Nebraska 10, Iowa 10
Nov. 24, 1892
Nov. 25, 1907
The invincible Flippen, the colored player of NebraskaAnd the absence of Stiles prevents our team from overwhelmingly defeating the Nebraska UniversityIt was a Hard Fought Battle.
"If it had not been for the absence of Stiles from the game we would have bad a walk-away," said a member of the foot ball team this morning. "Aldrich, as ceDter rusb, put up a good game, but we had trained with Stiles and were accustomed to his movements so that we knew what to expect every time a signal waa given. Almost the entire strength of the Nebraska team was in one man, Flip_pen, the colored man. He weighed r90 pounds, was strong as a giant, quick as a cat and ran like a deer. What would kill an ordinary man seemed to have no effect upon him. The captain of the Nebraska team knew that in Flippen was their strength and played him every opportunity Eight times in succession he took the ball and made gains every time.
Without Flippin the score would have stood 100 to o in favor of Iowa's University
They expected to have a "walk-away" with us and were very much disappointed when they did not deleat us. This game ends foot ball for this season We will not play them at Des Moines as it has been reported,"
The tollowing are the positions of the in the game and a detailed account of the contest as given in the Omaha World-Herald
Nebraska. Position Iowa
Oliver left end Johnson
Howell left tackle Van Oosterhout
Yont left guard Rigg
Hopewell center Aldrich
Jones right guard Zollman
Sinclair right tackle Sanford
Church right end Hull
Pagff quarter Sawyer
Flippin left half Dawson
Johnston right half ^ Elliott
Mosher full back Larrabee
Barnes substitute Blair
Stockton substitute "White
Hickets substitute Crum
Yont substitute Aire
At 3.05 the game commenced with Nebraska in possession of the ball and with Iowa at the south goal. Nebraska started the game with a V and Flippen made twenty yards and went in touch. On the nexV-pJay the ball was fumbled, but was picked up by Captain Johnson for a ten-yard gain. Several smashes through the center then took place between the Nebraska team, the Iowa boys winning the hardest struggle of the whole game, as the ball was only one fool from the Iowa goal. Flippen then made a touch-down, but the goal was missed, making the score 4 to o in favor of Nebraska.
Iowa then started in the center of the field with the V and Sawyer made six yards. Dawscn smashed the center for four yards and Iowa was given five yards, two in succession on fouls Elliott and Johnson then made four yard gains for Iowa and three line smashes yielded ten yards more Johnson was sent through the line for five yards more and Nebraska ;ot the ball on Elliott's drop. The ball ivas then passed to Flippen, but he was tackled for the loss of a yard by Johnson. Flippen then smashed the center for three cards, bnt on the next three downs Iowa 3tood firm and got the ball. Dawson, Larrabee and Elliott by dexterous movements then smashed the center for good gains and Larrabee was finally carried across the line. A goal was then kicked by Larrabee. in a phenomenal play, making the score 6 to 4 in favor of the Iowa team.
Nebraska started the play with th V for a four-yard gain. Oliver at this stage got the ball, but fumbled it, and Hull, by a quick drop, got possession of it.
At this juncture, by all-round good playing, Dawson was sent, through the center for five yards, and Hull and Larrabee followed with six each. The pigskin was then passed to Johnson, the Iowa end man, and by an unusually good play he made a twenty-yard gain through Nebraska's center,
Dawson ne\t got possession of the ball and made five yards around the right end. Two more smashes through the center took place and then Johnson carried the leather across the goal line for another touchdown. A very uncertain and unfavorable breeze, which passed over the arena at this point, was directly responsible for Larra-bee's failure to kick a goal. This made the score 10 to 4 in Iowa's favor.
At the kick-off Fltppin, by a very brilliant clay, made a twelve-yard gain, and immediately followed this with another Mven-yard gain. On the next play, how-trer, he was tackled by Dawson for seven �yinJs loss. Flippin went through the cen-Mr for a three-yard gain In this play tones, of,th* Nebraska team, was injured, and timt was called for him.
On an off-side play the Iowa boy.s got ftvfc jarda. , No gain was made in the next ftn (toys, tqd gnftt excitement prevailed bMMM faifr *W OWly nine minutes more to pUr&sjMt tail, t Zollman stole the twKlfiiprlNbffrtj man at this point ipljMjyK'fttd y� Oosterhout made six HJJ&Mfarfar. few*. Pfce, on a quick
the cloaiag of the first half with the bait to Nebraska's territory.
After tea minute*' intermission time was again called, Iowa bavini the ball. Tbe gridiron glided fifteen yards for tbe Iowa boy*. The next play was by Elliott, through the line, but no gain resulted, and tbe Nebraska boys got tbe ball on a decision by tbe umpire It was passed to Flippin, who dropped it, but Nebraska retained possession of it, thanks to 2 very good pick-up by Oliver.
At tbis opportune moment Zollman broke through the line and tackled Flipped for a two-yard loss, forcing Nebraska to kick on the next play. Sawyer then made a fair catch but was downed, receiv-JDg severe injuries. Iowa at this used tbe whirling V for a 5-yd gain, Johnson bold-ing the ball.
Five minutes were then takea out for Sawyer's injuries, but he won a considerable amount of applause and congratulation by refusing to quit the game,
Oo tbe next play Iowa lost the ball on four downs. Flipped here distinguished himself again by making a G-yd gain, with half of the Iowa men on his back, and' then he smashed through the line for seven more Sanford then tackled Flippen for a 4-yd gain for Nebraska, forcing them to kick again. In the next play Sawyer was further injured, and by the captain's order left the field, though he protested that he was not seriously injured, and was able to play His place was taken by Blair. Bj an unusually good pUy. Van Oosterhout then made a 4-yd gain for Iowa, carrying a number of Nebraskans with him.
The next two plays netted Iowa no gain and Elliott punted Here again Flippen won applause by a 20-yd run, but was downed by Myers, who made the star tackle of the game, and the crowd cheered and cheered.
Flippen here carried the ball eight times in succession and made a touchdown The goal was then kicked but was not allowed until considerable discussion had taken place The next play was from center 1 of the field, with the Iowa boys 'A possession of the ball. Blair here made an 11-yd gain, but the ball was given to Nebraska on account of the Iowa linemen holding tbeir opponents with their arms, Nebraska making ten yards but losing the ball on the same foul. Three smashes through the lines netted the Iowa team it yards, but they were forced to punt. The ball was caugbt by Mosher. Nebraska then smashed the center for seven yards, made a fumble, but by a good recovery and by smashing the center repeatedly with their heavy half backs got the ball Iowa, however, claimed a foul and it was allowed.
In the next play Myers made 20 yards from the V, smashed the center for ten more, which gave Johnson the ball and he went through the line for ten more.
As the game progressed, darkness stole silently over the scene, bnt on account of the closeness of fhe score it was not noticed until it was almost impossible to distinguish one player from another and it was thought advisable to call the game., The pig-skin at this time was within thirty feet of the Nebraska boys' goal The score was 10 to to
Referee Wilson and Umpire Prince did admirable work, not 3 complaint being heard on their decisions.
A targe number of those present came in fine equipages, and that they enjoyed the game is evidenced by the fact that they remained in the cold until the game was called.