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Nebraska 6, Iowa 0  |  Nov. 25, 1897
07iowaBEE2 (208K)

game might have appcareJ slow to Iho average - spectator , from tno fact that there worn no brilliant runs anil but little kicking. Tim field wa too muddy nml the bull was too slippery for ( bat. Iloth teams contented themselves In making chert gaV.i by hard pliingffl through the line or around thn end * . The N'cbraskans ptoyed straight foot ball They have tried the revolving wedge with good success tills xcaaon , but It fell flat jcjlerday - on account of the condition of the flcld. The |ilaypr&coulI not n cu e the necessary � footlrff to whirl about the ends. They tried a few tricks , but In thn majority of the scilmm iRCB they bucked the line for short gains or ncnt around the end with simple Interference The ball was In the hands of the Nebragkantf - most of the while , and they kept the play almost completely In the territory of the lownna Hut , as has been said already � , they were unable to force the litter back their goal Six times they were brought to n standstill on the lowan's fivejard - line on three, downs , and six times Cowglll , who Is ordinarily & sure goal klcksr, essijcl for a try between the posts , but each tlmo the furious lovmni broke through nndblrcked the kick. Then Cow gill tried no moro and aft r that the lowans took the ball on four downs , The lowans usetl the famous Pennsylvania guard back play almost exclusively. The miry condition of the field rendered this style of play also somewhat cumberiome and awkward , nnd they had to bo ordinarily satisfied � with but short gains. The longest run they made occurred In the second half , when Chaxo went around Nebraska's left end from the center of the field for fifteen jnrd3. It was the only long run of the garno bcsldo- Benedict's. . It occurred at the time that the lowans seemed to have a good chance ofscoring.. The feature of the lowans' play was their defcrslve work. On the offensive they were much weaker nnd hero It was that the Nebraskans surpassed them With the ball In their possession , the scarlet nnd cream representatives set to work to push It down the field Into their opponent's tcrrltcry. - . They could rcako but three to flvojards at a time , but they continued to rush It along until they were brought to the standstill always on the Iowa goal.- On . the other hand the lowans were not persistent In their attack , until the end of the second hilf , when It was too late. Their main desire seemed to be to keep on the defensive. If they1 did get the ball they oppeat ed to maUo only a halt-hearted off rtto advance It with runners and then kicked it as far as they could out of danger They seemed to bo afraid of the Ncbmskanr. NOT A PENALTY ENFORCED. The gamp as a rule was a very clean one. Neither sldo was penalised for offside player for fouling of any chatactcr. There 'waeno unnecessarily rough plaj As a consequence � but few Injuries wore received by the pHyors. The game was delayed but three or four times on this account , and no ono was compelled to retire except Hay ward. In the second half the Nebraska tackle's leg was wrenched and he was forced to the field , but the Injury la of llttlo account The fact that there was no rough and that there was but little delay In the progress of the game made It an attractive one for the big ciowd of srectato-s who line ! the field. Considering the daj the nttcmlance was very lirge. It being placed s-mewhcre between 2,500 and 3,000 people A few came In cunlagea and other vehicles , but the biggest number patronlred the street cars orvvall. ed. . There was hardly a pcison on the field who did'' not iport In ribbons , rosttes or flmvera , I the colors of his or her In the contest All were armed with megaphones , trlimpcts or health ) pairs of lungs and | throughout th" game the possessors kept the Instruments ageing with aIm The Nebaska - following was far In the majority but the Iowa contingent was manifest ! ) th" more enthusiastic end In fact gave the Imjpressloii that the ) were the only ones onthp field. The anly exceptlon was when Benedict made his touchdown Nebraska arose Into the'c.escendo ' then , but Iowa was iu-oo vvlhd dlHcouragod and drowned Its nrjgiiboy HJ jiiiwiOj Jminedlately afterward Tltft , Ipiva .jell was manifestly to encourage Its rets and the main strain was- .Iloro . , liel-ro , ' Play ball. ' Iowa, Of the entire, attendance It vvis estimated that fully two-thirds If not mere were NebraM. ins - The latter freely commented on the folly of taking the game on Iowa soli , since the main attendance was from this sldo of the river. This feeling was not dacl - eased by any means b ) the pool street oar senlao , to this city which followed the game , It too'c Just cno hour and twenty minutes to make the trip fiom the rie'.d Club grounds to this city. DETAILS OP THE GAiMC. Iowa won the toss nnd took the ball Hobbj kicked off to Nebrask I's thirty-yard line nnd WlbBlns c-night and it-turned It almost back to the centei. Nibiaski t ien begun Its plunging, str.ilglit foot b ill tactics iv ilch It pursued throughout the gaint- S'cdd went Into the center for two , "nrct and live yards lespectlvclj. llencdlrt could rmkono gain through the line , but went yards urouml his end. Pearso Kilned .1 yard through the other -side of the line. HajMardcnt around the other side for llvo more. 3 eld m ulo two j.nds through UiP center , Hnyvvard two moro and Turner one Shedd In two p ungep gained n couple o' lengths and then ) irds were m idetrou h the center by Benedict and Williams � rettj eetlvol > . Two and thioe yirdiiv pro imde each time on repented plunges until the lowti ten-yard line sui * reached- .Shedl . could niuko but ono yard thiough the center and Williams another through ihc. right a'do of Is line With three ) iudH to- Bain on the third down Cow si 1 tried foil. o.il. . Tlio kick vvu ) blocl.od and Shudd fell on the ball near, the lowans' lUe-yard Mm- WIMIaiis made'a couple of yards iiouncl right end. Devma w.us huit , but recovered In a few irlnuto" Wlllliuns was i nt once mere, bu lost With tltieo downs nnd thrr yards to gain Cowglll ng-aln tiled foi goul but ontp moro the lowi line bto'te through nnd blocked the klik The ball rolled over low i's eoal with nil lovun on top of It , scoring a tcuchbat' : Iowa brought the bull out to tftc * wentyfK& yard line for a klckout Ilobbs'puntcOto confer. S'rliiKov cauglit thu ball nndbiousht It b ick ten yards to fort > yard line. WI'Mnnia could not gain around rltrht Mid , but In the try Deems mis a iln- Injuied. . He vviu able to continue plij- Shedd lost a yald at center. A ciuartcfbitk hick sent 110 b ill to low is w o-yard line where Wiggins downed the citcher wlthou1- gain. . Ilobbs punted the bill to the I AI nty llvo-jnrd line , from which Cowglll cairled- It twelvB yirils to lowa'ti tlilrtoon-yard llnu- Shedd , Henrdlut and Hiiyvvard were sent In- BUiueaclon Into tic line , but could not BUlnn Toot and the bill went to Iowa on dnwiunear'her own ten-ard lino- .IOWA'S . OFFENSIVE Bl-KOIlT. Iowa sought to advance the Inll by the guaids-bncit formation and by mtana of- Mycr.i and Walker advanced It foui yurdi Turner V BB laid out In ono of iho Berlminages - for a momi'iit. Iowa fumbleil the ball niut Wlggln i secuiod It on lowa'.s tcnyard line. Shcdd could gain only two yards on two center bucks and on the third down OKiiln with thre e yards to gain Cow fill tried for goal , Once moro the line of thelovvans broku through nml blocked the kick , but Cowglll got the bill on the llfteen- yurd - line. Ivvo plunges thiaueh the line biought only a couple of yards and Cownil ) again tiled for goal. The kick vvas- blocked , but thp ball remained In Nebraska's � possession. A conplo more plunges failed to brills1 moro than n. couple ofjnrds nnd a qimrttrback kick landed the Imll In lona'n hands on her three-yard lino- .Hilibs . punted It out of danger to lovva'- nthirtyyard line , from which point Cow gill advanced It seven yards. Ilcnedlct lost four ynrdfl , Hnywnrd gained two nnd William � * throo. and the ball went to Inwa on downs A dozen yards were gained by nicresslvo - iilunges with the guards nnd then by n quarterback kick the ball was sent to the middle of Urn field. Nebraska could not gain on two tries through the center and the quarterback kicked the bill to- Iowa's live-yard line. Hobbs kicked It bickto the thirty-yard line. Cowglll caught Itnnd ran fifteen jnrds. Small gains were made on two line plunges nnd then Cowgill tried for Koal again. The kick was blocked and rolled over the goal for atouchlmck. . Iowa kicked out nnd sent the bill to Its thirty-live yard line , Shedd brought It back ten yards. A dozen line plunges by- Shedd , Benedict. Williams and Hiyward brought the ball to Iowa's eight-yard lino. Williams gained only one yard and Hayward - another through the line. On three downs the ball was again on Iowa's liveyard line with throe yards to gain. The ( mil was hero when the half ended. Score : 0 to 0- .WHEN . THE SCOnn CAME.- In . the second half Cow gill kicked off for Nebraska to Iowa's ten-yard lino. Deems can led it bick fifteen yards , Stringer bringing him to earth. Walker tried center � without gain. Hnywnrd was laid out for a few moments. Walker gained three yards through ccntur, Deemsi another throe and ChaHp four. On the next two downs I own lacked a few Inches of making llvo yards nnd the ball went to Nebraska on- Iowa's forty-yard line. Hnywnrd , Pearse , Benedict. Shcdd nnd Wllllims were sent Into the line -a dozen times nnd gained from ono to four yards each time. The bill VMIS down on Iowa's five-yard line. Benedict � could then gain only ono jnrd , Shedd could not jwln nnd neither could Williams. The ball went to low.i on downs Iowa kicked It tp the forty-yard line. The ball was given to Benedict , who started around le'ft end , but was stopped. When ho came to a standstill nn opening In the Iowa line appeared [it his side nnd ho ran along the side lines thirty-five yards to n touchdown Cowglll kicked goal. Score : Nebraska , 6 ; Iowa , 0. Iowa kicked off to Nebraska's ten-yard line , but the ball was carried back llftecn yards Benedict lost n couple of jards and then Williams made four yards around his right end. Iji the following play two men of thp Nebraska team were in motion when the bill was put In piny nnd the pigskin was therefore given to Iowa. The latter could muko no gain and Immediately lost it on downs to Nebraska. Several line plunges g lined a doyen ) nrds and then Cowglll kicked to Iowa's twentyflveynrdlino. . Iowa kicked to Nebraska's flftv-yard line , where Cowglll was downed without Fialn. Another kick put the ball In Iowa's possession on Its fort-ard line. An Interchange � of kicks left It In Iowa's possession � at the same point. On n fake kick Iowa g lined ten ) nrds nnd on n quartcrbiek - kick another live. On another quarterb - ick kick Nebraska got the ball nndon shoit plunge" ! again carried it to Iowa's sis-aid line With Wiggins' on side , Cowgll kicked the ball over Iowa's peal on the chance that the end could fall on- It An Iowa mm got It , however, and scored a touchdown.- On . the Klckout lown sent the ball to her fort-live-yard line , whore Stilnger fumbled It. Deems went through centei for four ) ards nnd Mveis for two moro A quarterback � kick sent the Mil to Nebraska's thirty-y.ird line , where Iowa secured It- .Mers . could not gain. In the play Hayward's - log was hurt nnd ho vvas forced to retire Wistover taklnci his place. Chase skirted light e-nd foi ilftoen ) ords with 11 couple of nion on his back. Myers advanced � the ball to Nobnska's ten-yard line It vvas theio In Iowa's possession on first down when the second half was finished rinal score : Nobinska , G ; Iowa , 0. The line-up was as follows : Nebraska. Position. Iowa. Stringer Left End Lnmberton- Peirse Left Tackle Blickmore- .Huuen . L ft Guard . . (Capt. ) Walker Melford Center Wright Turner night Guard . . . Blackmoro- Hnyvvcird , Westovcr.niplU Tackle. . . .Hcrin Wiggins Bight End Eby- Cowgill Qmrtcrbick Griffiths Williams Left HnlfbicU Deems Benedict night Hnlfbick Myers Sliced (Capt ) . . . fullback . . . .Hobbs.Chiso Cornell of Lincoln , referee ; Mathers of Council Bluffs , umpire ; Rhoades of Des Moincs , linesman , Touchdowns' Benedict , 1. GoaJs. Ccnvgill , I. WHAT THE CAPTAINS SAY. The game resulted satisfactorily to Captain � Shedd and Coach Robinson of the Nebraska � team. The former said : "Tho closeness � of the score was no surprise to uo, although � wo felt confident of winning We expected the score to bo about 12 to 0. We did no bettei than we expected to do. I think we outplayed them , since we had the ball in theli territory nearly all the time " Coach Robinson said : "W* did not expect � to w In by a very large score. We know tlist Iowa was working hard and that she would give us a hard game. She has improved � wonderfully. I believe that the team can beat Kansas now by a score of 20 to 0- Wo would have made a bigger score If wo could have used our revolving wedge. The "nen could not gain a footing for this mass . -'ay '' , however , and It , therefore , could not IB employed with success" Captain Walker of the Iowa eleven v asomowhat dltippo'nted at the result. Ho said"We did not do any hotter than wo- "xpectod I think that If we had had nouplc of minutes more In which to play wevould have scored The game wao a good Mean one , free from all unpleasant Incidents , ml the ofilclals wcro satisfactory. " Coach Wagrnhurst was upset at the result 'nd ? ald ho had nothing to say regarding ho game.-