Big Red Cobcast: Opportunities!!!
What An Opportunity!!!
(this week we have a guest writer, Joe Canale)
We all know where we stand. We’re 0-3. We have one, ONE(!) beat up, scholarship quarterback available. Our offensive line looks like shit and the defense is still making the big mistakes that have plagued the last few (several?, twenty?) years.
Worst of all, this has given all the Husker Haters ample opportunity to mock us. They were quiet during the off season. Other than Colorado fans (who feel no problem celebrating their cheating, foot-twisting victory) most people were still quiet until the Troy game. I don’t need to explain what it’s been like since then, especially since one of the most obnoxious fan bases in the history of sports (Michigan) got their chance to pile on.
56-10 isn’t pretty. Watching it was even less pretty. But I want to offer some advice if I may, that will hopefully help you through this difficult time.
Smile through all of the insults. Yes, even the ones from the Iowa fans (all 275).
So Where Is The Opportunity?
I mentioned obnoxious fan bases before, and I happen to belong to the MOST obnoxious of them all- Yankees fans. (Although unlike many other teams, the Yankees have actually backed up the arrogance for most of their history. Sorry Cubs and red sox “fans”.)
During the 80’s and early 90’s the Yankees were a misery to root for. Although they spent like crazy, it was always on the wrong guys. They wasted the prime years of Don Mattingly, and they indirectly taught me a lot of swears by enraging my dad. But as bad as the team was, the fan base never gave up that cocky, “know it all” confidence because they knew we’d be back on top, and when we were, it wasn’t even going to be a surprise, because we are the “BLEEPING” Yankees, and it’s only a matter of time.
Most Husker fans might have missed the Yankees return to dominance because we happened to be kicking everyone’s ass around the same time. AND WE WILL AGAIN.
Underneath this recent disappointment, I am still 100% confident that our trajectory is upwards. You can see that Coach Frost knows it too. I’m sure he would have welcomed (and maybe even expected) a better start, but he signed a seven year contract for a reason. He knows where we are going to end up, and he knows it’s not going to happen overnight. We all need to realize this as well, and use it to steel ourselves against the insecure put-downs of our rivals (who also know their victories are fleeting).
So next time you are confronted with the over eager insults of our competitors fans, just smile, or better yet smirk, and tell them you’ll remind them of their ignorance when they are looking up at a 50 point deficit in the third quarter a year or two down the road. And trust me, it’s going to be soooooo much sweeter when it happens.
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