Nebraska 10
Denver 0
Oct. 10, 1903
In the Omaha Bee report below, Nebraska was said to enjoy a yardage advantage of 385 to 15 in its win at Denver. The Omaha World-Herald, however, put the numbers at 25 to 15.
Omaha Bee | Sunday, Oct. 11, 1903
CORNHUSKERS SHOW STRONGScore Does Not Fairly Indicate Superiority
Over Denver.
Light Back ' af Wefcraska Plans
TareaB Da Ma at-- Wilt
fa tealr Gaiae e
DENVER, Colo., Oct. Special Telegram .)
The Nebraska Cornhnskers defeated Denver university at football with
ridiculous esse today, although the final
score of 10 to 0 In Nebraska's favor fails
utterly to depict the superiority of the
victors. Nebrsska's" taint 'was kept down
by a combination of distressing bad luck.
Tha aand and gravel, upon which th grid--
Iron waa laid balked Booth'a puplla In their
Droaram of eklrtlna the ends and line
plungea or tackle masses of necessity bS'
cam their only resort. At thla, however.
they war . strikingly aucceaaful and
summary of the gain made by the two
leama dlacloaea that the Cornhuakera ad
vanced the ball a tolal of 1SS yards, while
Denver could carry It only fifteen yarda.
A aerie of aggravating fumblea figured
largely in Nebraska' failure to pile up a
heavier acor. Frequently the Cornhusker
backs plunged through or around their ,op
ponenta' Una for galne totaling upwards
of fifty yarda, but a provoking fumble
and gav ty Denver the coveted
Once Bender, Nebraska's fleet-footed
captain, outwitted tha westerner and on a
double pas broke around the end. The
Held waa deaf of Denver taeklere, but HIfortun was again Nebraska's lot for Bender lost hi footing In the aand and the
ball slipped out of hla trail. Bender could
only limp during the entir gam, hla
sprained ankle cheating Nebraska of the
services of It moat brilliant player. He
dlsoiayed splendid pluck, however, and
kept at hla taak to th finish.
Tha two teams were practically even on
th score of avoirdupois. Nebraaka'a ad
vantage being in th line and Denver' in
th back field. The work of Nebraaka'a
light backa, however, waa strikingly brl!
Ilant they hurdled the Denver line er
bucked through It with demonlike fierce
newe, Eager, Benedict and Bell plunging
along a If propelled by battering rama.
Man Play for Tsackiawn.
Inside th twenty-fl- v yard line, where
Nebraska only twice Intruded, maaa plays
were called into action. The Nebraska
end were pulled back and revolving masses
on' the Denver tacklea carried the ball
--steadily forward and across the goal. Bender missed hi first attempt to kick goal,
while an effort by Benedict to punt but for
a f
re catch failed of it intent.
VhUe Nebraska wa suffering heavily as
th result of fumbles, Denver, by a strange
manifestation q ate. waa actually profiting. Twice ith Denver backs dropped the
ball, and although it rolled forward ten to
fifteen yards', some Denverlt waa lucky
enough "to --clutch it and retain It .for his
team. Denver failed miserably in ita effort
to advance the ball. The Nebraaka line
held firmly on every assault, and but one
during 1he centeet were the westerner
able to keep the ball on downa. The Cornhuakera' forward plunged through on almost every play, and time after time the
' Denver back were hurled back for losses.
Stuart for Denver and Benedict for Nebraaka both punted In fine form. The Denver kicker had a very slight advantage, but
while hla booting netted a few yarda more
on the total, the' Nebraska backs excelled
In returning th ball,, frequently sprinting
back twenty yarda-pn- -- puntbeftlrr being
downed. Wilson and ' Kenton, the Cornhusker nda aped, down th field on Benedict' punt and Invariably downed the run-B- ar
in hi tracks.
,.. Jtnlttr ,fraa. Heat.
Both teams suffered severely because of
th excessive heat, because of - which
Coantvna oeth and Griffith agreed on short
halves of twenty'ftv and twenty minutes.
The rare atmosphere also militated against
th Cornhusker and time was frequently
taken to permit the Nebraskans to mend
their bellow. On th acore of penalties,
Nebraska suffered the more. .Three time
tha Cornhusker ,wer penalised for off-ai- d
play, while two .Infractions on the
am aocount were charged up to Denver.
Th gam, however, waa unusually free
from holding or play and' th spirit of
cordial good fellowship that prevailed
during1 the play was manifested by a goner! handshaking at th olubhous at th
does of th gam,, la which all of th
playsr participated. Th attendance was
a disappointment to tha manager of both
teams, lee than 1,000 person occupying
aata la th stand. Denver ha a rather
larg contingent at former Nebraska cl tinea, many of whom witnessed th gam
and joined heartily In th Nebraaka yell,
th team Hn4, up follows;