 'Tanity Wini by DecitiTs Bcor cf Thirtj-Oas to KoAin. CORNHUSKERS SUPERIOR AT EVERY POINT Carry the Ball a Tetal of S44 lards, Walla Miaililirtri Arc Oaly Asia ta Aavaace II a Total , at IHrlftTt. (From a Staff Correspondent.) IISCOLN, Neb-. Oct. ri (Special Tele gram.) The University of Ncbrasna admin istered a decisive defeat to Colorado Unl V amity today oti the gridiron, the Coin huakera piling; up six touchdowns lor a total of thirty-one points, and not per mitting the mountaineers to even menace the Nebraska goal. Colorado played with (air spirit In the first half and compelled Booth'a pupils to be content with only two tochdowns, but the Cornhuskers swept their opponents off their feet In the final balf and rushed down the field almost at Will. On their first effort to carry the ball the w erne mere purK-d for twenty-fire yards on auoceaslve plunges, creating- mo mentary dismay In the Cornhusker catnp, but thereafter the Nebraska line was Im pregnable to attack, forcing- Colorado to punt whenever tbejr secured possession of the ovaL Nebraska's form was superb at all periods during the gams, while Colorado's was brilliant at times, but generally ragged. The power of the Cornhuskers' attack mad Itself manifest as soon as the ball was put In play. It moved fiercely and Irresistibly, making the else of the final core the only Issue Involved In the con test. Captain Bender displayed rare Judg ment in varying the Cornhuskers attack, the tackles and ends being used frequently and effectively to carry the ball, while Nebraska's backs, although outmatched as to weight, balked all attempts by Colo ratio to prevent them from advancing to ward the opposing goal. Fumbling marred Nebraska's play slightly in the first half, but only once were the Coloradoana able ta bold Nebraska for downs. Mass Playa oa Tack lea Effective. Inside the twenty-five yard limit, Ne braska resorted to mass plays directed at the Colorado tackles and tha Cornhuskers' opponents labored desperately, but In vain, to check Nebraska's advance. This style f play was imported by Booth from Princeton. He haa subsequently Improved It and during his four years as foot ball mentor at Nebraska, no opposing eleven has bean able to resist this play. It was Used today with telling effect, and every down the runner was burled along for gains varying from three to twelve yards. Nebraska suffered severely from penal ties, lta three Infractions of the rules cost In forty yards, while Colorado was put back fifteen yards. One of the penalties against the Cornhuskers was for holding and aside from costing twenty-Ova yards, it stayed them at a period when they were marching steadily toward the Colo rado goal and thus balked them In the enlevement of another touchdown. Tha weights were la Nebraska's favor. toe average being seven pounds to the man. The Nebraska backs were much lighter than tha Colorado, but the nou of avoirdupois In tha Cornhuskers line and their suooeaa In charging Into and breaking up Colorado's plays turned the tide of battle almost at Its Inception. Nebraska's tnterferonce formed quickly and when once under war tha opposing tackier had poor auecees In stopping the runner In his flight Especially brilliant was tha performance of Nebraska's back field, the runners skirting tha ends or plunging through tha line with snap and dash that soon wore down tha Color ada defense. At fullback tha sahlbl tloa of Glenn Mason waa of stellar order. I Us Una bucks war ground gainers and when Colorado had tha ball he broke up play after play when tha runners had cleared tha Una and seemed almost sure cf aa advanoa, Threw Lose Rajas. Tha longest runs were those achieved by Bander and Benedict, tha latter sprinting around right end for thirty yards before being downed and instituting another on ward march, which did not end until the Cornhuskers were across tha Colorado axial far the final touchdown. Bender placed two runs, each for twenty-five yards, to hin account, while his ability to return pouts and bis speed in retting down the fleVd on Benedicts punts, in which be often oaUprtbted the Nebraska ends, figured largely In tha Cornhuskers victory. Tot Colorado Captain Foots at left tack and Canter Tonkin were frequent stumbling blocks ta Nebraska's attack, and with bet ter support from their team mate the triumph cf tha Cornell inkers would have k bean lea decisive. Booth did some experimenting In the sec- half by sending In Ave substitutes to riv there a tryout. Brings and Perry went In at the tackle positions and Cap tain Bender took advantage of their sub stitution by using them with effectiveness in carrying the balL rwatlasr Heaers Even. Honors were even between Benedict and Baker In punting, although the wind was generally In the Colorado kicker's favor. In running bark punta, however, the ad vantage was slightly In favor of the Ne braska backs. Detailed notes of the plsy now that Nebraska advanced the ball a total of 844 yards, while Colorado carried It thirty-seven yards. In returning punta and klckoffs Nebraska avrraged thlrteea yards and Colorado ten yards. Nebraska made a poor ahowlng In kicking goala. Three players tested tbetr skill In sending the ball between the goal posts and only once were they successful. The Cornhusk ers' weakness In this department means that Booth must devote his energies In the development of a reliable goal kicker be fore the crucial games with Kansas and Illinois. Nebraska's six touchdowns against Colo rado, which Kansas could beat a week ago by only a slng point, and Haskell's vic tory over the Jayhawkera today following th Cornhuskers' triumph over the red men. establishes the claim of Booth's men to the Missouri valley championship for the fourth successive year, and Nebraska students are celebrating their success on the gridiron tonight by touching off bon fires and in parading the streets of Lin coln In a general Jollification. The game today was remarkably free frt.m wrangling or rough play. The Colo rado squad cheered lustily for the Ne braska coach when he marched across the gridiron before play began, and when the struggle was concluded they sighted Chan cellor Andrews and cheered with still greater heartiness. Booth and his pupils are unstinted tonight In praising the vis Itors for their deportment. In which the Coloradoans exhibited true college spirit In Its most exemplary form. The lineup:Thirty minutes. Umplre; Thompson of Denver university.