Quantcast HuskerMax

Nebraska 10, Iowa 10

Nov. 24, 1892
iowaBee (189K)
Nov. 25, 1907


THEY HAD TO QUIT TIED Nebraska and lowa ailsd to Reach a Deflnito - Coao'us'ton. ' SPLENDID STRUGGLE ON DOTH SIDE- 3riipplu Sccurit * n l.nrco Miaro of OorjC.lnrj for HIiiMoir , aiilMa j-or lt ta nllrokcn Note Dctalli oftlio Uumo. Ton to ton , A Uo. That was the score nl the lormlnatlon of the great Interstate foot bail gnmo ycslordnv afternoon between tha- 'vnrsllv - elevens of Nebraska anil Iowa. The old tlmo rivals m.ulo It a draw tter Aosperato but royal stmirgle. Owing to Ihoxtrcmo cold weather nol moro than llvouiidrod people assomnlcd at Sportsman's ark to witness the co'iiou ol skill, brute orco and cndurnnro, but what iho crowd nckcd in numerical force It made up In onhusiasm - , lor foot ball , llku pugilism , Is al- .vnys . moro thrllllnt ; than ennobling, and It Itfrliftd soul Indeed that will not warm up urine, tbo progress of a battle for blood line ntothAtof jostordnv.- 'Ihero . wcro n number of tally ho coaches n tbo srbunds , flllod with fomlnino cdmlreraf the brawny cultured nthlelos, wrhilo the ahiuco ot the throng lined along the ronosnclosing iho flold , nearly every ono dUplnynz - the coloi-s of Ihoir fuvorllo loam , rod and vbtto for Nebraska aud old cold for the boys ver the uvcr.Wlicu ttio Y H dime. The teams made lliclr appearance on the rounds nt the same ilmcrnnd , of course , roicived - nn ovation. Thu precocious student ivns ttiofo in his moil robust form , and their pposlng slogans , mingling togathor* In anncomprehonslblo Jir on , made iho wintry lr quaver llko some mythical monster inmm. . For outlandish sound commend mo tobe rural collegiate picbo ; ho can glvo abollor factory foriv j ards in 100 , ihon go by Ins If It wcro tloJ lo a post , Thev all earned Ihelr salaries yostiraay. They wore profusely bedecked with the colors of their ropcctlvo uiuvorslilos , armed with the execrable tin bom, nnd In recountion of any brilliant play , whether they understood � it or not , they made iho park fairly ihrick. Thuadmirer ot iho Nebraska team veio considerably in the majority , and rest assured they lost but few opportunities to cheer any irood plnv tnndo by the locnl men. But in any light , all that woat to tbo park veslcrday htlerucon oxpocliug loseo a great irume of foot ball did not go homo disappointed. � . Afler n very brief delay. Lieu tenant 1'rincaof Port Omaha wus" selected as umpire � , nnd ChnrJlo Wll on of Ihls city roloreo. 'J ho two gentlemen are bolh collcgo crndual' !? , alhletes and adepts in iho peerless game of foot ball , yet ncitucr distinguished himself as an adjudicator � of the giaccfui nnd dolicalo points tutno gumo. In fact they were bolh a trillo severe on the Nebraska bovs. Tlielr roll nod efforts to he thorotiehlj Impartial led to ono or two decisions tlial wore considurnbly off. However, u is doubtful if Iheeti two onerous jositlons could have been moro adcqu alelyor - acceptably lilted , alien you.coms to cotirsidoi. tlio luiock-dov.-n , rough-and-tumble battle lhat had to bo adjudicated.- Xelira . kaVon the TOSA. Erorythln . ? In readiness the referee flipped a big John dollar Into the air, Contain Johnson � said Headn and heads she came. Sors'obrasliu took iho bull and thu rofcroo' * whtstlo signalled the start.- Tuo . subjoined diagram shows the position ! of Iho plavcrs as Inoy lined up : MSIIIlA'-Kl'b TRAM. Johnson Mosuer * Klppln * I'aco * Olher Yont Junes Churoh * * Huuo IIououoll Sinclair Hull : Hlzg Johnson 4 * Sanford Alilrlch Ostcrhoiit- Sanyur Uiwson * Elliott * * I.arrabeo * TEA1I , I'llpuln ' Marled for Forty Viinls- .Tbo . muscular your.tr Nebrsskuns started in at what looked lilu n wlnmnur pace. The ball was pnssi'd bacKJo Fllppln , xvho , by the way , is a foot ball plaver of the tlrsiclas , and bit made a brilliant, run of fully forty yurJs , when tackled by Larraboe. Johnson ibon madn a successful udvunco through tbo center for ton yards more , Flippin bv sheer force cainine live moro on Ibaihird down. On Iho fourth (Ho back Yont got Iho ball , but was downed before ho could make tiny boadivay , but. in the llfth Jonas , after Flippln had carried the pigsKlu within a foot of the line , ruttdo a touch down nod the Nebraska adherents went wild. Their cbeors were deafening. Oliver essayed to kick a goal , but made a miserable failure of it, Did Sumo lliistltni ;, ' At the sound of the rofcroo's whistle the two teams again lined up trldway between their coals and Iho Prohibitionists nt once begun to crowd their antagonists. They bad a magnificent' rush line , and with nil of Nebraska's � vuuntod muscle and brawn it looked ns if hlU' wus going lo full Ignomlnloualy.- Kvon . blc , bkillful Vilptiln failed to got in his characteristic stone wull work- .Bui . Ihcy nil fought llko-Trojans und the crowd looked on in fovcrish anxiety , bawycr made the lln.t material caln by a dash 'round the left and , for which he roccilved - u crushed proboscis. But a real foot bill player doasn't notice a llttlo lliing like afraclurod ir o ; it tukos an ax to make him oven think .'.J's hurt.- Folloivlng . Bawyoi'a success Larrabco on two coiisecutl vo turns added n dozen yards tolha gond, und Nubrnska begun to grow a tort ot cerulean luio about the BUI" . On top of this BDO lost ton yards more on two ' 'oifsido playi. " Bv nmlsarablo fumble Killott lost the ball , Yont oiDturing it. H was lost again , hownvor - , to the loxvans on thu fourth down , and iu n few moments mnro tnuy wore in dangerous � nroxlmlly to thu Nebraska lino. U was an unxloas moment for the admirers of Iho red nnd wnlio, and rolittf came only when Lwabee bioko Ihrough a weak snot in tha center nnd scored a touch down , Tlio Prohibitionists then took a turn at the tin horn , end wunn Larrabeo kicked a goal liioy fntily howled In ecstasy , Tnls left the Bcoro standing lowu, 0 ; Nobrasku, i- .loua'n i. SiMioml Touch Dotrn.- On . a resumption of hostllltloi , accordlngto the porBplcuily of Umnlrti Prince , Nobruska lost thu ball on a foul at the very ilart , and by a porsUtcnt ruaorting to tbo push wedge Dawtion , Hull , Lnrrabso r.nd Johnson did some tremendous work , Johnson finally inuitlr.c a br.-al : through the canter , und bya float sprint of iwoniy yunls , snored Iowa'* second loucb down Iho most Intonee excitement , Klutod at hi * previous success , Governor Larrubco endeavored lo propel the plfjikln from the too of his cutter over Nebraska's coal , but hu wus doomed to dltcoinfllure.- lla . didn't come within a uillo of it , more or loss , purllcularly losti. But this mada ihu score 10 to 4 , and mayba- Jowu wasn't feolinu proity good.- In . what romalnnd of tno 11 nil half nothing moro was nccompluhud than a whole lot ofrudhot scrimmnt'lnf , in which bolh Bawyer and I.arrabeo of ihu loiva team were to badly It.jortnl as to ba compelled to ratlro, Blulr and Mcyets lauln ;.' their places. . The ipuclntort ran and jumped and danced about nn thn froz n tuil In a vain effort to keep from fro-iiui , boforn tbo whistle snundej for tbe tccond half , but U did cotno * o exciting wn the conflict that nil Boomed to forgot the discomfort * occasioned by the wontbor and eagerly pressed forward for points of vntitngo to see tno finish. Some Il t l ItntVcitk , It was ret nny ono's game , notwithstand- ing � Iowa' * load , nnd both shies toolc their positions with nil the florco dolcrmlnntlon- tliat marked the inauguration of the strlfo.- Tno . cnptnlns wcro both on the nlort nnd urged their raon to strain every norvcnnd- liber In the cnmo of their Haunting color *. Iowa started oft llkon cyclone nnd gained fifteen yards , when by n hold-In on the line , they gave up the ball to Nebraska. The In- juries � that DMessltntcd the retirement of- hnxvyor nnd Lnrrnbco , Loth model athlete *, crippled the lads from over the bridge un- mensurably - , and worlCnt heroically as they might, they could not atom the rush of the pmboldenod Nobrnskans , who with George Kllppln us the premier guy , np- iienrod - to bo lit to tackle liny tcnra In the A touch down followed by n goal would tlo- thoscoro , mid the hitherto noisy 1'rohlbltlon rooters wore ns calm null sccinto ns If nt- tending nrjycr mooting. Fllpnln , with the Nebraska cohort'nt Ills brawny back , was grmiunlly but auroly approaching thocovotcd- A'suddcn nvalancho ot sound burst upon the cold ulr. nnd through the gathering gloatn the gigantic form of Nebraska's dusUy right half was scon cleavjng tbo air hko a- Hnlvator. . Another leap and ho will bo there. Movers ccs the peril his colors are In and innkus udivofor Fllppin'a back ; the next Instant hols outstretclio.il on the sore nnd yellow swaul with n bellows to mend. nip makes his touch down I'andoinonlum ensue * , and It is many min- utes � before the field can bo oloarod for n resumption of business. Then Oliver redeems himself.- Ilo . klcKs n goal nnd saves Nebraska from Inevitable detent. That kick tlod the score , 10 to 10. And thus It remained. Had to He a Draw. Herculean efforts , put forth on the part of each opposing force , could accomplish nothing after that , and at the nnd of n n.uartor of an hour moro of almost tcroclous struggling Kaferco Wilson's whlstlo shrilly plorcod the nlr , nnd the great interstate collcgtuto foot- ball game for 1BU1! was history.- A . draw.- At . tbo cessation of active operations the rrow'd became moro boisterous' than over , If that wcro possible , and the Held was quickly n wanning with whooping mon and screaming boys. liutlt was too cold , and growing dark , and suddenly realizing that tbo fun was all- over , tbo nark was deserted la loss tlmo than it takes to toll It- .Fllpplu . , the colored Nebraskan , played a grand gomo for tbo locals , whllo Pace and Johnson nnd Moshor also.dld nooly , and Yout and Howe wore always whore they wore most needed. The men on the line all did gallant service acd their eouraoeous attack and defense will lone bo roin.ombored by- 16vers of thogamo. For town Lirriibeo , Hull , Dawson , Johnson nnd Sawyer came in for the lion's shire of the credit , but all did ex- tremely - well. Nclthoi'sldo was disgraced. They made a royal light , but Ibo fates were particularly nropilioui to neither , at least , that Is what they probably think.