The Saint Paul Globe, December 11, 1902FOOTBALL PLAYER MAY RECOVER
Surgical Operation for Relief of Nebraska Man Is Performed- LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 10. A surgical
operation for the relief of Charles
Shedd, left end on the Nebraska university football
'eleven, was performed
at a local hospital ; this evening.
, : Shedd: was ; injured fin the game
the Haskell Indians on Nov.
sustaining a bruise in the groin, which
has -since kept him in a
bed of pain.
The \
surgeons "" decided :
today that -an
abscess had developed. The diagnosis
was' correct, but the result of the operation is in: doubt from the fear that
may be tubercular,*: in which event
Shedd's-chances.are: slim.
; Anthropometrical measurements taken by the special; doctor >at, the - uni-
versity show that Shedd was',
the most
perfectly" developed individual : in',- the
school. His .weight was 175 ,pounds,
but he has
now wasted away until he
weighs less 'than 100.-;\u25a0,'\u25a0_.';, j:;:l~-l^�--;
gjThe injured player-was permitted to
the 'Thanksgiving^'gafrie|�'\u25a0be-',,
tween ;Nebraska and. -Northwestern,
viewing it from the side lines, swathed
in\ heavy.;, blankets,
and resting �in }an \u25a0'\u25a0
invalid's chair. 1:
rAfter".-the,game He jhad!
a relapse � and his |ph.^sichins*': have had
misgivings concerning case for several. days.