FootballPedia Goes Live August 5, 2019
Today we are officially launching a new web site – It has been a concept for 20 years to bring together the three aspects of current information, historical information and community forums to a sports team site. In order to prove that the concept would work Joe Hudson and I launched (now HuskerMax) on September 9, 1999. It has proven the concept and we can say without reservation that HuskerMax is the largest single sports team site on the internet with over 150,000 pages of current and historical content with a vibrant forum community.
Fast forward to 2019. After several attempts we have partnered with a development company that has been working for several months to integrate the historical databases from Sports Data Research that goes back as far as 1950 for historical data for NFL and Division 1 teams. Here is an example for the Kansas City Chiefs. In addition we have new feeds that span from the NFL to the NAIA so you can get current and historical information as well as community forums for over 700 NFL and college teams all in one location.
Once all the databases have been loaded FootballPedia will have over one million pages of content. All current HuskerMax BBS members have their same profiles in the forums. Registration in the forums is free so you can post about the Huskers, the Los Angeles Rams the Midland Warriors or any NFL, NCAA or NAIA team.
Please check out FootballPedia and the forums and if you like what you see please tell your friends about it.