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Lyell Bremser transcript

1977, Kansas State kicked a 51-yard field goal to take a 3-0 lead.

The first play of the 2nd quarter, Cornhusker ball on their 33:

"All right, I.M. is back at I-back. Quarterback is Randy Garcia. Slot to the right this time, split right end.

"And quarterback Garica calls the count at the line of scrimmage. He turns. Tosses to Hipp.

(crowd begins to get louder....so does Lyell)

"Hipp's running the right side! He got one block! HE BROKE A TACKLE! TO THE 50! TO THE 40! HE'S TO THE 35! TO THE 30! THE 20! THE 15! THE 10!...HE'S ALL THE WAY IN!!!... TOOUUCHHDOWWN!!!!



"Up ahead of him blocking, Ken Spaeth! Putting the safety man in trouble, Robert Evans! He had him in trouble, and he was trying to get away from Spaeth! And, I.M. cut left and WENT ALL THE WAY IN!!! There's the try for the point and it's good!

"So in two plays, Richard Berns, the I-back, shaken up. I.M. Hipp went in, took the toss, running to the right, fell in behind blocking, broke a tackle at about 5 yards past the line of srimmage, slid down the right sideline, cut into the center of the field at about the 20, and he just OUT RAN everybody else to the goal line!! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL THING! HOLY MOSES, AIN'T HE SOMETHIN'!!"