1970 Day by Day: Aug. 23

![]() Fifty years ago today, more than 80 Cornhusker players reported for fall camp and posed for photos on Memorial Stadium’s new AstroTurf. It was the official start of a 132-day march to something special: the Nebraska football program’s first national championship. But on this summer Sunday, no one could have known that. How about a conference title? Considering the strong finish to 1969, coach Bob Devaney was upbeat about 1970, but he wasn’t willing to anoint his team as the Big Eight favorites — at least not in front of the press. Devaney liked the talent at the offensive skill positions (“I think we have a chance to score a little quicker than the past few seasons”), but he had concerns at center, offensive guard and defensive end. Coming back from knee surgery were I-back Joe Orduna, defensive tackle Larry Jacobson and several others. With just three returning starters, the defense was on the green side. The season opener against Wake Forest was less than three weeks away. Time to get cracking. Two-a-days would begin the next morning. Dozens of shots from the Sunday photo session can be viewed here.
Season Starts, Devaney Pleased
By HAL BROWN Star Sports Editor One day last week Nebraska head football coach Bob Devaney remarked that he was looking forward to the 1970 season possibly more than in any previous season. Sunday he elaborated on that statement as his squad of more than 80 players cavorted on the new AstroTurf for the benefit of photographers. “I think there’s a lot of enthusiasm among the players and coaches,” he said in explaining the reason for his anxiety to get under way this fall. “And when you finish up good the previous season, there’s always a feeling of anxiety about getting started again.” But before anyone mistakes that anxiety for a forecast of a Big Eight championship, Devaney quickly added: “I think we’ve had better situations facing us than we have this year situations where we had more players coming back and times when we faced a better chance of winning it, like in 1963, 65 or 66.” Another reason for the Devaney anxiety could be the talent he has on hand in his offensive platoon where Van Brownson and Jerry Tagge return at quarterback, Jeff Kinney and Joe Orduna at tailback, Jeff Hughes and sophomore John Rodgers at flanker and Dan Schnei’ss at fullback. “We’ve got a chance to score quicker than we’ve had for the past several years,” Devaney admitted. “But you’ve got to be able to score more in this day and age.” As the Huskers open fall drills today, Devaney figures the three major question marks are at center, offensive guard and defensive end. Doug Jamail, Bill Janssen and Doug Dumler will continue the battle they waged last spring for the center job left vacant by the graduation of Glenn Patterson. The opening day depth chart shows Bruce Weber, Robert Grenfell and Keith Wortman lined up at left guard with Donnie McGhee, Mike Beran and Joe Henderson at left guard. In the defensive end picture on the left side are John Hyland, John Adkins and Monte Johnson while bidding on the right side arc Johnny Pitts, Willie Harper and Doug Johnson. Harper was the only one listed on the three-deep lineups who was not on hand for the annual Photo Day activities. Harper had airplane scheduling difficulties and was not due to arrive until late Sunday night. The Huskers will work in sweat clothes in line with an NCAA regulation for the first three days before donning pads Thursday. Devaney said the first scrimmage activity likely would take place Saturday afternoon on the new AstroTurf. During two-a-days which will last for about 10 days, Devaney said the morning workouts would be on the AstroTurf with the afternoon sessions set for the old prac tice area near the Coliseum. The opening day lineups: OFFENSE SE Guv Ingles”, Dale Didur, Tex Lowr, Woody Cox (T). IT – Bob Newton’, Dick Rupert (T) AL AUSTIN. LG Bruce Weber, Bob Grenlellv Keith Worlman (T). C – DOUG JAMAIL, Bill Janssen, DOUG DUMLER. RG – Donnie McGhee”, MIKE BERAN, JOE HENDERSON. RT – Willy Winter’, Cirl Johnson, DARYL WHITE. TE – JERRY LIST, PHIL HARVEY, BOB WOLFE. QB Jerry Taggic, Van Brownson’, Bob Jones, MAX UNDER. IB – Jeff Kinney’, Joe Orduna”, Frank Vactor, DAVE GOELLER RHB — Jeff Hughes’, JOHNNY RUNTY. FB -CARSTENS, OLDS. BOB SCHMIT, STEVE Dan Bill Schneiss”, Bomberger J I M BILL nrceucc , LE – JOHN HYLAND, John Adkins’, MONTE JOHNSON,. LT – RICH GLOVER, Larry Jacobson’, TOM DEYKE, Dan Malone MG – Ed Periard’V OB PARIS, JOE DUFFY, JOHN DUTTON, Phil Riqhetti (T). RE JOHNNY PITTS, WILLIE HARPER, DOUG JOHNSON SLB Jerrv Murtaugh”, BRUCE HAUGE, JIM BRANCH. WLB – Pat Morell”, Bob Terrio, STEVE YANDA. MON. Dave Morock”, Dave Mason’, Henry Jennings, BOB McFARLAND, WES MA8IN. RCB Jim Anderson’, Piul Rogers”, CLINT NEWTON.. S Gary Hollsteln, Bill Kosch’, Tom McClelland’, JOHN O’CON-NELL. NOTE: ‘Denotes letters earned; (T) denotes transfers; Sophomores capitalized, Number correction; Rex Lowe will wear 13, Woody Cox will wear 32, instead of as listed In Press Book.
HUSKER ADMIRER . . . Orduna signs autograph for John Stewart during Photo Day activities.
Devaney Eager for Start: Eighty Huskers on hand for pictures, drills start today
By TIM AHERN Associated, Press Writer LINCOLN (AP)-Bob Devaney was anxious Sunday as the 1970 Cornhusker football season opened with picture day. But wasn’t the kind of anxiety one minds unless he’s an opposing Big Eight coach. Devaney was anxious for the season to begin as he looked over the more than 80 players who showed up for the photographs on Memorial Stadium’s new astro turf covering. The Huskers were to begin practice Monday. “I think there’s a lot of enthusiasm among the players and coaches,” Devaney said, “and when you finish up good the previous season, there s always a feeling of anxiety about getting started again.” But Devaney made sure no one thought he was predicting a Big Eight title when he said, “I think we’ve had better situations facing us than we have this year situations where we had more players coming back and times when he faced a better chance of winning it, like in 1963, 1965, or 1966.” As his club begins the two-a-day workouts which will last for about 10 days, Devaney is looking over one of the finest group of backfield men he’s ever had. The group includes Van Brownson and Jerry Tagge at quarterback, Jeff Kinney and Joe Orduna at tailback, Jeff Hughes and sophomore John Rodgers at flanker and Dan Schniess at fullback. 4 But when it comes, to the offensive line and defense, Devaney has a few more worries. Only three veterans will return from the defense tackle Dave Wal- line, linebacker Jerry Murtaugh and cornerback Jim Anderson. Devaney said Sunday the three major questions are at center, offensive guard and defensive end. The center spot was vacated by Glenn Patterson and Doug Jamail. Bill Janssen and Doug Dumler are all competing for the starting job. The left guard job is up between Bruce Weber, Bob Grenfell, and Keith Wortman and Donnie McGhee. Mike Beran, and Dennis Hughes are working for the right guard position. , In the defensive and picture on the left side are John Hyland John Adins and Monte Johnson while the right’ side job is up between Johnny Pitts, Willie Harper and Doug Johnson. The Huskers will be working in sweat clothes for the first three days and will put on pads for the first time Thursday. Devaney said the first scrimmage would probably be Saturday afternoon on the astroturf. He said the morning workouts will be on the synthetic field while the afternoon sessions will be at the old practice area near the coliseum.
Huskers Bigger, Trimmer
Big, but trim looking. That was the general impression left by the 1970 football Cornhuskers as they paraded before the cameras on photo day Sunday. Generally, the younger players came back a few pounds heavier than they had been a year ago and the older players held the line or had trimmed off a few pounds. Fullback Dan Schneiss will be listed this fall as a 222-pound senior. But the veteran of two seasons reported in at 215 Sunday. “Last year at this time I weighed 225,” said Schneiss, “and I played at between 220 and 225 most of the season.” Schneiss offered a couple of reasons for his trimmed-down look this fall. “I worked some 14 and 15-hour days in construction this summer,” he claimed, “and I felt a little slow last year after having played at 215 as a sophomore.” Results from the traditional 12-minute run which gives a pretty good indication as to what kind of shape a player is in were generally encouraging. As fall practice opened the big concern was the status of the players who have had knee surgery since last season. The “wait and see” list includes defensive tackles Dave Walline and Larry Jacobson, offensive guards Bob Grenfell and Keith Wortman, running backs Joe Orduna and Frank Vactor, and safety Tom McClelland. All are optimistic for a complete recovery, but prefer not to go overboard with such a forecast until they have had their first taste of contact. That won’t come until later this week as the first three days of practice are to be without pads. Coach Bob Devaney, who claims he’s more enthused about this season than any other he’s started, has planned a major scrimmage Saturday. Sophomore defensive end Willie Harper, one of the top rookie prospects, was the only absentee Sunday. Harper, flying standby from, his home in Toledo, Ohio, was unable to make connections until late Sunday night.