Nov. 26, 1891, Omaha
Iowa 22, Nebraska 0
The first Iowa-Nebraska game, played on Thanksgiving Day of 1891, did not go well for NU.
Below is the next day's Lincoln Evening News account of the game.
Omaha World-Herald | Omaha Bee: 1, 2 | Hail Varsity | Pregame story
The Iowa Football Team
Wins a Game.
Wins a Game.
The Iowa State University Team Defeats the Nebraska Eleven by a Score of 22 to 0. The Superior Team Work of the Hawkeyes Wins the Game
Yesterday's Game.
The Nebraska state football eleven met the Iowa state university team on neutral grounds at Omaha yesterday afternoon and were defeated by a score of 22 to 0. The result was anticipated, but such an unfavorable score was not expected. It came about in this way:
The flip of a coin gave the ball to the Iowa boys who put it in play in dead earnest. They started in with their famous wedge tactics, and it was by this play through the entire game that they scored all their points.
The wedge or "V" game is the strength of the Iowa team, and our boys could not down them before they made considerable advance.
Ferrin darted from the wedge for a run, but was downed by Flippin. Iowa failed to gain the required five yards in the four downs allowed, Flippin downing the man with the ball each time. The ball then went to the Nebraska boys. Full-back White made a fine kick which was muffed by Larrabee, and Pace downed the ball. Our boys formed a wedge, advanced a few yards and Capt. Johnston darted to the right making a beautiful run, but failed to pass Larrabee who downed him. Then the ball was forfeited to Iowa on account of a forward pass. German recovered the thirty yards lost, but was downed by Flippin. This placed the ball near the Iowa goal line and they scored a touch down by forming a wedge and kicked a goal.
White was injured at this point and Mosher played full back. The Nebraska boys gained ten yards but lost the ball; this gave the Iowa team a touch down by Elliot's run, German scoring the point. They failed goal, Mosher's magnificent kick and Stiles' quick work in downing Larrabee look favorable, but alas, Iowa had the ball and by means of the wedge, scored another touch-down, but failed to kick goal. This ended the first half, the score standing 14 to 0.
In the second half the Nebraska eleven put the ball in play. By steady work they advanced fifteen yards. Then Mosher made another grand kick and Skiles downed Larrabee when he stood to receive the ball. Iowa kept it, scoring a touch-down by their wedge, combined with their excellent blocking, which effectually disorganized the Nebraska boys. They again failed to kick goal.
Runs by Flippin and Johnson, the use of the wedge and a long kick by Mosher gained them 40 yards.
Foul tackle gave Iowa 25 yards. They bad the ball and as usual stored a touch down. Falling to kick goal the ball was put in play at the 25 yard line by the Nebraska team. Flippin made a play that called forth great applause. Johnston had the ball in the wedge. Flippin darted to the left as though he had the ball and the State of Iowa made for him. This freed Johnson who made a beautiful run but was downed by the last man, Larrabee. Time was called and Nebraska State university eleven was beaten.
Some of the features of the game ware Anderson's excellent work in stopping the wedge; Skiles' fine playing deserves particular mention. He never failed to pass the end rush and down the full back.
Flippin is the late acquisition that the team can congratulate itself upon, His tackling was superb and merits special mention.
Porterfield played his usual strong game in breaking the rush line. Hydes' tackling of the wedge and the line work of Jones, Yont and Stockton was very good. Captain Johnston's work was superb, and stamped him as one of the best players in the state. His great control of his men, and the tactics he displayed, make him a great captain. He plays just as hard when the game is going against his eleven as when it is all their way.
Coacher Lyman will continue his training of the boys for a few weeks to prepare them for the coming contests with Kansas and Iowa. He has done great work so far, and the results will be more apparent in the next contest. If the boys get down to hard, earnest work as Messrs Lyman and Johnston have planned, they will be able to stand an equal show with the best teams in the west. The eleven were made up as follows:
N. S. U. | Positions | I. S. U. |
Skiles | right end | Hall |
Jones | right tackle | Sandford |
Porterfield | right guard | Kallenberg |
Anderson | center rush | Stiles |
Yont | left guard | Woolston |
Hyde | left tackle | Elliott |
Stockton | left end | Bailey |
Johnston | half back | Ferrin |
Flippin | half back | German |
Pace | quarter back | Pierce |
White | full back | Larrabee |