Quantcast HuskerMax

Nebraska 23
Iowa State 10

Oct. 8, 1898

More coverage: Omaha World-Herald


Omaha Bee

Sunday, Oct. 9, 1898

02iowastate_bee98 (71K)
SHUTOUT GAME FOR HASTINGS First Foot Ball of Season Between 'Varsity Crew and College Eleven , SCORE IS SEVENTY-SIX TO NOTHING Nebrnnkit Hey * ' Work Shown Vti Well ( or n DeKinnlnR nnd Its Line In Too S ron : tor the VUltor * . LINCOLN , Oct. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) The first foot ball game of the season was played on the University campus between the University eleven and Hastings college. The game was one sided and the Hasting . team was totally unable to make gains * n their downs , while the University boys scored at will. Tbo visitors lacked both weight and practice , whllo the 'Varsity team did satisfactory work. There was a goo ! sized audience , but the dust made the day very disagreeable. The line up was as follows : University. Positions. Hastings. Melford c Dugan Hansen lg Burgess Hummel ! rg Brinkman Klngsbury rt Hhorer Plllsbury It Madgett Stringer le Broulotto HPast and Elliott. . . . re- Heller CowRlll quarter Cooke Wllllnms Ihb Breed Benedict and Drain. , rhb Bailey Qarrett&Lclbmann. fb Webster From the very start the game was played with vim and dash , which was the result of the excellent training the team had re ceived from Coach Yost. The men handled the pigskin remarkably well for so early In tbo season and with the exception ot ono fumble they played a remarkable gamo. The university team came on the field at 3:30 : and fifteen minutes later tbo Hastings team appeared on the field amid cheers. There was some guess work as to the out come of the game , but a tow minutes' playIng - Ing settled all guess work. Nebraska won tha toss and chose south goal with wind to their back. Hastings kicked off at 3:50 : for fifteen yarda. Benedict returned the ball sixty-five yards and two moro plays resulted In a touchdown. This pace was kept up until at the end a score of 76 to 0 was piled up. Although Hastings was outclassed tbo team played plucklly to the end of the game. Nebraska's Interference was remarkable. Klngsbury , Plllsbury , Stringer , Benedict and Williams all distinguished themselves by long runs. Lelbman'n and Elliott both unknown quantities showed their ability as foot ball players , Lclbmatm bucking the line hard and Elliott making long end runs. Mel- ford repeatedly opened holes through the line. He also kicked eleven goals without missing one. Garrett , the old ' 90 fullback , played at his old position , but not being In condition was forced to leave tbo game at 'tho ' end of the first half. Cowglll played his old position of quarterback. His Interference work was something remarkable and bis placed kicks from the field could not have been better. Score : Nebraska , 7G ; Hastings , 0. Touch downs : Plllsbury , S ; Klngsbury , 4 ; Wil liams , 1 ; Stringer , 1 ; Lelbmann , 1 ; Elliott , 1. Cowglll , 2 place kicks from the field. Mel- ford kicked eleven goals.