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Nebraska 38
William Jewell 0

Oct. 22, 1898

Nebraska had no trouble with an outmanned William Jewell team, 38-0, in Kansas City.

More coverage: Omaha World-Herald


Nebraska State Journal

Sunday, Oct. 23, 1898

04williamjewell_statejournal98 (105K)
WM, JEWELLS TOO LIGHT MJDRVMCVNS WALK OVEIl TUEM ivith a as TO O bCOIta Superior "WelRht til Last Year's "West ern I'linmiiluna Lnrccl) IloHiion sllde V "Wont Miot lu IelirnsUns I.iuc. The Nebraska football p1ajers, last j car's champions of the "Western Intercollegiate League, bon led oer the canvas-backed jounssters from William Jewell j esterday Bfttrnoon. defeatnlg them by a score of to 0. The game wab plajed at Exposi tion park, before a. handful of s-pectators, most of whom wore the colors of the Bap lit college. Nebraska's ability to outplay Uiclr op ponents could easily hao been dercon Hrated liad they scored only half as often. Just eighteen minutes after the commence ment of play. Captain Melford kicked the go.ll which made the core IS to 0, and, nhile the game lasted, barring the time taken out at intervals to allow the plajeis pf both tides to lay in fresh supplies of wind, the champions made touchdowns with great regularity. Every time the leather was carried across the goal line it was planted squarely beneath the posts and Melford had no difficulty kicking any of the goals. The "Wlliam Jewell plajers are seeral tizes too light to line up against such an array of giants as the Nebraska line pre sented. The aerage weight of the Bap tists is less than ICO pounds while the Ne braska llgure is ery much closer to lu. The William Jewell also did some disas trous fumbling and were painfully slow in earning the ball and getting up tho Held on punts. Tho Nebraskans had their opponents narcd ut the Ftart and their score was nearly twenty when the Missouri joung bters awoke to the fact that they them teles could play a littlo football. They located a. weak spot ira tho Nebraska line and crashed through repeatedly. Only the oerw helming superiority or weight coupled with the too frequent fumbling, prciented ii touchdown In that ono rally made by the Slissourians. The ball was forced to the twenty jard line and there sacrillced. The same difficulty which was noticeable in the work of the Nebraskans last year w as apparent : esterday. Barring Bene dict, whose work was the feature of the day, they wero very slow in getting down the field. The interference was good, but the haHes might follow it more closely, to advantage. The Nebraskans always took their time In forming in line after a down and In putting the ball in play. In the making of gains. Halfback Bene dict came pretty close to being the whole works, his ppurts of fifteen, twenty and twenty-ho yards belns of too frequent occurrence to excite great Interest. Mel ford punted for a number of good gains. The Nebraska line is by no means as strong on defense as it will need to be if It expects to offer strong resistance to tr.3 ouslaughts of such an aggregation as Mosse. Hamill and Smith, of Kansas. Time after time the "William Jewells plowed Ftraight through the mighty Turner's ter ritory. Three minutes after the commencement of play the Nebraskans scored their first touchdown, Plllabury carrying the ball after a fifteen yard run. The leather was again worked to within five yards of the line, when Nebraska fumbled, but secured the ball on a fiuko by "William Jewell. Kingsbury was forced over for the second score. Benedict rounded right end for thirty yards and then made xorty-fne siround left, planting the ball beneath the posts twelve minutes after the second touchdown. Then the Baptists made their rallv, which lasted but a few minutes, but which brought to light unmistakable weak spots In the Nebraska line. Repeated gains were made by hitting the line, and Porter. 1 II liam Jewell's best ground gainer, skirted the Nebraska's right end for thirty jards. On "the twenty jard line Nebraska secured lt Villi ' iimlil( In the second half the "William Jewells showed tne cnect 01 ineir uuru " " the forepart of the game and offered little resistance to the attacks of their heavier opponents. Two yards from the goal line Follmcr fumbled the ball and it rolled across. Carl securing a safety by falling upon it. , . .,, The tackling of Stringer and of Phillips, the ex-Medics, were features. The teams lined up as follows: u- t POSITIONS. NEB. , leit ena. ngnc uu-v. ....left tackle, right.. .Kingsbury left guard, right Turner center Melford (Capt.) right tackle. Ieft....Plllsbury , right guard, left Gilbert right end. left Stringer nuarterback Elliott pbrter left halfback Garrett Steicer. "" Mclntyre right halfback Storali (capi-j iuuuiu:.... Touchdowns Benedict, 3; Pillsbury. .o-il from touchdowns Melford, 6. Safety-Carl. Referee I-red Cornell. Umplre-F. "W. McDonald.