Nebraska 41, Missouri 0 | Oct. 30, 1897
Nebraska Brawn Proves Too Much for the
Beef of Missouri.
Visitor * WnrinljWHroinril niul
Soundly Trounced on UnJrhl
Iron ill Lincoln limn ttrt *
uu Awful DrnlibliiK.-
.MlniiiHirl , O,
( I
) limn ,
. Oct. CO. (Special. ) The
weather wan perfect toilay , anil the NobraakaMlcsourl
football game wan witnessed
1 y the largest crowd that ever assembled
on the Lincoln grounds. From a Nebraska
ntanflpolnt the game was Interesting from
the Blurt , and nt no tlmo after the first five
minutes of play was the result In doubt. In
the first half the Tlgcre played a very listletn
game , and the ball was nearly all of
the tlmo In their territory. On the other
ham )
, the Ncbraskans put up a unappy game
ami their play was free from the fumbles
that characterized the few attempts at rapid
work by the Mlssourlans. The crowd , which
was thoroughly Nebraska In ocntlment , was
onthtiHLstlc at all ttmca and generously npIilatulcd
the good work of the Tigers when
thcro was an opportunity.
Nebraska choccic the south goal and Missouri kicked off for seven yards , the ball
going to Nebraska. Then , by a succession
of rushes and plays around both ends , Nebraska
took the ball down to the Missouri
twutity yard line , and Benedict made a
run around the left for a touchdown , Just
tlvo minutes after the game was called. Shedd
kicked goal. Score , C to 0.
Missouri kicked off for twenty yards and
ngaln Nebraska commenced the rapid rushIng.
. Shcdd , Dcncdlct , Turner, Hayward ,
Pcarso and Stringer each madi good gains ,
and when the ball was on the Missouri
ten-yard line a tandem play through the
center put Shedd across the goal lino. Shcdd
kicked goal , and the score was 12 to 0. Up tothla tlmo Nebraska had not been turned back
for a single moment.
The Timers kicked off thirty yards and
Shedd returnoJ the ball ten yards Cowgillpunied twenty-five yards and Missouri got
the lull. They made short gains for three
Conns , and the ball changed hands. There
wan Borne pretty playing In the center of the
Hold for several minutes, nfter whlch Nebraska
again started down the field at a
winning gait an I held the ball until Hayward
was sent across fet a touchdown. Shedd
kicked goal. Score : 18 to 0.
The i.Mlssourlans now began to liven up nllttlo and made a much better showing. Hut
1 eforo they got fairly to work Nebraska had
returned their kick-off , and had the ball
. Ithln two yards of the Tlgc-'s goal line-
Nebraska loot on downs , ayd by a
couple of gains on the line ,
i twenty-yard
end run around the left by Harris and afurty yard punt, 'tho ball was again In the
Nebraska territory. It staid there only a
few moments , when the Ncbraskans cominctite'l
steady gains by ha.nwcrlng the line ,
until the bill w.within thirty yards of
goal , when Cowglll made u field kick aw! aP'litly goal. There was perfect pandemonium.
The score was now 23 to 0.
The balance of the llrst half was played In
the Mlsnmrl teirltory and thcro were hopes
of another goal shortly before tlmo was
called , but when the half ended the ball was
on the Missouri twentv-yard line.
UlclteJ off for forty yards , anilIn two downs fnlleil to Rain. A punt Bent
tlio ball back to the fifty-yard line , and
through c. fuiiihlo Mlosourl retained the ball.-
line buck p'lt the ball to center, but In
the next play Schwartz went through the
line anil made a pretty aacklp , which lost
llvo yards to Missouri. Nebraska took the
ball on downs ar.d through rauld pUylriK bySheJJ and Schwartz made seventeen yards ,
Shodil got hurt and time was taken.
Successive rushes through the Missouri line
sent the ball down to the live-yard line-
carried It over for a touchdown and
kicked goal. The score was now 29 to 0,
Missouri kicked off to the Nebraska tenyard line and the ball went down there.-
made n run around the left end for
llftcen yards , but the next two plays mad ? a
net loss of live yards. Cowglll punted to the
center of the field , and Woodson downed the
ball. The Tigers sent a man through the
line for five yards , and a succession of fumliles
gave Nebraska the ball nn downs.
Schwartz went around right end for five
yards. An attempt was made to send Turner
through the line , but he was shoved back.
There was warm playing for a moment , and
Cottglll punted ten yard ? . Missouri scemcdto ita playing with more snap than at any
tlmo during the game. Missouri failed togiiln in the next two plays and punted
twelve yards to Cowglll , who fumbled .and aTl erfellontho ball. Another punt gave them
tWHity-flvo yards more , but Nebraska got
the ball and commenced to make short gains
ngalnst the line, until the ball was exactly
on the center of the field. I'earsp , Turner
nud Stringer each made seven yarda through
the line. Hayward plunged through for
llvo yards more , and Hanson did the same.-
tandem play Rent Stringer through for
ten yards , and Williams made a touchdown.-
kicked goal. Score , 35 to 0.
The Tigers kicked off for forty yards , and
lleriedlrt made a ten-yard return. The next
two downs failed to gain , and Cowglll punted
ten sards, the tall going to the Tlgen- . They
lost on downs , but got the ball again on a
] punted fifteen yards , and
Henodlct returned ten. The gains were then
both frequent ar. d easy , and before tlmoWat
, called Nebraska made another touchdown , and Shedd kicked a goal. Score :
41 to 0. After this there wis only a llttlonl'drmlsh before the game ended.
The people of the city are happy tonight ,
nnd the r.tudentB are celebrating the victory
With tlio easy defeat of the Tigers and the
piling up of such a long string of points
by the Nebraska lioys, the general opinion
ID that tlio championship will come to this
state. Thu university team comes out of
the g imo In good thapo , and will start ontiio trip next week stronger
thn over. The
goal kick fronv the field by Cowglll , and the
' 5
good playing of Shedd , llencdlct , Stringer
nnd Turner Is the theme tonight , and the
boys are all getting their share of praise.
The lineup in the game was :
Ni-brnHku. I'onltlon. Missouri-
. end Perry t.cft tncklp Crnmer3lnncn Left guard Woodsenillelfonl Center lloivnnl , Cox
Tumor lllght gunrd I'arkerllaywnnl tackle Hill
. AVlgglim Itlglit end Harris
4 Cowglll , , Quarter Hongnrth-
llfiiodlct , Srhw.irtz.HlKht half..Jones , Troy
; .Montgomery , Williams.l.pft half.
. Slujipanl.-
Shedd . . . . .lAillbiick. . . Hass , Ilolman